Author Topic: the new map from a strat runner's perspective  (Read 5447 times)

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2017, 06:06:48 PM »
Damn right Bustr!

Kommando Nowotny

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2017, 01:07:40 AM »
Master Single Finger Salute Griefer.

Odds are very good no one will be at 25k or higher in an interceptor and the vast majority of average players don't have the 163 perks or don't want to use them against a single bomber group. Odds are all in the favor of the milk runner to single finger salute grief a whole country and whizz on their fun with the only risk being "time".

I removed that from my terrain as much as I could by using the terrain building rules to make the strats that matter a real strategic effort target complex.

When my terrain was in rotation, I kept an eye on it each day to see how it was being utilized. I saw more bombers up attacking things from below 15k than I've seen since 2009. Even the bombers were fighting and not griefing for a change. How did the bish win the terrain, they upped bombers, flew below 7k to the target, and strategically smashed the town and took the target away from the owner without any sneaking around. There was no need to disable the strats "to help their war effort", the bish just used the bombers as bombers to flatten what they wanted and took it old school.

Too many of our terrains have had the built in weakness of allowing one guy to purposely whizz on 100 guys and screw their short period of play time that they pay a monthly charge for. Hitech will never tell us if players were canceling their accounts back when the 49ers and others were griefing the HQ's almost nightly several times a night. So I created my terrain accordingly and the majority had fun fighting instead of resupplying or logging off because of some MSFSG.
Certainly did not take much to get to the bottom of what inspired you bustr. I love your work and I am absolutely thrilled that nice guys like yourself give a player like me so much dang credit. Especially since some of us have managed to disguise what we are really doing over the years.... Winning da warZ!

As for the impact 49whinners had on hq that was a period during a rough time for the game and community. Kinda like a stale pond during a long drought. What was being done to hq was impressive. That was an element of the game some players think shouldnt have been available. They would shut dowb an hq for a day and never make ot flash unless they wanted. I dont think your map is bullet proof to that unless you shade.

Precision, execution, great strategy can be found on any map. Something quite a few players in this game over look. Your map will stand the test of time and fall to the victor over and over by 1 simple strategy.

Bombers flying under 15k? Dropping at 7k? That is the altitude of dreams for fighters and bomber pros like 99900. Cloud cover obscures targets but also hides buffs to and from the target. Clouds are an edge to all who embrace them.

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2017, 01:26:17 AM »
This. 25k+ bombers... Master strategist or milk runner? At the end of the day does it really matter?

personally if I am at 25k in your territory a player like you was throwing a dar long before i was an imminent threat. So im likely to climb if more than one dar is in the sector. If your alone your getting shot down and you might take a bird with you :neener: Then im still crushing the strat.

If someone is milk running your beat and neve given the chance to gain an advantage. That isn't a bad thing for the other guy... Who your trying to shoot down.  :rofl

Offline lunatic1

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2017, 04:44:02 AM »
well   molybdenum I'm sorry you feel you have to fly 5,000 miles to bomb my strats- but not all terrains are like BowlMA (great map by the way) and there are still more maps to come out maybe some new ones or redesigned old ones we just have to wait and see. but I'm not oject to flying up to 25-30k to shoot bomber or hehe try to shoot bombers down. but if I catch up to u up there and you bail(which I usually don't mind if someone does- i'll be here on the boards talking to you about it.
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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2017, 06:17:28 AM »
I somewhat agree with the OP.

While the map generally is a good one, there are some issues with the strats (but then, there are lot of issues since the central strat was broken up).
I did never mind to fly a long way to hit a difficult and well defended target which could make a difference. And I know there were/are others like me.  But I'm convinced the 'ridge' strats will almost never be hit at all, despite their importance, because of the combination of the Dreadful Four:
- Distance
- Me 163
- Fierce AA fire (the new AA fields are deadly)
- Ease of resupply because of the vehicle spawn.

About nobody is flying 1.5 hours to the very limit of his range, just to get lazily buzzed by a Me 163 when at the same time all damage he does (if any) is potentially being removed in short time.
It's a pity, because the large City would make a much better target for a large raid then what we had in the past three years.

IMHO at least that all too close GV spawns to all factories should be removed.

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2017, 06:57:42 AM »
This. 25k+ bombers... Master strategist or milk runner? At the end of the day does it really matter?


Yes, it did.

If I knew that it was just a town milker I most probably would not bother launch against him. If I knew or suspected he was going for a factory, I would have checked if I could possibly stop him before he increases the downtimes of my sides.

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2017, 07:17:43 AM »
I kinda like the map. I log on from work sometimes, and when I do I can't pay a lot of attention to the game for any length of time. So, I sometimes up a buff, set course for a strat, go to desktop for a while as  I do my job, check in a few minutes later to see if everything's ok (or to see who shot me down), do some more work, check in again.....see a pattern here? Maps mean little to me. I play what's there. But I do appreciate all the time and effort of those that create maps  :salute

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2017, 10:06:11 AM »
personally if I am at 25k in your territory a player like you was throwing a dar long before i was an imminent threat. So im likely to climb if more than one dar is in the sector. If your alone your getting shot down and you might take a bird with you :neener: Then im still crushing the strat.

There are 2 guys that can make that claim with something resembling credibility.  I don't think you're either of them.  :neener:

Yes, it did.

If I knew that it was just a town milker I most probably would not bother launch against him. If I knew or suspected he was going for a factory, I would have checked if I could possibly stop him before he increases the downtimes of my sides.

If you're defining a milk runner as a town center guy, I agree with you.  I also consider people milk runners if they're just upping to ridiculous altitude and headed for the nearest/safest strat to hit it all afternoon for points.  Doesn't look much different from a master strategist depending which strat they've chosen to hit.  The only difference I see is the master strategest occasionally bails less often when you get into dot range.

Agreed on the resup vehicle spawns though.  Although I do wonder by Bustr's... mental proclivities if he's done the math to where it would take the same amount of man hours to drive the supplies there as it did to hit it.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2017, 10:18:05 AM »
This isn't limited to your map bustr, but why don't the stats list a field altitude? 
<S> Lyme

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2017, 10:37:20 AM »
 Nail on the head. Most strat runners do not want to be intercepted before the target.

If they did they would fly straight there instead of round about. They would not ask for fighters to take out certain radar.

Maybe you are not so smaaaat after all.
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Offline molybdenum

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2017, 04:27:46 PM »
Master Single Finger Salute Griefer.

Odds are very good no one will be at 25k or higher in an interceptor and the vast majority of average players don't have the 163 perks or don't want to use them against a single bomber group. Odds are all in the favor of the milk runner to single finger salute grief a whole country and whizz on their fun with the only risk being "time".

Incorrect. Each side has its share of players who can be counted on to watch the map and up for strat runners, or even be patrolling at high alt waiting for them--zoney, haggarty, and wiley for the nits, skishill and SYSTEM for the rooks, and r711 and flint for the bish are just the names that first come to mind. Even in the early morning hours, when maybe 30 players total are on, I'll have a fight on my hands as often as not when I strat run.  Though I agree with you that the vast majority of players won't up a 163 to defend a strat, they are devastating in the hands of a skilled pilot and if that guy's on the hour I'd spend to get to target would be wasted. Why waste it?

Two things.

1) Initially I assumed that it was a miscalculation on your part in how you made the map to disfavor strat runners. I see I was mistaken: it was deliberate. Your map, your call (as long as HT approves of it) and again thanks for all the time, thought, and effort you put into making something new for us. But why "whizz on" a substantial subset of the AH3 population who want to do strat runs? Especially if you want there to be more opportunities for base takes and making the strats relatively inaccessible makes downtimes on the objects that facilitate base takes shorter?
That question was mostly rhetorical. More importantly...

2) How on earth is a strat runner "single finger griefing a whole country/whizzing on their fun"?? The 49ers took true joy in annoying the AH community by cleverly killing HQ/keeping it down for hours, and I get it that HQ had to be made a token strat as a result. But downtimes on the other strats encourage creative gameplay and facilitate base takes (or vulches, if a base is deacked and you're into that sort of thing, which a lot of the fighter pilots in the AH community seem to think is wonderful).
Anyway, I digress a little. Back the the question: how does a successful strat run whizz on the collective fun? If someone can't bomb GVers because ords are down, or up because the base is deacked and vulchers lurk, the GV or vulcher's fun is increased in equal measure to the bomber's/defender's fun being decreased.

Okay, I lied, one more question.

3) Why act like "time" (your quotes on the word) isn't a key aspect of gameplay? We all have a limited amount to devote to playing: it's essential that we players get the most bang for our temporal buck or we'll be tempted to find other uses for it.

Offline LocoMoto

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2017, 12:03:21 AM »
Incorrect. Each side has its share of players who can be counted on to watch the map and up for strat runners, or even be patrolling at high alt waiting for them--zoney, haggarty, and wiley for the nits, skishill and SYSTEM for the rooks, and r711 and flint for the bish are just the names that first come to mind. Even in the early morning hours, when maybe 30 players total are on, I'll have a fight on my hands as often as not when I strat run.  Though I agree with you that the vast majority of players won't up a 163 to defend a strat, they are devastating in the hands of a skilled pilot and if that guy's on the hour I'd spend to get to target would be wasted. Why waste it?

Two things.

1) Initially I assumed that it was a miscalculation on your part in how you made the map to disfavor strat runners. I see I was mistaken: it was deliberate. Your map, your call (as long as HT approves of it) and again thanks for all the time, thought, and effort you put into making something new for us. But why "whizz on" a substantial subset of the AH3 population who want to do strat runs? Especially if you want there to be more opportunities for base takes and making the strats relatively inaccessible makes downtimes on the objects that facilitate base takes shorter?
That question was mostly rhetorical. More importantly...

2) How on earth is a strat runner "single finger griefing a whole country/whizzing on their fun"?? The 49ers took true joy in annoying the AH community by cleverly killing HQ/keeping it down for hours, and I get it that HQ had to be made a token strat as a result. But downtimes on the other strats encourage creative gameplay and facilitate base takes (or vulches, if a base is deacked and you're into that sort of thing, which a lot of the fighter pilots in the AH community seem to think is wonderful).
Anyway, I digress a little. Back the the question: how does a successful strat run whizz on the collective fun? If someone can't bomb GVers because ords are down, or up because the base is deacked and vulchers lurk, the GV or vulcher's fun is increased in equal measure to the bomber's/defender's fun being decreased.

Okay, I lied, one more question.

3) Why act like "time" (your quotes on the word) isn't a key aspect of gameplay? We all have a limited amount to devote to playing: it's essential that we players get the most bang for our temporal buck or we'll be tempted to find other uses for it.

It isnt fair when one player can single handed disrupt an entire country...

It isnt fair when the enemy hordes...

It isnt fair when no one defends or resupplies and I just want to play and have a good time :bhead

I must warped out of my mind. I mean early on found this game to be work. HARD WORK just to achieve personal victory on a larger scale than sudden encounters that live and die off of mistakes made and opportunities exploited.


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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2017, 07:27:53 AM »
There are still strats within the front islands....I don't see how it's any different other then distance.
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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2017, 08:08:24 AM »
2) How on earth is a strat runner "single finger griefing a whole country/whizzing on their fun"??

It seems to me that the whole point of destroying strats is to impair the enemy's ability to attack and defend -- i.e., their "fun".

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Re: the new map from a strat runner's perspective
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2017, 09:43:11 AM »
It seems to me that the whole point of destroying strats is to impair the enemy's ability to attack and defend -- i.e., their "fun".

I think it is there to promote combat.  Yes it is a strategic target,  but it should be for a"force" to attack, causing another force to defend, hence  combat.

Unfortunately, like many other things  (dive bombing lancs, spawn camping and such) in this game it has been bastidized into something people do that takes away others fun in the name of theirs, as in "its my 15 bucks, screw the rest of you"