Anyone who's gotten out of the market is a quitter,I'm not a quitter!
The market is not the economy and the economy is not the market,last years was a good time to buy in when stocks were down and to take a position that before the market went down to mitigate any losses.
As Zack has said,your investment may go up or may go down.
I keep the 2 cents I own in an old sock hidden in the attic,good luck finding them.
IMHO some sectors will make gains and some sectors may lose,it's up to you to educate yourself to take advantage of either. Incase you dont know you can make coin on a loosing stock,it's called shorting.
The .gov will prop up certain sectors and if we ever get past this silly pandemic things will go gang busters cause people have been cooped up and will want to go out and spend,spend,spend.