Guess it's too late to discuss that the USA was first made up of illegal immigrants huh? Want to address the atrocities perpetrated on the Natives that lived here? Oh ya, they didn't have guns and when they fought back, they were labeled as savages. So keep your guns clean there Cowboy.
I recall the Emma Lazarus statement on the Statue of Liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Damn those platitudes.
Virtue signaling right there.
The British require reparations from Emperor Claudius for invading Britain in AD72
The Indians,Hungarians and Iranians require reparations from the Mongolians for atrocities they perpetrated.
The Egyptians require reparations from the Hittites who ravished thier country in 1000 BC
Read a book thing words in it made from paper.
All the above shows is you watch PBS and have been educated by individuals who have never had to work or live out of the Education system.
Your academics would be right wing in a flash if their evil state funded capitalist created salaries finished.
In the UK the Academics have lost billions because Chinese students have stopped coming to the uk to learn engineering and science.
Have a damn guess how many British people were educated by said Academics.....none...these academics took their 30 pieces of silver and bought property in the South of France.
Go and live in North Korea if you hate the US, if you talked like that in India, Africa or China they would put you cage anf throw poo at you.