Unfortunately Lunatic's advice to let bombers have free reign is the best bet at the moment, I quit bothering trying to intercept bombers(my favorite thing to do) and even left the game for awhile because more often than not they will bail as soon as they see your dot if they've already hit the primary target.
It is however the wrong answer, bailers should face a penalty, just because you paid $15 doesn't mean you should have so much troll power over the others that paid $15. Play with some sportsmanship, you aren't giving away free kills if you get intercepted, its actually pretty difficult to kill all 3 bombers if you have any sort of skill. Giving proxies to the closest interceptor wont make bomb and bailers quit the game. What's worse is their reasoning is usually so they can up again right away to hit the same target, so in effect they are getting twice the ords on a target because the game allows it to happen. If you are paying $15 to bomb targets, take some pride in your bombing and land the damage.