Author Topic: Unsportsmanlike game play  (Read 14366 times)

Offline decoy

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Re: Unsportsmanlike game play
« Reply #210 on: November 22, 2021, 06:49:32 PM »
I think the source of a lot of the friction is two of the many player philosophies that really rub wrong against each other.  The guys that want Marquis of Queensbury honorable awesome duels and want their enemies to abide by their self-imposed restrictions vs people that see it as side vs side, actually trying to kill the other side, and expect them to do the same.

And ne'er the twain shall meet.

It's a silly, self-centered way of looking at the game.  And the level of hypocrisy it requires for them to claim moral superiority is both hilarious and infuriating in equal measure.


Wiley, I edited you comment to focus on one thing.  And let me say that I don't want to appear to be talking down to you.  I don't know you, but I believe this forum exists for the exchange of ideas.  it's better when that happens courteously and without vitriol.

Having said that, I think there is room in just about any flight sim that I'm aware of for both types of players.  I've been a part of dogfights where neither player had a clear advantage and one just runs out of ammo.  They break off and rtb while posting 'bingo ammo' (or something similar) in the radio buffer.  I tend to let them go in that situation, but I've seen people run them down, if they can, and kill them.

I've also maintained that flight sims, pick you platform, are great places to hunt and kill other people, but that there's no room for whining or complaining.  So, if I'm trooping a field and someone from the 'enemy' decides to shoot down my C37 after I've dropped my troops, that's up to them.  I just don't let the behavior of others dictate how I behave.  That way lies madness.

Whenever I'm shot down, I always try to salute the person who got me.  I will say that the options for doing that in AH leave me confused.  I don't know whether to key the radio buffer to 'all' or to 'room.'

The ultimate truth is that 'a kill is a kill,' and points scored are points earned.  I'm just not a points player.  So, good luck flying and good hunting.  And if you shoot me down and don't get a salute, I'm still working on it.

Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule #2 It's all small stuff.
Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline dieter

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Re: Unsportsmanlike game play
« Reply #211 on: November 22, 2021, 07:18:24 PM »
Hey just a thought......I don't code, and I don't know how hard it would be to implement.....but how about copying the main arena, but implementing an altitude cap of 10K?  Same everything else, but call it the Main Redux?  we have several arenas that aren't used very often, perhaps this would be an interesting option for those of us that would enjoy a lower altitude option of fighting?  I don't really care about the other BS, just Cap the altitude with an 800MPH down draft, and clouds, or something of that nature, and let the people choose where they want to fight.  No other explanation is necessary, no other discussion, it's a simple experiment.  People that want to fly at high altitude and bnz can stay in the main, furballers can play in the low alt main.  it will give people an option with hopefully little need to develop much in code.

Just a  thought


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Unsportsmanlike game play
« Reply #212 on: November 22, 2021, 07:48:57 PM »
Wiley, I edited you comment to focus on one thing.  And let me say that I don't want to appear to be talking down to you.  I don't know you, but I believe this forum exists for the exchange of ideas.  it's better when that happens courteously and without vitriol.

Having said that, I think there is room in just about any flight sim that I'm aware of for both types of players.  I've been a part of dogfights where neither player had a clear advantage and one just runs out of ammo.  They break off and rtb while posting 'bingo ammo' (or something similar) in the radio buffer.  I tend to let them go in that situation, but I've seen people run them down, if they can, and kill them.

I've also maintained that flight sims, pick you platform, are great places to hunt and kill other people, but that there's no room for whining or complaining.  So, if I'm trooping a field and someone from the 'enemy' decides to shoot down my C37 after I've dropped my troops, that's up to them.  I just don't let the behavior of others dictate how I behave.  That way lies madness.

Whenever I'm shot down, I always try to salute the person who got me.  I will say that the options for doing that in AH leave me confused.  I don't know whether to key the radio buffer to 'all' or to 'room.'

The ultimate truth is that 'a kill is a kill,' and points scored are points earned.  I'm just not a points player.  So, good luck flying and good hunting.  And if you shoot me down and don't get a salute, I'm still working on it.

Hit the "/" key to open the radio (no need to tune a channel)
type ".s xxxxx" without the quotes and were xxxxx is the player name you want to salute
hit enter to send salute.

If someone sends you a salute "<Salute> Decoy" hit / then .rs and enter to return the salute.

Offline decoy

  • Nickel Member
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Re: Unsportsmanlike game play
« Reply #213 on: November 22, 2021, 08:33:13 PM »
Hit the "/" key to open the radio (no need to tune a channel)
type ".s xxxxx" without the quotes and were xxxxx is the player name you want to salute
hit enter to send salute.

If someone sends you a salute "<Salute> Decoy" hit / then .rs and enter to return the salute.

There ya go. News I can use.  Thanks, Fugitive.
Rule #1 Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule #2 It's all small stuff.
Rule #3 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  Except redheads, they just kill you.

Offline diaster

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Re: Unsportsmanlike game play
« Reply #214 on: December 21, 2021, 12:34:58 PM »
I choose to identify unsportmanship as flying off the map, actually anything done to “game the game.” Bombing strats and when an nme dar appears, bailing. Realizing it’s a game and parameters are limited to some extent by coding, ie a map perimeter. I am quite sure htc didn’t intend for people to actually fly off the map to avoid confrontation. If one just played as if it were real, then all would be sporting. In real life would you bail out if a good aircraft, no; would you purposefully Ram another plane when avoiding is easy, no; Would you defend your team mate and pull a fighter off him, yes!

My point to this, until htc puts in a death ring around the map or an idle time out on the server you just have to use your muscle in your head. Take actions that deter what is going on to force the situation in your favor.

I wait at the strat for the buff to show. If there are high bnzers, I grab a squadie and come in higher and push them down to the friendly below, a 262 is great for this. I don’t don’t many kills doing this (teammates do) but I win the head game. If there is a spawn camper, I let them sit and go elsewhere. They get zero points, get bored and have little to show for their efforts and again win the head game. No score shows but the satisfaction of denying them what they want is a win! Final note, if everyone got together and actually played as a team, they would get scores of kills, win all the maps and be the top contenders in the game. Just ask the pickers that follow the “horde”
"Harden The F_ck Up”