Author Topic: Zeihan on Rogan  (Read 4138 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Zeihan on Rogan
« on: January 07, 2023, 02:22:08 PM »

Fantastic discussion.  Listening to him talk about the inevitable collapse of the globalized trade system gives me the creeps.  Makes me think of the late Bronze Age systems collapse.

Some think that any complex system is always destined to collapse.  As complexity increase, failure point increase exponentially and the less resilient the system becomes.

Or maybe it's just the entropy of the Cosmos.
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Offline GasTeddy

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2023, 03:47:06 PM »
Collapse is inevitable. We've been brainwashed from the beginning to believe the necessity of economical growth and that has lead to a situation, which this planet cannot support any more. Too much folks using too much resources, balloon is growing until it says "pox".

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2023, 07:51:14 AM »
he's a smart guy. I've been watching his videos for couple of months now. Can't deny his logic, however there is a difference between "things will change" and "world is collapsing". Things will change, order is changing, but we humans adapt. We always did before.
If you took a guy who signed a bill of rights and explained to him an industrial revolution which was coming up next - it would make no sense.
If you took a 19th century industralist and told him about internet revolution, he'd see you as a loon.

Something new is coming. It might not be better, but we'll manage.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2023, 09:36:21 AM »
he's a smart guy. I've been watching his videos for couple of months now. Can't deny his logic, however there is a difference between "things will change" and "world is collapsing". Things will change, order is changing, but we humans adapt. We always did before.
If you took a guy who signed a bill of rights and explained to him an industrial revolution which was coming up next - it would make no sense.
If you took a 19th century industralist and told him about internet revolution, he'd see you as a loon.

Something new is coming. It might not be better, but we'll manage.

I sorta disagree with that because the fellas who signed the bill of rights and created the constitution wanted to see massive capitalized growth from regular citizens. That was their prime motive. Perhaps they didn't know what it would look like, but I believe these guys were some of the smartest people on the planet and could perceive the type of growth possible if the people were allowed to gain wealth and prosperity. They were ahead of their time.

I don't believe an economic collapse will happen. It's "too big to fail" at this point. They realize they cannot print money fast enough so they want to make it digital, which won't be good, IMO. Too easy to manipulate like everything else and they can cut you off at any moment for wrong think and destroy your social credit. The Fed is the strongest force on the planet and our military won't do a damn thing to those people who vote to pay for their subsidies. The founders did not want a standing Amry for many reasons such as this one.

I don't know how it will end up, but I don't see a massive collapse because then the revolution will really come to them. People are still too preocupied on their bread and circus and too laid back for war right now. They don't want to lose it all for a restart just yet.
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2023, 05:17:19 PM »
Legalize cannabis next

It's Huxley's brave new world soma of the day

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2023, 05:48:07 PM »
Legalize cannabis next

It's Huxley's brave new world soma of the day


What's so bad about Cannabis? It can be used for many different things. If grown and used correctly can be a very good resource in case of emergency. I've never understood the arguement against cannabis while they choke on their bottles... never understood it.
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2023, 01:26:59 PM »
Nothing - but it does make many lazy and lethargic not to mention just plain stupid..

I have consumed it personally in many forms since 1975

I can see it as soma for many as they are lazy to begin with .. that and free pizza delivery will buy many votes lol

If alcohol is legal there is not an intelligent reason cannibis should not be..too bad some conservatives can't get behind it and push for it's legalization...instead it will be a liberal win

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2023, 02:40:50 PM »
Nothing - but it does make many lazy and lethargic not to mention just plain stupid..

Carl Segan was an avid connoisseur.

Are you smarter than he was?

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2023, 07:28:52 AM »
I said many not all..I would think it helped his physical condition

Cannabis and micro dosing shrooms and the like will be huge medicines and consciousness movers in the future imo ..if legally allowed to be

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline RotBaron

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2023, 09:35:40 AM »
What's so bad about Cannabis? It can be used for many different things. If grown and used correctly can be a very good resource in case of emergency. I've never understood the arguement against cannabis while they choke on their bottles... never understood it.

How so? I don’t know of any live saving properties of consuming THC, please explain.

We’ve had this debate about alcohol before, I think you have a skewed perspective about people who drink. I know/have known many alcoholics, however the large majority of ppl I know who drink don’t to get drunk or abuse it.

A few drinks is world away from babbling stumbling drunk.

On the other hand 99% of ppl I know who consume cannabis do it to get high. Our TikTok society is not responsible enough handle either as the plandemic has shown.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2023, 12:17:31 PM »
How so? I don’t know of any live saving properties of consuming THC, please explain.

We’ve had this debate about alcohol before, I think you have a skewed perspective about people who drink. I know/have known many alcoholics, however the large majority of ppl I know who drink don’t to get drunk or abuse it.

A few drinks is world away from babbling stumbling drunk.

On the other hand 99% of ppl I know who consume cannabis do it to get high. Our TikTok society is not responsible enough handle either as the plandemic has shown.

Well you must not have seen a recent college party or college bar in a while. I bet UGA was a crapshow the other night. Partying there is crazy, ive done it. "Having a few drinks" even though it's just a few, is still "getting high". Actually cannabis brings down drunkenness in a way but can also cause the spins. It's a different type of "high" no doubt, but cannabis is far better for you and keeps your mind sane and rational where as alcohol causes far more emotional outputs. If you've ever seen a smoker circle compared to a party with alcohol you'd see what I'm talking about.

What I meant by that post is that cannabis can be used in many other forms rather just smoking THC. CBD and other properties in terpines provide different forms of relief which is quite interesting. Not only for health, but you can make strong rope with it for levers, you can make clothes, paper, and do a lot of things with it incase you couldn't run to the store in a lockdown emergency or some crap.
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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2023, 07:02:51 PM »
His insight on China is in line with many other authors concerning the ultimate failure of the CCP and their struggle to stay in power. Massive unemployment and
food shortages are a very real possibility. I hope that does not happen. No one including him really knows if there is a successor available should Xi Jinping succumb to hostile forces in the party or from outside. An outside force might replace him and then it becomes academic.

As he states it is likely many provinces will go independent like Xinjiang and Shanghai should that happen. The Uyghurs live in the Xinjiang region. 

As far as Russia, the entire world knows Russia cannot afford the war with the Ukraine because they have a tiny economy and they depend
on the export of petroleum and gas, and manufactured goods from the west. He believes there  is a high probability there will be a regime change soon.
Shortages of food and manufactured goods will hurt the Russian people. No one wants to see anyone suffer. He does give insight into the regime's thought process.

He has access to this information is because he contracts with the Defense Department.

He also mentions battery cells for electric vehicles but does admit to knowing very little about cell chemistry. If you did not study chemistry in college
nor do research in chemistry this is a very difficult topic to understand.

Some battery makers no longer use Co or very little, and many have started using LFP batteries and other chemistries are evolving because of their cost savings. He attempts to lump all battery makers into one category as being polluters for the environment. His intel is pretty old. He does not differentiate between battery makers like CATL and BYD in China who get their electricity from coal fired generators, but even that is changing rapidly as China finds ways to get rid of their air pollution.  Other producers like LG Chem in Korea,  Panasonic in Japan (and USA), and Tesla in the USA are nothing like their counterparts in China. If you have seen pictures of Tesla's battery factory in Nevada you will notice solar panels on the roof, the absence of any smoke stacks of any kind, and the proximity to Hoover Dam Hydroelectric plant as another source of their energy. Tesla also produces batteries in Lathrop, CA and Austin, TX. These new plants are just going online.

Cell chemistry is evolving rapidly and he does not have any access to this information because those that do the research do not share this info openly. As patents
are recorded they often have very broad non specific ingredients listed to avoid letting their competition learn their process of manufacturing.
He does mention China has trouble doing their own R and D, and often copy or backward engineer a product to save time and money. That
hurts a company in the long run if they do not do their own research.

If Chile strip mines their Li, no one is going to tell the Chileans how to extract the Li from their mines. As better more efficient techniques come out, Chile
will adapt to the new ways of obtaining Li.

Many battery makers will find ways to eliminate the use of Li and Co in the very near future and lower costs, increase energy density, as well as increasing
recharge speeds. There are questions about children being exploited in the mining of Co as well.

The battery evolution has just begun. Look how fast the television changed over the decades. Are there any non flat tv's left?
Cell phones have turned into powerful computers. We may see in the next decade car batteries that recharge in a few minutes.

His take on climate change is somewhat skewed. He did not mention that our sun has more effect on the climate than all other factors combined. I agree we do need
to focus on removing all pollutants from the air we breath, and clean up our streams, rivers and oceans.  Telling people CO2 is our enemy is silly. Nurseries use CO2 tanks to promote growth of plants because plants respire CO2 and produce Oxygen as their waste. Our enemy is the Nitrous Oxides, Sulfur Oxides, Carbon monoxide and many others as these molecules contaminate our environment. Pollutants in our streams from manufacturing plants needs to be monitored and corrected.

The earths climate will change a lot and go to many extremes I am sure, but I have not observed any changes to the water level along the coastline since I have been alive.
If there has been a change I would guess inches or centimeters only. The samples taken from the polar ice caps are a great source of intel on the changing of the climate
of our planet earth. Avoid FUD and do your own research. Science journals with peer review are the best source of information. If the authors provide a non conflict of interest
statement that is even better.

my two cents.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
- Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2023, 07:38:12 PM »
my two cents.

 :salute  Thanks for the interesting take. 

I've always felt that battery technology has not seemed to improve nearly as much as our other technologies.  Doesn't seem batteries obey Moore's Law.  Imagine if they did!

I mean, isn't my truck battery pretty much close to 1880's technology?  Lead\acid?

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Offline nrshida

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2023, 02:34:57 AM »
The battery evolution has just begun.

Starting to look to me rather more like a developmental dead-end.
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2023, 07:53:22 AM »
Battery life is an issue all to itself

Different chargers and charging techniques affect it

Battery composition and quality affect it

What is the motivation to make long lasting batteries?

None I say as we just toss the old ones into the nearest landfill while waiting for Amazon to deliver its replacement to our front door..

Sounds so green..especially to those battery manufacturers...$$$$ green that is lol

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