Bit chute host things without censorship -- or at least with drastically less censorship than mainstream tech, which is working hard to decide for you what you should and shouldn't see.
Less censorship means some stuff you don't like, no matter who you are.
Thanks Brooke, but I realize it's pretty much pointless to argue with these people anymore. These guys are using some serious tactics. Saying I said things I didn't say, avoiding my points and attacking my character. Acting oblivious to schemes being promoted by their leadership. Then mocking me and attempting to instantly discredit anything that is deemed "right wing" in their book. It simply isn't good sportsmanship. A big reason why I can't stand their ideology. It's not about sharing ideas. It's about their way or the highway.
I have a good friend who is the same exact way when we debate politics. We debate a lot. Its really gross how they just write everything you say off as "conspiracy theory". Then call you a fascist or racist. Then completely act oblivious to their sides agenda. While attacking everything your side has done and giving 0 credit for anything at all.
I think I've had about enough of this discussion for now.
It really truly pains me to see so many families losing all of their savings because of this BS. That's why I go all out to say enough is enough.