Author Topic: Who Loves ENY?  (Read 21983 times)

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #315 on: January 24, 2017, 12:21:14 PM »
You are trying to do two things at the same time which creates a lot of stress for you over this game. You are trying to change this game either back into AH2 circa 2007 or into Junky's Combat Sky's 2017 by constantly challenging Hitech and anyone else you perceive in your way. You do not like the game as it is now and would still be trying to change it even if we had 400 players as a norm. Changing it for the altruist good of the community is a cover for you wanting the game to be how you remembered it. It doesn't matter what games I play, this is AH3 and not them.

Hitech imposes no rules in this open world so it panders to the lowest common level of human nature. Because there is no structured framework with competitors constantly trying to be No.1 at combat. Or defining themselves by their superiority over the community other than kill strings and the naughtiness that gets laughed about on 200. That was the muppets circa 2007 who cared about those competitive combat things. Score and rank have stopped meaning anything especially to the core group of players who have been around longer than you. They kind of define the current game which as combat games goes is a rather laid back affair. At least Waffle hasn't greifed us yet by temporarily putting a bocce ball court in front of the tower with a 55gal drum of Geritol next to it. 

ENY and how it came about was directly due to human nature and that human nature is always on display in the MA looking for a way to whizz down the other guy's back and crow about it. That is the current spirit of the game. I've had 14 years to watch it ebb and flow as someone comes up with some new and naughty way to greif the community for a time and either moves on or gets banned by Hitech. Good luck trying to force the MA into being one of those other combat games, that's why we have Koth, AvA, DA, FSO and special events. It sounds like you want to bring all that structured special play to the MA and convert the community to your combat religion. The muppets tried for a while to change the MA into a super sized DA, some moved on, and the rest finally picked a fight with Hitech they couldn't win in his house.
You said human nature in combat games yet you haven't played any other combat games so you made a statement without any experience....then try to flip it on me with some absolute horse crap....

First, I'd like you to go back to all your posts prior to AH3 launch where you were telling me the game was going to be different and those issues wouldn't follow over and I said they would...then come back and say " were right" won't because you are a stubborn but anyone who can read knows I'm right there.

Second, If I didn't care or like the game....why would I volunteer to help make it better???? So that comment of yours is just absolutely insane and reaching to try and get a right answer.....just stop there

Third, Oh players who have been here longer then me have adapted??? Really??? Where's the Blue Knights, JG26 Widowmakers, Chicken Hawks, AoM, Rolling Thunder, V tards, and the other larger squads from back in the day who made up a large portion of the community....yea they really adapted Bustr....maybe it was the game that was adapting in the wrong way....ever think that??? Like maybe town resupply should have never been added...maybe side switch time shouldn't have been changed so dramatically...ect ect ect

Next, You were partially right when you called me an anomaly....I play the game thinking about the other persons experience more then I think of my own...until they mess up my experience. I don't HO...I seldom vulch anymore unless I'm in an F8, I fly at lower altitude because I understand me with alt hurts an average players experience, I crutch myself by turn fighting in a 152, I pull off of cons who are getting ganged and don't jump in on a gang(sometime it happens), I respect 1v1s, I stick to fighters but can and do all other parts of the game better then most, and I communicate with friendly planes within range like I'm talking to a squaddie.

Finally, I'll debate with devs if I think anything is wrong....general combat...when it happens, isn't wrong currently...that's always been right, players could go the extra step and not HO and such to make it better but devs can't change that...they can manipulate the settings to trend the players certain ways cutting the town supply in half or making the switch time lower to the low country side....If Hitech thinks I'm attacking him just to attack him....feel free to boot me, generally I wouldn't care....It would just confirm what many others already say.
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Offline Ramesis

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #316 on: January 24, 2017, 02:17:59 PM »
I've said it before... I'll say it again
Given the constant bishop outnumbering of the Rooks or
the constant Knight outnumbering of Rooks...
I submit that ENY has been a complete failure for what
it was intended to do... BUT, until HTC comes this conclusion,
we need to deal with it  :cheers:
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #317 on: January 24, 2017, 02:26:09 PM »
I've said it before... I'll say it again
Given the constant bishop outnumbering of the Rooks or
the constant Knight outnumbering of Rooks...
I submit that ENY has been a complete failure for what
it was intended to do... BUT, until HTC comes this conclusion,
we need to deal with it  :cheers:

Maybe HT has come to the conclusion that players DO need to deal with it. The only thing keeping players from riding their favorite rides are the players. ENY is one of the most 'player's choice' game balancing designs I've ever seen. It doesn't actually FORCE you to do a thing. And the most stubborn players accuse HT of being so.

Offline bustr

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #318 on: January 24, 2017, 03:42:46 PM »
I've said it before... I'll say it again
Given the constant bishop outnumbering of the Rooks or
the constant Knight outnumbering of Rooks...
I submit that ENY has been a complete failure for what
it was intended to do... BUT, until HTC comes this conclusion,
we need to deal with it  :cheers:

When did it become Hitech's fault the rooks are being outnumbered?

I still think this might be an organized walk out to force Hitech to get rid of ENY. After all, it was the rooks who forced Hitech to impose ENY in the first place. And some of those gents are still around. So why are the rooks walking out every night lately?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #319 on: January 24, 2017, 04:07:54 PM »

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #320 on: January 24, 2017, 05:26:46 PM »
When did it become Hitech's fault the rooks are being outnumbered?

LOL!!! agreed! Rumor has it that HTC wanted to test the ENY setting so they have automatically moved 50% of the rook to either Knight of Bishop and created a "disco" if said players try to switch back.


I still think this might be an organized walk out to force Hitech to get rid of ENY. After all, it was the rooks who forced Hitech to impose ENY in the first place. And some of those gents are still around. So why are the rooks walking out every night lately?

My squad, the 47 Ronin, was 30+ with a number of friends from a couple other squads that use to tag along. Any night you could have half a dozen on, weekends easily in the 20s. When we switched from AH2 to AH3 we lost about 80% of them. Some to computer issues, many more due to game issues (playablity). Many decided it just wasn't fun any more chasing running players, dodging HOers, dar being down all the time, or 30+ hordes to take a V base.

ENY works, come fly Rooks and neve have an issue again.

Offline mutha

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #321 on: January 24, 2017, 07:31:52 PM »
So, as OP, here are my takeaways from my questions r.e. ENY:

- It is a source of contention to keep as-is. Keeping it might be causing players to log.
- It is a source of contention to remove. Removing it may do more damage and ruin balance.
- It is unknown how many players are for it or against it. The thread has many posts, but I'm too lazy/stupid to figure out how many of these are the same folks posting.
- Hi-Tec feels that it must stay and that is accomplishing what he designed it to do.
- I personally haven't heard a solid replacement for it that would still keep it effective.

So, there is no consensus on what to do about it.

Of course, if I really hated it, I'd quit the game, so I must not feel it ruins the experience as cheaters or buggy code would.

Thanks all for weighing in, and I suppose you can continue to do so, though at this point I seriously doubt you'll be saying anything that hasn't already been said.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #322 on: January 24, 2017, 09:21:17 PM »

Offline mutha

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #323 on: January 24, 2017, 09:36:09 PM »
FWIW, I will continue to log when ENY does not suit me, but I don't need to fly very often. Just enough for me to HO someone, participate in "3" side of a 3-1, then run like a scalded kitty when the odds even out, all in my bubble canopy royce-merlin powered North American P-15D mustang, the cadillac of the skies.

Happy to return when ENY is back in my favor.

I don't feel the need to blame anyone or get this changed.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #324 on: January 24, 2017, 09:50:07 PM »
Wonderful. :)

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #325 on: January 24, 2017, 11:10:43 PM »
ENY works, come fly Rooks and neve have an issue again.
I switched Rooks tonight....Got over there to find they are hording a field with half the numbers because the main fight was between bish and Knights....So I switched from Knights where I was shooting bish in a barrel to being Rook shooting bish in a barrel and getting more perks from it in a lower ENY plane...

See the issue? Local ENY might be the answer...X number of this country in this quadrant vs X number of that country in this quadrant = ENY and that quadrants bases...ENY in those local areas are only effected by planes lifted in that quadrant to make up for the  randoms like me who will fly 5 sectors to find a real fight.

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Offline whiteman

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #326 on: January 25, 2017, 10:00:58 AM »
You had no eny penalty and were getting more points, no I don't see the issue. Your new problem seems to be hordes.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #327 on: January 25, 2017, 10:57:53 AM »
I switched Rooks tonight....Got over there to find they are hording a field with half the numbers because the main fight was between bish and Knights....So I switched from Knights where I was shooting bish in a barrel to being Rook shooting bish in a barrel and getting more perks from it in a lower ENY plane...

See the issue? Local ENY might be the answer...X number of this country in this quadrant vs X number of that country in this quadrant = ENY and that quadrants bases...ENY in those local areas are only effected by planes lifted in that quadrant to make up for the  randoms like me who will fly 5 sectors to find a real fight.

i always thought localized ENY would be the way to go. it would help break up hordes and still give those guys that must fly a pony away to do it without  being a traitor.

im thinking the coding must be a bit of a pain or i think HiTech would have tried it long ago.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #328 on: January 25, 2017, 11:07:11 AM »
Traitor?  :rofl

Offline caldera

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #329 on: January 25, 2017, 11:17:42 AM »
i always thought localized ENY would be the way to go. it would help break up hordes and still give those guys that must fly a pony away to do it without  being a traitor.

im thinking the coding must be a bit of a pain or i think HiTech would have tried it long ago.

Local ENY would result in something akin to making ENY only affected by planes in flight: a horde would up all at once to circumvent the ENY restriction.  Just make a mission or missions with simultaneous departure times. 
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