I wish I could figure out the aim thing. I get terrible nose bounce.
I have the same issues. there were LOTS of times I should have had kills on Skyyr and many others but but my aim. This becomes a problem when fighting the better top tier players because you eitehr often dont get a second chance. or the shot you get is one where either you make the shot and win. Or miss the shot and end up at a disadvantage in which case you die. Skyyr used to make the shots on the latter.
I think my single largest issue was stick spiking. Now its either the age of my PC. AND/or some kind of weird lag because shots while Im not an uber shot I normally used to make as a matter of routine my rounds now often miss even at a dead 6 at 400 out. Im even having problems hitting stationary field ack now rounds seem to be hitting short
Either that or HTC somehow changed the trajectory or dummied down the D9s 20 mil