Author Topic: History Focus Ride per Tour  (Read 1912 times)

Offline EagleDNY

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History Focus Ride per Tour
« on: October 26, 2017, 07:21:19 PM »
OK - so I see the laments by people that there is not enough variation in the MA and everybody just flies uber rides.   Here is a little idea - for each tour, HTC picks a ride, or a set of rides and assigns them a big perk bonus.   

To do a "history focus" -
1.  Add a picture of the ride on the front page (just like a sneak peek, but linked to a history article on the ride).  Would be nice if the ride under focus is up to full AH3 standards.
2.  Give it a big perk bonus so all kills or damage scored in those ride(s) during that tour get doubled or tripled if the ride is really early (like a Battle of Britain ride).
3.  Give a special award or mention to the player(s) that score the most in the history focus ride(s) that tour. 

You can do the focus on various things, and it wouldn't be bad to coordinate it with upcoming FSOs.   So the month before the Battle of Britain FSO kicks off, say we do a focus on the Hurricane - you double the perks on the Hurri-II, and triple them on the Sea Hurri and Hurri I and put a history of the Hurri up on the front page.  You can keep it going over the month of the FSO if you want by say making the next tour Focus on the Stuka (double the perks on the G-2, triple on the D-3). 
You can put a Focus on a particular Ace and his favorite plane, or you could Focus on a particular model of a plane (La-5s, Ki-84s), Focus on a Genre (German Bombers), etc. 

It might help mix things up a bit, and the history link on the front page gets hits and keeps your page changing every month. 

Offline lunatic1

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2017, 07:46:05 PM »
Nope that sounds like using a R.P.S. Rolling Plane Set-and HiTech said he won't use a RPS in this game. and it also sounds like you want people to play the game your or their way. I'm pretty sure I can safely say NOT go to happen

one of the great things about this game is you can fly everything in the hanger whenever you want to. its not HiTechs fought that a lot of people fly the uber planes-or that a lot of people are not flying the non uber planes.

not to mention a certain other person, a name I won't say has brought this idea up on numerous occasions in several posts in the past, and was denied.

1.  Add a picture of the ride on the front page (just like a sneak peek, but linked to a history article on the ride). <--not HiTechs job to teach people the history of the aircraft in the game--player can just as easily google the info on each plane fighter or bomber an tank. when in the hanger right click on that plane and get short list of important stats. also try using the same plane that is defeating you.. if a Brewster or a A6M or zeke is on the field that's what I take up to counter the threat..

but nice try at coming up with a idea. :rock

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2017, 08:34:26 PM »
Nope that sounds like using a R.P.S. Rolling Plane Set-and HiTech said he won't use a RPS in this game. and it also sounds like you want people to play the game your or their way. I'm pretty sure I can safely say NOT go to happen

one of the great things about this game is you can fly everything in the hanger whenever you want to. its not HiTechs fought that a lot of people fly the uber planes-or that a lot of people are not flying the non uber planes.

not to mention a certain other person, a name I won't say has brought this idea up on numerous occasions in several posts in the past, and was denied.

1.  Add a picture of the ride on the front page (just like a sneak peek, but linked to a history article on the ride). <--not HiTechs job to teach people the history of the aircraft in the game--player can just as easily google the info on each plane fighter or bomber an tank. when in the hanger right click on that plane and get short list of important stats. also try using the same plane that is defeating you.. if a Brewster or a A6M or zeke is on the field that's what I take up to counter the threat..

but nice try at coming up with a idea. :rock

It is nothing like an RPS. ALL rides are still available, only select rides earn "bonus" perks for the month. That is what he is suggesting. He is hoping that it generates the use of some rides other than the same old UBER rides you see all the time.

You looking to earn fast perks, use the "special" of the month, if not, jump in your Spit16. No restrictions, just a bonus to bring out some of the hanger queens and change things up a bit.

While I agree that it is "not Hitech's job" to teach, but ANYTHING that generates more interest in the game should be explored. Added to Steam, great, work that page! generate interest! Post should be made about FSO and the scenarios almost DAILY! The same goes for the social media outlets they have. Jun 1st was the last post on twitter, facebook was today, but the last before that was 3 weeks ago. And that stuff is FREE. I have tried to do an "Aces High Radio" page and when it first started it saw a lot of action. I haven't been able to get anyone else to post during the times Im not on to keep the page rolling, but I think it would help bring more people to the game.

 HTC must look at every avenue they can to bring more players to the game. The Steam push seems to have brought in a nice bump in numbers, but nowhere near what I think they were looking for. If a few little changes can get a few more players to stay in the game, why not?

I dont see anything wrong with Eagles idea. 

Offline Zardoz

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2017, 08:48:44 PM »
 :salute I don't see many ideas that I like 'round here. But, in my opinion, this has merit. Fly anything you want but get a little bonus if you fly the flavor of the month (or whatever)
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2017, 10:32:43 PM »
:salute I don't see many ideas that I like 'round here. But, in my opinion, this has merit. Fly anything you want but get a little bonus if you fly the flavor of the month (or whatever)

Exactly.  "Ride of the Week."  Double perks.  I think it's a most excellent idea.  Doesn't harm anyone else, won't resupply towns under attack, already perked...what's to complain?

- oldman

Offline Vraciu

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2017, 12:41:36 AM »
Nope that sounds like using a R.P.S. Rolling Plane Set-and HiTech said he won't use a RPS in this game. and it also sounds like you want people to play the game your or their way. I'm pretty sure I can safely say NOT go to happen

one of the great things about this game is you can fly everything in the hanger whenever you want to. its not HiTechs fought that a lot of people fly the uber planes-or that a lot of people are not flying the non uber planes.

not to mention a certain other person, a name I won't say has brought this idea up on numerous occasions in several posts in the past, and was denied.

1.  Add a picture of the ride on the front page (just like a sneak peek, but linked to a history article on the ride). <--not HiTechs job to teach people the history of the aircraft in the game--player can just as easily google the info on each plane fighter or bomber an tank. when in the hanger right click on that plane and get short list of important stats. also try using the same plane that is defeating you.. if a Brewster or a A6M or zeke is on the field that's what I take up to counter the threat..

but nice try at coming up with a idea. :rock

Lunatic giving thumbs down to an idea?   I'm shocked.   Shocked I say!   :old:

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Offline Lazerr

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2017, 12:43:54 AM »
Cool idea!

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2017, 02:51:09 AM »
OK - so I see the laments by people that there is not enough variation in the MA and everybody just flies uber rides.   Here is a little idea - for each tour, HTC picks a ride, or a set of rides and assigns them a big perk bonus.   

To do a "history focus" -
1.  Add a picture of the ride on the front page (just like a sneak peek, but linked to a history article on the ride).  Would be nice if the ride under focus is up to full AH3 standards.
2.  Give it a big perk bonus so all kills or damage scored in those ride(s) during that tour get doubled or tripled if the ride is really early (like a Battle of Britain ride).
3.  Give a special award or mention to the player(s) that score the most in the history focus ride(s) that tour. 

You can do the focus on various things, and it wouldn't be bad to coordinate it with upcoming FSOs.   So the month before the Battle of Britain FSO kicks off, say we do a focus on the Hurricane - you double the perks on the Hurri-II, and triple them on the Sea Hurri and Hurri I and put a history of the Hurri up on the front page.  You can keep it going over the month of the FSO if you want by say making the next tour Focus on the Stuka (double the perks on the G-2, triple on the D-3). 
You can put a Focus on a particular Ace and his favorite plane, or you could Focus on a particular model of a plane (La-5s, Ki-84s), Focus on a Genre (German Bombers), etc. 

It might help mix things up a bit, and the history link on the front page gets hits and keeps your page changing every month.

The achievements you can earn in game essentially do that already in that it tries to promote players to fly other planes.  It would be nice if there was some other kind of reward for the achievements like a small perk bonus for each achievement earned and a larger one for each achievement star earned.
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Offline atlau

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2017, 10:05:57 AM »
How about having multiple score categories posted where people compete for the best score in each ride. Would highlight people like Tongs as "#1 ki61 pilot" (who clearly doesnt care about score)

Offline Krusty

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2017, 10:15:42 AM »
The achievements you can earn in game essentially do that already in that it tries to promote players to fly other planes.  It would be nice if there was some other kind of reward for the achievements like a small perk bonus for each achievement earned and a larger one for each achievement star earned.

Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate ENY and OBJ values so that you have a better way to earn perks by flying the less-common planes? Or the less-capable planes? I think ENY/OBJ need to be reviewed with a critical eye to actual capabilities and that might set things right with regards to rewarding people for playing other-than-uber planes.

Offline Vraciu

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2017, 10:18:50 AM »
Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate ENY and OBJ values so that you have a better way to earn perks by flying the less-common planes? Or the less-capable planes? I think ENY/OBJ need to be reviewed with a critical eye to actual capabilities and that might set things right with regards to rewarding people for playing other-than-uber planes.

Well, if EW planes were available in places LW planes are not....  V-bases.  Ports.  Forward areas in the woods (or strats instead). That might do it. 
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 10:21:05 AM by Vraciu »
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Offline Krusty

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2017, 10:22:09 AM »
No, that would solve nothing. Vbases and ports shouldn't have planes available.

Offline DubiousKB

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2017, 10:49:04 AM »
Well, if EW planes were available in places LW planes are not....  V-bases.  Ports.  Forward areas in the woods (or strats instead). That might do it.

+1 to incentive on the ol' hanger queens...  This is a game, MIX IT UP!

ENY 40 planes available with 1K air spawn through GV spawns!!!!   :devil

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2017, 10:53:46 AM »
No, that would solve nothing. Vbases and ports shouldn't have planes available.

Why not?

The Germans were flying airplanes off highways out of the forest.

VBases have a runway.   Use it. 

We don't have float planes for ports so substitute select EW rides with fuel and weapons load restrictions.

It's a game.   Shake it up.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 10:55:30 AM by Vraciu »
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: History Focus Ride per Tour
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2017, 11:00:00 AM »
+1 to the OP -1 to most of the rest of this thread.
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