Author Topic: Dark Man Cometh???  (Read 163962 times)

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1425 on: March 22, 2020, 08:31:15 AM »
... Then I'm screwed as well. ...

Just stay safe and focus on this.
(this is from and for Clorox products.  Adjust as needed for the brand you have access to.)

Follow these easy steps using the bleach you have at home.

Start by determining what type of bleach product you have. To do this, check the UPC code: the unique 12-digit number that’s beneath the machine-readable barcode, which is a series of unique black bars.

    Prepare the correct bleach and water solution.

    For the following products use ⅓ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water:
    Product Name               UPC Number
    Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach2 (Concentrated):
    Clorox® Performance2 Bleach (Concentrated):
    Clorox® Germicidal Bleach4 (Concentrated):

    For the following products use ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water:
    Product Name               UPC Number
    Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach2
    Clorox® Regular Bleach2:
    Clorox® Performance Bleach1 with CLOROMAX®:
   Clorox® Germicidal Bleach3:

   To disinfect, first pre-clean the hard, nonporous surface.

    Apply your bleach solution.

    For the following products, allow the solution to contact the surface for 6 minutes, then rinse with clean water and let the surface air dry:
    Product Name               UPC Number
    Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach2 (Concentrated):
    Clorox® Performance2 Bleach (Concentrated):

    Clorox® Germicidal Bleach4 (Concentrated):

    For the following products, allow the solution to contact the surface for 5 minutes, then rinse with clean water and let the surface air dry:
    Product Name               UPC Number

    Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach2
    Clorox® Regular Bleach2
    Clorox® Performance Bleach1 with CLOROMAX®:

    Clorox® Germicidal Bleach3:

    Tip: Focus on high-touch surfaces throughout the home such as refrigerator handles, kitchen and bathroom counters, toilet seats and toilet handles.

    Tip: Remember, the bleach and water solution needs to be made fresh each day you use it.

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1426 on: March 22, 2020, 08:32:45 AM »
According to Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health...

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,”

So the reported CFR is artificially high. Good news.

Offline icepac

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1427 on: March 22, 2020, 09:02:43 AM »

I'm wondering if they test people who are discovered dead.     

Why waste a test on a dead person when so many of the living could use testing.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1428 on: March 22, 2020, 09:21:37 AM »
So the reported CFR is artificially high. Good news.

I think that is a technical distinction without much of a difference.

A lot aren't killed by the CoronaVirus anyway.  They are killed by the secondary bacterial infection that the CoronaVirus allowed to take hold.   So technically, CoronaVirus didn't kill those people, bacterial pneumonia did.  Technically correct, but meaningless.

It's like saying "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden declaration when you hit the ground."  Technically correct, but meaningless.

So maybe you die from the bacterial pneumonia CoronaVirus allowed to take hold;
Or maybe you die from a Cytokine Storm immune response that the CoronaVirus invoked;
Or maybe the CoronaVirus puts so much stress on your existing heart condition that you die of a heart attack.

Regardless,  you die earlier than you would have if you hadn't caught the CoronaVirus.

Simply being over 50 is a pre-existing co-morbidity factor.  CoronaVirus didn't kill you, being older and weaker did.

Had you ever looked around at the mall or the local Walmart at your average over 50 American before all this started?  It's not like we are a nation of Olympian Demi-Gods.

I wouldn't be surprised if our fatality rates didn't end up looking as bad as Italy's.  After all, they were all on the "Mediterranean Diet".  :rofl

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Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1429 on: March 22, 2020, 09:36:54 AM »
A tad disconcerting.

This isn't foreign nationals they are talking about here.  They're asking for the power to detain American citizens indefinitely.
Interesting since a lot of states and cities are wanting to, or releasing non violent prisoners from the jails to clear them and stifle virus spread in contained facilities along with the doj new release using the first-step act.
Ground Pounders ...

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1430 on: March 22, 2020, 09:40:41 AM »
According to Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health...

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,”

So the reported CFR is artificially high. Good news.

Yesterday I started seeing articles from center left and left wing papers making the point that conservatives are starting to make a "it doesn't matter" narrative to cover their own butts.

Yesterday, after the BBC put out a front page article that was summed up as "full-on Tory propaganda" on this matter, someone asked:

I can't imagine a BBC bulletin in 1940 saying 'You know, most bombs probably won't hit you'.

In the end, the direct death numbers could only be a fraction of indirect deaths caused by this foreseeable pandemic.

Please stay safe.


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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1431 on: March 22, 2020, 09:49:47 AM »
Interesting since a lot of states and cities are wanting to, or releasing non violent prisoners from the jails to clear them and stifle virus spread in contained facilities along with the doj new release using the first-step act.

I can't even image (well, unfortunately I can) the crap-storm letting this stuff get into our prison systems would cause.  I guarantee you the prison medical system isn't adequate to deal with something on that scale.  The last thing we need are mass riots across our entire prison system because inmates would rather take their chances getting shot than lying in their cages waiting for their turn to drown in their own fluids.

What a nightmare.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 09:54:48 AM by CptTrips »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline FLS

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1432 on: March 22, 2020, 10:55:23 AM »
Interesting since a lot of states and cities are wanting to, or releasing non violent prisoners from the jails to clear them and stifle virus spread in contained facilities along with the doj new release using the first-step act.

I'm curious where these inmates are supposed to go, how they're supposed to eat, find a place to live etc. I hope they all promised not to commit any crimes without washing their hands first.

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1433 on: March 22, 2020, 11:11:53 AM »

I can't even image (well, unfortunately I can) the crap-storm letting this stuff get into our prison systems would cause.  I guarantee you the prison medical system isn't adequate to deal with something on that scale.  The last thing we need are mass riots across our entire prison system because inmates would rather take their chances getting shot than lying in their cages waiting for their turn to drown in their own fluids.

What a nightmare.

"Coronavirus: 38 test positive in New York City jails, including Rikers Island:
More than half of cases are inmates as Board of Correction describes a jail system in crisis"

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1434 on: March 22, 2020, 11:14:57 AM »
I did not know this. 

...last month, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told Congress that the national stockpile of N95 respirator masks was 12 million—a mere fraction of the 1.7 billion masks government scientists estimated back in 2015 would be needed in the event of a severe flu outbreak.
Buried several paragraphs deep in the aforementioned Bloomberg story we find out that “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”

That's right, the shortage of N95 masks can be traced back to the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic of 2009... when Barack Obama was president.

They only had 7 years to do something about it. 

And the CDC and WHO basically lied to us about the effectiveness of masks for healthy people to mitigate the epidemic because they knew they needed them for medical staff.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 11:26:55 AM by FLS »

Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1435 on: March 22, 2020, 11:18:17 AM »
Simply being over 50 is a pre-existing co-morbidity factor.  CoronaVirus didn't kill you, being older and weaker did.

I have decided to put off a series of tests that two of my doctors had urged me to undertake.

I will not risk bringing this thing home and impacting the rest of my family.

When you get to an age when you accept the fact that some of your body parts do not work in the way that you used to brag about, you start accepting a lot of other things.


Dante's Crew

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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1436 on: March 22, 2020, 11:23:31 AM »
And the CDC and WHO basically lied to us about the effectiveness of masks for healthy people to mitigate the epidemic because they knew they needed them for medical staff.

I will admit to having been wrong to underplay the utility of masks for the general public. 

My original argument was that people were putting on their little cotton masks and completely ignoring their un-gloved hands and what they were touching.

However, now it is starting to look like this thing is easily aerosolized, and maybe can stay suspended quite some time and even be distributed by ventilation systems.

What a mess.
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1437 on: March 22, 2020, 11:24:25 AM »
I have decided to put off a series of tests that two of my doctors had urged me to undertake.

I will not risk bringing this thing home and impacting the rest of my family.

When you get to an age when you accept the fact that some of your body parts do not work in the way that you used to brag about, you start accepting a lot of other things.

You can buy the blue pills online  :)
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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1438 on: March 22, 2020, 11:34:07 AM »
I think that is a technical distinction without much of a difference.

A lot aren't killed by the CoronaVirus anyway.  They are killed by the secondary bacterial infection that the CoronaVirus allowed to take hold.   So technically, CoronaVirus didn't kill those people, bacterial pneumonia did.  Technically correct, but meaningless.

It's like saying "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden declaration when you hit the ground."  Technically correct, but meaningless.

Having actually worked in a hospital for over 10 years.  If you die from complications of something. You are considered as having died from that particular illness. Secondary infections would be one of those complications.

The analogy used here is asinine. That  implied insinuation is like saying someone with cancer died not from the cancer but because their heart stopped beating. No. They died from complications of the cancer. in the case of the fall. They died from complications of the fall. Those complications being any of a number of things that took place when you had that sudden stop. Thus they are considered to have died as a result of the fall.
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Offline SysError

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Re: Dark Man Cometh???
« Reply #1439 on: March 22, 2020, 11:54:14 AM »
You can buy the blue pills online  :)

What are you talking about???    :eek:   I am confused   :O

I was thinking about my days of glory in the "Thumb Wrestling Championships Tours".    :old:

You just cannot tell where some people's mind wonder off into these days....    :devil

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