Author Topic: Zeihan on Rogan  (Read 4122 times)

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2023, 09:21:23 AM »
They still are working on THC breathalyzer, Phoenix PD and other AZ LE (along with many others I’m certain) agencies are major contributors to the development. We have enough impaired/distracted drivers…

DmonSlyr, I asked if you remember your dreams because most regular THC users have difficulty at best and many can’t remember their dreams (no pun intended), even vivid ones right after waking. I remember when mine came back, it was quite enlightening.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever pondered this point of view, but there are many in society that wonders what drives people to feel the need to get high using any drug at all. I understand it, but many don’t. Also, I don’t agree with your premise that a few drinks is tantamount to getting high. MJ is classified in medicine as both a hallucinogenic and also sedative hypnotic (however I’ve seen many freak out and have panic attacks), alcohol is only classified as a sedative - both in modest amounts. In large amounts properties of intoxication change…
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Offline turt21

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2023, 05:12:27 PM »
Your description of THC use sounds more and more like being in your late 60's.   Forgetful, cant re,member a dream, lethargic  sounds like retired. Does it also make you pee a lot?

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2023, 09:05:48 PM »
Your description of THC use sounds more and more like being in your late 60's.   Forgetful, cant re,member a dream, lethargic  sounds like retired. Does it also make you pee a lot?


I’m 47 and don’t smoke or use THC so I don’t have trouble remembering a vivid dream(s). A cursory search of MJ and lack of dreams will give you 100’s of articles about that side effect  :aok

I don’t lose my truck keys or have any difficulty remembering, well, anything. Pee a lot, sure do, I drink a lot of water.

Does your weed use make you pee a lot?  :rofl

Lethargic?? I’m lucky to get more than 6-7 hours of sleep and my watch says I’m on my feet for ~14hours a day/~5miles. Sooo I think not, thanks for playing though.
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2023, 07:58:44 AM »
They still are working on THC breathalyzer, Phoenix PD and other AZ LE (along with many others I’m certain) agencies are major contributors to the development. We have enough impaired/distracted drivers…

DmonSlyr, I asked if you remember your dreams because most regular THC users have difficulty at best and many can’t remember their dreams (no pun intended), even vivid ones right after waking. I remember when mine came back, it was quite enlightening.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever pondered this point of view, but there are many in society that wonders what drives people to feel the need to get high using any drug at all. I understand it, but many don’t. Also, I don’t agree with your premise that a few drinks is tantamount to getting high. MJ is classified in medicine as both a hallucinogenic and also sedative hypnotic (however I’ve seen many freak out and have panic attacks), alcohol is only classified as a sedative - both in modest amounts. In large amounts properties of intoxication change…

I have dreams every night. Some are pretty wild. I don't necessarily try to remember them. Some I do when they are profound but others I let slip away as it was just another interesting dream that I don't wish to remember. I think drinking a lot of water before bed helps with dreams.

You don't necessarily have to agree with my premise however the majority of people will fail a breathalyzer after just 3 beers. That means that the government suggests that just 3 beers means you are impaired (high) if blown over a .08.

There are many people who have been told by their doctors that they have a chemical embalance in their head that causes depression. They get put on antidepressants. This is merely using drugs to "cope" with the so called embalance in order to make them feel better. Many people use other drugs the same way. There is a lot of worry and fear in the world, some people just want to escape their minds. Same for pain medication. Drugs like oxycodine or percocet make you feel amazing. So good infact that it's easy for anyone to get addicted if not used properly. Pain medication gets a lot of teens because it makes them feel so so good. Then they move to heroin without understanding and this can ruin their lives and put them on the street because it blocks the "care" receptor in your brain. I've seen it where I grew up in ATL, which is one of the worst places for these drugs getting to teens. It was rampant in my highschool and I saw decent kids go to jail instead of get help. Jail ruined their lives and made them career criminals for gangs. My point is that there are a TON of stressed teens and people out there who just want to feel good instead of being stuck in their heads. Loratabs and Benzos were big too. I was luckily smart enough to stay away from the pharma pills. Far worse than THC but make you feel 10xs better. It traps these kids.

I have never experienced hallucinations with THC. I've never met anyone who has. I know people who hate alcohol just as much as others hate THC and wish they had something else to use besides alcohol but don't want to break the law. I haven't seen direct panic attacks, but I have been personally paranoid as hell after eating too much sativa gummies with 500Mg in a tiny gummy they sell in CA, I was very suprised they could sell that. I was walking around Disney land paranoid as hell after eating just half of it. We went into the Indiana Jones ride, dark with red flickering lights. I thought I might go out. But I got thru it, went on the ride and it was all good. The worst I've seen is just being so stoned that you cannot even move or lift your arms.

Compare that with getting blackout drunk which is far worse to the body and brain, and can even kill you on overdose. You make insanely horrible decisions that you don't remember, drunk text people who think you are crazy, say stupid crap or start fights. I've seen it all on alcohol. THC is just a different type of feeling but isn't as dangerous in my opinion if you abuse it like most do with alcohol.

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2023, 09:17:48 AM »
Just need ti compare violent crime while drunk to those violent crimes - if you can find any - committed while high on cannibis alone

Alcohol emboldens most with the more one consumes the more obnoxious one becomes while cannibis makes most introspective - some to the point of paranoia - if not silly with the munchies

There is a sad reason why one has been illegal while the other is not

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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2023, 09:28:18 AM »
There is a sad reason why one has been illegal while the other is not

The Father of US cannabis law:

Anslinger claimed that the majority of pot smokers were minorities, including African Americans, and that marijuana had a negative effect on these “degenerate races,” such as inducing violence or causing insanity. Furthermore, he noted, “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” Perhaps even more worrisome to Anslinger was pot’s supposed threat to white women’s virtue. He believed that smoking pot would result in their having sex with black men.,illegal%20across%20the%20United%20States

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2023, 10:09:09 AM »
Ding ding ding

You'd think if they can toss racist statues into the bay, they would have the momentum to reverse such an outright racist law

It also doesn't help it makes one a pacifist...not good for our militant leaders..

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline Chris79

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2023, 06:16:38 PM »
Just need ti compare violent crime while drunk to those violent crimes - if you can find any - committed while high on cannibis alone

Alcohol emboldens most with the more one consumes the more obnoxious one becomes while cannibis makes most introspective - some to the point of paranoia - if not silly with the munchies

There is a sad reason why one has been illegal while the other is not

I agree, no one gets stoned and beats their wife and kids.


Offline RotBaron

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2023, 09:52:12 PM »
I agree, no one gets stoned and beats their wife and kids.

Perhaps not, but neglecting children leading to their death has/does happen. Coincidentally, just saw the Dragnet episode where the baby drowns in the bathtub during the parents weed party.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2023, 10:21:23 PM »

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2023, 07:20:53 AM »
smells like statists up in here...
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Eagler

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2023, 07:23:20 AM »
Perhaps not, but neglecting children leading to their death has/does happen. Coincidentally, just saw the Dragnet episode where the baby drowns in the bathtub during the parents weed party.

What a crock...

Ppl are stupid to start..some need zero help in acting irresponsible

Scenes from refer madness were actually used when they made it illegal,illegal%20across%20the%20United%20States.

What another crock of political bs...
Harry J. Anslinger

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | 16GB GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Ti Super | 850 watt ps | pimax Crystal Light | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2023, 10:52:12 AM »
smells like statists up in here...

I suspect Zeihan may play up the extremes a touch for marketing purposes, but maybe not by much.

We’ve been seeing the effects of what he talks about for years now.  Japan is the best example.  It looked like they were going to take over the world until their demographics began to bite.

The US is even seeing mild effects.  One of the big factors of the current tight labor market is that many Boomers just decided to call it quits and retire early during Covid.  They are probably not coming back in huge numbers.  The work force has permanently shifted slightly.  But the effects here a mild compared to other places.

Japan has basically stalled out economically and became a nation of old people.  There are not nearly enough young Japanese to maintain their previous economic power.  And there will probably never be again.  A fundamental problem with Japan, is they are extremely xenophobic.  Their culture is hyper adverse to anything other than an ethnically pure society. They’ll let you come in on a work visa, but it is extremely hard to go immigrate there permanently and become a Japanese citizen.  To them, being Japanese isn’t about accepting a form of government and rule of law, it’s about genetics.  That is very inflexible and brittle.  So they have no method of injecting new breeding stock into their demographics.  Guest workers will only get you so far.  They tend to take their learned skills and wealth away when they eventually leave.  They can hold that off a while by continued technological advancement to increase their populations productivity, but that is a curve of diminishing return.   They will continue to fade.

I’m not sure I see Germany in quite the same position.  Yes, they are facing demographic collapse, but I  don’t think they have the cultural racism that Japan has.  They can re-inflate themselves with immigration.  They may not like it, but it’s not a deal breaker for them.  They can pull in reasonably educated stock from all over EU and elsewhere and indoctrinate them and run with it.  There are a lot of people who wouldn’t mind living in Germany.

Russia does have problems, even worse than Japan.  They are also very closed, which doesn’t matter, because who would want to immigrate to that shhthole anyway.  Well, maybe North Koreans. ;)

China was someone of a shock to me.  I knew they had real demographic problems from the One-Child laws.  I didn’t realize how bad it was.  Even worse that the raw numbers is the sex imbalance. They are going to have a large population of angry young men who are never going to be able to marry and have a family.   To me, that sounds reasonable. ;)  To a Chinese male that is cataclysmic.  In their culture that is the ultimate failure.  It dishonors not only them, but their parents, and their ancestors.  And they are ethnically closed like the Chinese, so marrying a Korean, or Vietnamese girl isn’t really considered and acceptable substitute.  Having a large population of angry young males with no future is generally not conducive to a stable society.  Throw in an economic collapse and real hunger and you have a powder keg.

I also never realized how resource poor they were and how crappy their land was for agriculture. 

Russia and China are especially dangerous because they are dying cultures who may not feel they have anything else to lose.

We should feel lucky in America even with all our First World problems.  We were blessed with….errrr pried from the cold dead hands of indigenous peoples...a uniquely perfect geography.  We really have an embarrassment of riches.  And immigration (yes it should be legal) is built into our national DNA.  We can absorb anyone and eventually digest them into our culture, even though they end up adding their own diversity to our own.  Believe me,  I’ve eaten English food.  I am so glad we traded so much culture with Mexico and appropriated their cuisine.  ;)   

We’ll have rough patches, but America will recover and continue to get stronger if we don’t screw it up from the inside. 

« Last Edit: January 23, 2023, 12:30:09 PM by CptTrips »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2023, 12:46:51 PM »
We’ll have rough patches, but America will recover and continue to get stronger if we don’t screw it up from the inside.

I didn't mean Zeihan, I was actually referring to some of the replies regarding cannabis...  :D

That being said, as a Libertarian/AnCap I found his appearance on Rogan very intriguing. So much so that I binged him on Youtube. I found several of his recorded appearances at oil and gas conferences/trade shows. As someone who's family and regional area depends on Natural Gas and Marcellus Shale, it was a bit of an eye opener.

While I might not agree with his optimism regarding the USA, I can see it unfolding how he describes it in regards to China, RF, Europe and the US. Hold on to your butts!

There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Chris79

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Re: Zeihan on Rogan
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2023, 01:41:58 PM »
I suspect Zeihan may play up the extremes a touch for marketing purposes, but maybe not by much.

We’ve been seeing the effects of what he talks about for years now.  Japan is the best example.  It looked like they were going to take over the world until their demographics began to bite.

The US is even seeing mild effects.  One of the big factors of the current tight labor market is that many Boomers just decided to call it quits and retire early during Covid.  They are probably not coming back in huge numbers.  The work force has permanently shifted slightly.  But the effects here a mild compared to other places.

Japan has basically stalled out economically and became a nation of old people.  There are not nearly enough young Japanese to maintain their previous economic power.  And there will probably never be again.  A fundamental problem with Japan, is they are extremely xenophobic.  Their culture is hyper adverse to anything other than an ethnically pure society. They’ll let you come in on a work visa, but it is extremely hard to go immigrate there permanently and become a Japanese citizen.  To them, being Japanese isn’t about accepting a form of government and rule of law, it’s about genetics.  That is very inflexible and brittle.  So they have no method of injecting new breeding stock into their demographics.  Guest workers will only get you so far.  They tend to take their learned skills and wealth away when they eventually leave.  They can hold that off a while by continued technological advancement to increase their populations productivity, but that is a curve of diminishing return.   They will continue to fade.

I’m not sure I see Germany in quite the same position.  Yes, they are facing demographic collapse, but I  don’t think they have the cultural racism that Japan has.  They can re-inflate themselves with immigration.  They may not like it, but it’s not a deal breaker for them.  They can pull in reasonably educated stock from all over EU and elsewhere and indoctrinate them and run with it.  There are a lot of people who wouldn’t mind living in Germany.

Russia does have problems, even worse than Japan.  They are also very closed, which doesn’t matter, because who would want to immigrate to that shhthole anyway.  Well, maybe North Koreans. ;)

China was someone of a shock to me.  I knew they had real demographic problems from the One-Child laws.  I didn’t realize how bad it was.  Even worse that the raw numbers is the sex imbalance. They are going to have a large population of angry young men who are never going to be able to marry and have a family.   To me, that sounds reasonable. ;)  To a Chinese male that is cataclysmic.  In their culture that is the ultimate failure.  It dishonors not only them, but their parents, and their ancestors.  And they are ethnically closed like the Chinese, so marrying a Korean, or Vietnamese girl isn’t really considered and acceptable substitute.  Having a large population of angry young males with no future is generally not conducive to a stable society.  Throw in an economic collapse and real hunger and you have a powder keg.

I also never realized how resource poor they were and how crappy their land was for agriculture. 

Russia and China are especially dangerous because they are dying cultures who may not feel they have anything else to lose.

We should feel lucky in America even with all our First World problems.  We were blessed with….errrr pried from the cold dead hands of indigenous peoples...a uniquely perfect geography.  We really have an embarrassment of riches.  And immigration (yes it should be legal) is built into our national DNA.  We can absorb anyone and eventually digest them into our culture, even though they end up adding their own diversity to our own.  Believe me,  I’ve eaten English food.  I am so glad we traded so much culture with Mexico and appropriated their cuisine.  ;)   

We’ll have rough patches, but America will recover and continue to get stronger if we don’t screw it up from the inside.

I had a poli-sci prof back in the early 2000s who predicted the collapse of China by 2040 do the reasons of inequality of wealth distribution between the coastal provinces and the interior coupled with their demographic imbalance. Generally speaking when a nation has a surplus of fighting aged men two things happen. Either civil war or a foreign war. Well China being China I guess you can’t rule out wholesale liquidations as a third option. I think thats a bit much even for the CCP.
Personally, I am not bullish on the USA. The country is stratified to the point I doubt it could weather a long economic hiccup. People now tend to view politics through a prism of religious zeal, like illiterate peasants in the Middle Ages regarding religion. No matter what the other side does is bad, yet they have little understanding of policy and it’s potential effects. As heterogeneous as the US is, the term Nation State is starting to become inapplicable. Also, as a historical rule, multi-cultural entities tend to implode due to internal problems. That precedent is almost a historical truth dawning back to beginning of civilization. As long as the US has its so called “bread and circuses” buffets and football, we ought to be ok. If for some reason they disappear, the ensuing chitshow will be epic.
