I don’t GV but I believe the GV boys are welcome in the MA sandbox. They add dimension and spice to the game.
I personally leave them alone for the most part until they show up on my airfield and start shooting me while I take off. Then I’ll dust off the trusty D-40, get eggs, and will travel up to two sectors to rain 500lb terror on them in groups of three.
My biggest issue is the icon imbalance. Specifically a couple things...
1. If I can’t see an enemy tank till inside 1k, I shouldn’t be able to see a friendly tank until the same distance. Not cool for an enemy to be maneuvering yet drag you over that wirble he knew was there the whole time.
2. I think GVs should have their airplane icon reduced to the same distance as planes see them. Mostly because I don’t like being main gunned and I think it should be a bit more difficult to pull that gamey stuff off. The exception being anti-aircraft chassis’s. They should have longer icons but trees should yield my icon nearly invisible if they’re parked under one. The same as they’re nearly invisible to me.
3. Not related to icons but still bugs me is that a tank is instantly fixed and rearmed with a load of supplies but I have to land and sit on the riearm pad for 30 seconds just to reload with no damage repair whatsoever. Not fun to smoke a wirb only to have him firing again before I can get out of gun range.
4. As to tanks hiding in bushes, perhaps kicking a small cloud of dirt up that that lingers for a second or two would be a helpful solution. Thus allowing the tank to hide until it goes offensive. As a former artilleryman, I can tell you we kicked up some serious dust every time we fired those 105s in a direct fire capacity (aka muzzle low, full charge, and target in sight).
Like I said. I truly appreciate the GVs even if I don’t use them. And I know we need to balance game play so they have a chance. But, in all honesty, there’s a reason why armored divisions liked low ceilings and bad weather. It allowed them to operate without the constant fear of enemy close air support.