So the reported CFR is artificially high. Good news.
I think that is a technical distinction without much of a difference.
A lot aren't killed by the CoronaVirus anyway. They are killed by the secondary bacterial infection that the CoronaVirus allowed to take hold. So technically, CoronaVirus didn't kill those people, bacterial pneumonia did. Technically correct, but meaningless.
It's like saying "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden declaration when you hit the ground." Technically correct, but meaningless.
So maybe you die from the bacterial pneumonia CoronaVirus allowed to take hold;
Or maybe you die from a Cytokine Storm immune response that the CoronaVirus invoked;
Or maybe the CoronaVirus puts so much stress on your existing heart condition that you die of a heart attack.
Regardless, you die earlier than you would have if you hadn't caught the CoronaVirus.
Simply being over 50 is a pre-existing co-morbidity factor. CoronaVirus didn't kill you, being older and weaker did.
Had you ever looked around at the mall or the local Walmart at your average over 50 American before all this started? It's not like we are a nation of Olympian Demi-Gods.
I wouldn't be surprised if our fatality rates didn't end up looking as bad as Italy's. After all, they were all on the "Mediterranean Diet".