LoL what a joke. So here is a player like many in this community who attributes getting their butts kicked in MA to players using their $15 just to grief the enemy
I have a really good example of this. Huge action between two bases. My enemy has been using it's momentum to gain ground on my base over time. 30-50 players between both sides in the air and on the ground. I decide to up 60 miles away climb above 20k to shut the base down. Let's say I am able to shut said enemy base down killing the action. To players like Fugi I am grieffing the action! Forget that my object is to create a window for a counter-attack against the enemy base which almost always works albeit for a small window. Now you have a situation where it appears like a horde creating a whole new argument. <snip>
LOL! I give as good as I get! What is you in game name, have I run into you in game?
As for your scenario, I haven't a problem with you dropping the hangers to buy time to mount a defense. The problem arises when someone does it and laughs on 200 and then goes to play some place else. Not only has he messed with my fun, he has screwed up everyones fun that was there fighting for that base.
You do realize you were dictating to others how they should play the game?
Everyone has their own idea of what is fun. None of it is inherently wrong. It is an open sand box and the Melee arena is the "anything goes" arena.
Yes, to a point but aren't those single players dropping strats also dictating how a whole team has to play?
I think the game should be played in a certain way, yes, but only in the broadest general terms. To quote a well known web page....
"Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WW1 and WW2 air combat and sets it in a high intensity online multiplayer environment. Hundreds of players simultaneously battle it out against each other in massive aerial dogfights and bomber raids. "
So, if that is the environment that the game was designed around why shouldn't we try and talk these players who avoid combat, how ever they may into playing along with/like the rest of us?
I dont have a problem with players hitting strats so much, I dont think a single players should be able to do enough damage to cripple another team. On the other hand should a group attack it now we have a battle.
Todays game play is a shadow of what was in its heyday. A mission today, even ET37's (RIP) was really nothing more than a horde attacking one field. Granted ET always put a spin on it and made it fun..... for those in the mission, but what of those on the other side? They either tried to get a ton of alt and pick bombers, or just moved to the other front. Now had ET split his "force" as he saw the numbers he had joining he could have hit a couple bases getting some guys to stick around and defend at once place or another.
The point I'm trying to make is many players are avoiding the "spirit of the game" because they either find it too tough to join in, or are simply here to cause trouble. The game shouldn't be set up to "help" those players do that, it should be set up so they join in, or in the case of the bad apples removed.
Here's a snippet from a post I made a while back when this suggestion was made before.
"One of the "solutions" offered to those buff pilots unhappy with 30min resups was (summarized) "Well, don't just bring one set of buffs! Bring a mission in!" That's ignorant, and paradoxically even less effective than the lone wolf strat runs in achieving persistent downtimes: someone--often many someones--always resups after a major strat run, and (except for the city strat, which is hit much less frequently nowadays) a c47 or m3's sup drop generally covers all the damaged areas. So what does it matter if you get the strat to 30% or 90%? The same guy or guys can bring it to 100% in the same amount of time if they want to. And the lower the strat %, the greater incentive to resup from your counterparts on the other side who also play the game to win."
Granted that there is a sort of majesty in a 10 set buff mission to strats, and much fun undoubtedly can be had by all involved, but it's simply not my thing. I want what I do to help my team win. A massive mission to strats is, in my mind and most unfortunately, "A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."
Again, one person shouldn't be able to dictate play for a whole team. Your one set of buffs shouldn't be able to take out more than a quarter of a strat, on the other hand the time invested by you to do that shouldn't be repairable any quicker either. But if you lone wolf it to a strat and I get 5 guys to hook up with me to resupply it, sure we should bring it up faster. I used a team, you didn't. The same should be true the other way, you and 3 other guys flatten a strat it should take me all afternoon to bring it back up by myself.
I want to see action in the game. with one player hitting the strat he isn't creating action and so should be discouraged by having the damage/aid to his team minimized. Encourage team work and so action by rewarding them with better damage/aid to their team by grouping up.