Planetside 2 has a training tutorial that you have to go through or it doesnt let you in the arenas.
I liked the idea as I worked my way through it to figure out how things work, but a number of guys I know just want to blow through it and get to the game. So its good and bad. From a customers side Id say it going to be a 50-50 thing. From a business side it sound like another good way to collect data, if that data is needed.
I think the trick is to keep the
mandatory training stripped down to the absolute minimum necessary to get wheels up and have a reasonable chance to at least land some rounds on someone. People are chomping at the bit, so it is a trade-off. You have to define what is the absolute bare minimum to know to make it worth logging in, but keep the forced training lightweight.
Anyone not knowing those absolute basics would be wasting their time.
Anyone already knowing those absolute basics should be able to blow through quickly.
Anything beyond the absolute minimum basics should be available as optional (possibly perk awarded for completion).