Yeah, sure is a shame the only people who pay for the price of war is your buddy and his family who you posted about in the other forum, and never the ones who sent him there knowing full well what was really going on.
Now the ones who speak out about this corruption 20 years later are "white supremacist zenophobe terrorist". Sure is sad how that all worked out. "Oh no. You aren't supposed be to angry nore are you allowed to question our motives after 20 years of this and nothing to show for it as they take everything back".
which war are you mad about? korea, vietnam, granada, panama, first Persian gulf War, Libya, iraq, Afghanistan, the banana wars, and others I forgot about.
wars are always fought over power and money. every single president has sent people to war over it.
somehow only 1 gets you mad. that's kind of ironic. if you ask me the wrong countries were invaded. the one that was protected was proving financial support to them. but that's another story.
anyway we got alot of those responsible for 9 11, except for their bankers.