Author Topic: Penalty For Bomb And Bail  (Read 7463 times)

Offline Zoney

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2017, 06:43:39 PM »
I have another frustration where i completed my bomb run and dont feel like flying back and would bail *except* that someone finally upped to intercept so i decide to wait for him to attack so we can at least duke it out... but rather than crawl up my low 6  he flies smart and grabs another 5k over my buffs and now i have to spend another 10 minutes waiting for him to finally attack!

I would be happy to accommodate you by letting you descend 5k before attacking.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2017, 07:27:31 PM »
I would be happy to accommodate you by letting you descend 5k before attacking.

What are friends for, am I right?  Lol
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Offline atlau

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #62 on: June 26, 2017, 07:49:58 PM »
I would be happy to accommodate you by letting you descend 5k before attacking.

Zoney thankfully have yet to run into you. And besides you cheat by watching darbars and already be 5k above so i wouldbt have to wait!

Offline BuckShot

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #63 on: June 26, 2017, 08:04:20 PM »
Unfortunately Lunatic's advice to let bombers have free reign is the best bet at the moment, I quit bothering trying to intercept bombers(my favorite thing to do) and even left the game for awhile because more often than not they will bail as soon as they see your dot if they've already hit the primary target. 
It is however the wrong answer, bailers should face a penalty, just because you paid $15 doesn't mean you should have so much troll power over the others that paid $15.  Play with some sportsmanship, you aren't giving away free kills if you get intercepted, its actually pretty difficult to kill all 3 bombers if you have any sort of skill.  Giving proxies to the closest interceptor wont make bomb and bailers quit the game.  What's worse is their reasoning is usually so they can up again right away to hit the same target, so in effect they are getting twice the ords on a target because the game allows it to happen.  If you are paying $15 to bomb targets, take some pride in your bombing and land the damage.

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Offline atlau

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2017, 08:37:33 PM »
I see no reason to spend the time to fly home if its a waste of time. I also see no reason why the closest enemy shouldnt be awarded kills if he is angling for a kill (in which case id stick around to hopefully shoot him down). Landing lots of damage points doesnt really bring me much gaming satisfaction whereas bailing to quickly up some troops to take advantage of a tactical situation is way more fun.

A while back id upped some b25s to unsuccessfully defend a base. After it was captured i was jumped by the fighters and shot down/sent home 3 of them.  I briefly considered bringing what was left of my formation back to friendly base but decided to bail out instead once i was out of icon range as i was a flying pile of wreckage only to have one of the opponents whine that i was bail and bombing after he reupped a fresh plane to run me down. Are people gonna complain about that?

Offline Mongoose

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2017, 09:18:51 PM »
  It's simple.  If you see this as no better than a console game, or an arcade game, then you bomb and bail.  If you understand that this game is built on a real flight simulator, then you fly the plane all the way home.

  As people keep reminding us, it's your $15.  But will you use your money to play in a way that is respectful to the game and the community, or will you be disrespectful to the game and the community?
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Offline atlau

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2017, 10:11:01 PM »
Real flight simulator? How real do you want to go? Should we spend an hour doing preflight checks too? Fly 3 hrs to arrive over Berlin? How about 1 flight per day. Maybe 2? Again i feel like opponents should be awarded kills if you bail but i shouldnt feel like i have to fly back if its boring to do so.

Offline haggerty

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2017, 07:45:02 AM »
The problem isn't so much people that are bailing because they didn't account for return flight time in their plans, its the guys that are bailing because they are about to be intercepted.  The return flight is so much shorter than the climb out, its laughable that people are claiming they don't have time to land.  I personally think its lame to bail even if no one has intercepted you, you are gaming the game to up something else right away after inflicting damage.  Increasing proxy range for bombers is an easy fix and will lessen their ability to troll the enemy.  Currently they wait until you are just over 2.5k away and bail because they know you will not get anything out of it and they will not receive a death on their records.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2017, 08:02:52 AM »
The problem isn't so much people that are bailing because they didn't account for return flight time in their plans, its the guys that are bailing because they are about to be intercepted.  The return flight is so much shorter than the climb out, its laughable that people are claiming they don't have time to land.  I personally think its lame to bail even if no one has intercepted you, you are gaming the game to up something else right away after inflicting damage.  Increasing proxy range for bombers is an easy fix and will lessen their ability to troll the enemy.  Currently they wait until you are just over 2.5k away and bail because they know you will not get anything out of it and they will not receive a death on their records.


Hitech really should reexamine this.   The frustration meter pegs with this kind of stuff. 
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Offline Zener

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2017, 09:22:34 AM »
Zoney thankfully have yet to run into you. And besides you cheat by watching darbars and already be 5k above so i wouldbt have to wait!

You'll know Zoney's plane when you see it coming, especially with the sun behind him.  He had the airframe shop drill a couple thousand .52 cal holes all over the airframe so .50cal rounds pass right through.  Thndregg seems to have some luck with him but that's probably because he uses square bullets in his top turret and tail gun.  :D

Offline Zoney

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2017, 10:25:51 AM »
  I briefly considered bringing what was left of my formation back to friendly base but decided to bail out instead once i was out of icon range as i was a flying pile of wreckage only to have one of the opponents whine that i was bail and bombing after he reupped a fresh plane to run me down. Are people gonna complain about that?

FYI.  I personally consider this to be poor sportsmanship.  If I've been shot down, or my plane is damaged and I have to re-up or even it I was out of fuel/ammo, when I land, I will not re-up to go chase that same guy down.  It just does not feel right to me.  But then again I am also the guy that will let your last buff go after killing the first 2 sometimes.  I really should do that last thing more often, it just feels so right.  Everybody wins, I get a couple of kills, I've gotten a fight and the buff guy at least gets to land one and get his name in lights.  BTW I never let the last one go if you are still inbound targets, or if there are other countrymen attacking you because they are not going to let you go either.
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Offline JimmyC

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #71 on: June 28, 2017, 07:09:48 AM »
I tracked some buffs up to 20 k a couple of sectors.. intercepted them off dar rings.. hunted em down only to have em pull the plug 3.1k out.. on edge of the map when they where off to strat raid..
JERRYZ  you wasted my time..
pissed me off and I felt sad...
sad you did not want to fight.. i normally die to buffs double lame Jerryz..
why not get in your guns and have some fun..ITS WHY WE ARE HERE!!
I bet you ride with the `Berkshire hunt`!!

that is all....
CO 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF
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Offline BowHTR

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #72 on: June 28, 2017, 07:52:48 AM »
Sadly, it's not only bombers bailing now. A few days ago there was a P38 diving on a field, so I upped to defend against it. The P38 made 2-3 passes on things on the field and then proceeded to run home. I chased him until he got just outside of 2.5K and he bailed.
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Offline nugetx

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2017, 05:04:30 PM »
bail because they know you will not get anything out of it and they will not receive a death on their records.

I'm not saying i have all the answers, but:

and they would have to return to base to get points for a better plane.

Instead of giving penalty to people, I would be rewarding them, with a penalty people could just alt + f4, with a reward they want to return to base and play.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 05:10:03 PM by nugetx »

Offline BowHTR

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Re: Penalty For Bomb And Bail
« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2017, 05:09:32 PM »
I'm not saying i have all the answers, but:

(Image removed from quote.)

and they would have to return to base to get points for a better plane.

Please use the quote function correctly when quoting other posts so we can figure out which post you are picking from.

There is already a feature in place that prevents you from getting all your earned perks if you do not land.
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