I made the HQ\city\strat areas as a giant miles wide complex for each country. If you really want to be WW2 kinds of strategic, the place is vulnerable to the list below. ENY and nothing being available like radar\ords\troops due to constant single finger salutes on the strats for the last few years really PO'd me and all the people who were having fun with me every night. Yes Hitech made the HQ time and damage adjustments, I just got really tired of my evening being pooped on. In WW2 high value targets were protected by many things including how they were created and located. Finally, you are free just as I did, to make your own terrains.
1. - Two to three squads.
2. - Ask your selves why did I leave such giant radar blind areas in the back end of each country? And the nearest island bases so far away?
3. - Move a CV or two CV groups within 3-4 sectors of the strat complex. No one looks around in the water up there for enemy fleets.
4. - One squad up a massive bomber mission and climb to whatever alt is good for their bombing accuracy.
5. - You might want some NOE medium bombers or mossi16 groups.
6. - At a pre determined time, the task group squads and the NOE medium bombers start taking out the fighter hangers and GV hanger on the airfield to the left of the HQ. Each country's 163 field is that one. Also target the AA fields and take out the auto 88 guns. Also get the fighter hangers and GV hanger at the second strat complex airfield. Who knows, send in a lead high alt bomber mission to help take out the fighter hangers and GV hangers.
7. - Now the main bomber force can flatten the strats and make that country unhappy for how ever long it takes for the rebuild. The GV hangers will be down so only c47s will be available to resupply and you can have a nice turkey shoot if they try.
Other wise, strategically on this terrain, bombers are now very important for hitting feilds because of how close so many are positioned making capturing them faster. And all those task groups each country has wandering around.