(As an intro, I really do appreciate all the effort undertaken in giving the Aces High community a new map. Thank you for your hard work bustr. The terrain looks wonderful and the base layout looks well done and well thought out. But...)
There isn't much you could have done to make strat runs less doable, except make the cloud layers denser--which, if I remember correctly, was your original intention (something about having clouds obscure the target 80% of the time, an idea which HT apparently nixed). 4 of the 7 strat targets are ~10 sectors from the nearest enemy base and protected by flak bases and 163s--who is going to fly hours to try to reach these targets under those circumstances? HQ, city, radar, and troop factories might as well not even exist from a strategic standpoint (more on that later).
Of the remaining 3 strats--AAA, ammo, and fuel-- 2 are at what I consider a reasonable distance from enemy bases, but one of them (fuel) has virtually no strategic significance. The ammo strat at least is closer to enemy lines than the previous 4 I mentioned, but I and I assume many others will never go there unless we take a lot of territory in that direction--simply not worth the time. So for people like me who want to bomb strats to help my side take bases--which is the great majority of strat runners, it's why we take an hour out of our lives and limited game time to try to reach a target--we have only 2 targets: ammo and AAA, with ammo being awfully iffy.
So that leaves AAA strat as the obvious target. Everyone who cares about strats will know that and will have every opportunity to grab whatever alt they want to have and wait for you as you slowly traverse active overlapping dar rings (because the radar strat, being essentially unreachable, will be 100%, so 30min downtimes on radars) en route to target. Not at all a happy thing for people who fly unescorted buffs deep into enemy territory.
In addition, I ran sups to both AAA and radar strats this morning to see how quickly it could be done.