Author Topic: Why only flying one plane is not the answer  (Read 3725 times)

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2023, 02:03:31 AM »
I'm changing the plane relatively often.  Probably too often to find out, what really fits me. Also not yet sure if I want to be a boomer or fifferist. At least Fi156 obeys me pretty well but its kill ratio is not very impressive. Maybe I should concentrate in GVs as so far haven't stalled a tank...    :D

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #46 on: August 17, 2023, 03:58:11 PM »
I can hear Teddy now....  dang thing won't start.  :rofl
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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2023, 08:30:37 AM »
Yak9u is a great all around plane.   
Most of my kills in it were above 25,000 feet. 
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 08:46:13 AM by icepac »

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2023, 09:57:00 AM »
Some of my most fond memories in AH was learning/advancing my skills and knowledge in fighters that I planned on flying and signed up to fly in Scenarios. My first time in a Bf 109G-14 occurred because my friends signed up to fly them in a Scenario. I was a Bf 109G-2 guy and didn't love the 30mm so I never flew the K-4. Once I began to hone my skills in the G-14 I fell completely in love. For those 3-4 weeks of flying the G-14 exclusively, I developed an appreciation for the Bf 109 that I had not before. The G-14 is now my favorite airplane and has been since that event. Another fighter I took up because of an event was the Ki-84. I had no ambition to fly it even when it first came out. After learning its nuances and fragility, nimbleness and ferocity, I craved it. It is now easily in my top 5 favorite planes in AH. All because I signed up to fly one in an event.

Very true, the events provide a great opportunity to practice new planes.  :aok Definitely recommended. The g14 and ki84 are 2 of my favorite planes as well.

One problem is that you use up those 60 or 90 drum magazine FF shells in the A5, you're basically flying with 2*20mm mg151 that have 250 shells of  ammo storage.
If you need firepower the A8 is the answer, changing the 2 20mm FF for MG151, and up-gunning the 7mm peashooters to 13mm that hurt some.
Flying the A8 in a dogfight is for the experten , and never ever stay below 300mph if you don't want a fast trip to tower.

The A8 and 109g6 along with AH - died to me with the all-seeing mountain-penetrating real-time radar that does not resemble even the current radar systems.
You can even look at the radar when you lost visuals at  the plane you are dog-fighting against.

I suggest reverting the radar to like it was before and only field small maps. SA is a main key to AH as it should be.

I really dislike the 190A8, it should be used mostly as a tank killer, or for shooting ammo, radar, and buildings, and maybe a bomber interceptor. Its just too heavy and bulky to be used as a fighter and it's turn rate is horrendous, same for the F. I'd much prefer the A5. I wouldn't recommend a G6 either. Use the G2 if you want to fly earlier models and the 109f if you really want a challenge. I like the G2 better for furballing simply because of the gondolas. The G6 is just too heavy. The G2 also has a better nose for aiming than the G6 and turns better. G2 is probably one of my favorite birds, but its easy to get ganged in the MA as it's just a tad slow. The G14 is better for bigger furballs for that reason if there are more enemy than friendlies.

dude, glad some of you fly different planes, I am all for it.  when I started it was the zero, one of them, then the spits, then the niki, everythime I landed kills, it was blah, blah, fly the 190, 109, goon, whatever.  now I fly the p51, been flying it for over 10 years, if eny goes to hell then I fly all the other pp planes.

Pony was my love.  now when I fly unless I am the only unlucky one, i see a mix of planes ponies are not in the top of them.

so as to why flying one plane is not the answer you didnt ask the question.  we fly what we want, whenever we want eny permitting. other than that get rid of bombers and gv's


Yeah I'm not saying you can't fly whatever you want whenever. The point of my post is to show different situations that you will have an easier time with if you fly certain planes in them. Rolling a P51 at a field being attacked is going to be tough for a new person who doesn't really understand the planes strengths and weaknesses, while flying a spit to attack a field isn't going to generate the results you want either. Not saying you can't fly them if you are so brave however its good to understand that certain planes are more capable in certain situations and can lead to more success early on.

Yak9u is a great all around plane.   
Most of my kills in it were above 25,000 feet. 

Yak9U is a pretty decent bird. Great for furballing. Right there with the 109. Unfortunately the Yak3 F16 has overshadowed it. Imo, the yak3 should have never been created, and the eny should be higher. It's an extremely tough plane to shoot down and holds E extremely well. The Yak9u is a fun plane though does take some practice with its cannon and opposite torque. I'd recommend learning the 9u over the 3, but the 3 is probably better for noobs in defense and furballing.

I tend to stay away from the uber planes.

In AW the Spitfire was the uber plane, the path of least resistance to get kills/points.
As soon as a Spit jockey bragged of kills it ended with, “ya, but you fly a spit, so…”.

In AH it seems to be the 109, why its perked. IMO, anything with nose guns will be more accurate and require less ammo per kill.

When I move from 51 (wing guns) to 190s (nose guns) my kills double. If I’m going after buffs it will more likely be an 190-A8. More accurate, more gun power.

Killing a 109 with a 51 is gratifying.

IMO, people who complain about a Runstang probably don’t understand how to fly it. After 2 turns it requires time to rebuild lost E, or it keeps dumping and becomes an easy target. A 109 can turn all day.

Skills of a 51 jockey will be pretty good in a A5 or A8. If I’m going to TnB its going to be in a Spit or Yak, with ease.

Selecting an AC that compliments your style of flying is key. Sometimes its muscle memory. I don’t want to fly a TnB then move to a BnZ. Easier to go from BnZ to TnB…IMO. 51 is my msin plane.

But that’s just me. <shrug>
I suck no matter what I fly, I still have fun.

Some good points here:
The spit actually still Is an Uber plane in AH. Atleast the spit16, also a F16. It's probably one of the best fighters in the game. It's just that people die because they get caught up low n slow in a turn fight. It gets just as much kills as the P51 every month. I think its a nuisance plane and should be perked. (Considering the spit14 use to be perked and the 16 is way better). I hate that damn plane lol. It's just not necessarily suitable for attacking, though because it's so Uber people can get away with it.

The spits I would recommend are the Spit8 and 9 for defense. Very fun planes but not as uber. I'd also recommend trying a seafire off the CV. It's a fun one for a big furball and the cannons are helpful.

The P51 is flown wrong by 90% who fly it. They are never aggressive enough. The plane can get flaps out at 350 and can get almost any plane chasing it to overshoot at high speeds because of it. This allows you to be able to jump a 6 and turn the tables. Most people don't know defense ACM so they just run away. It can turn with a 109 at speeds above 300. That is your sweet spot. After 2 rolls, if you cannot get inside, then it's best to extend. A good trick is to drag a 109 down slightly in a chase so it gets over 400 mph, then you extend flaps in the P51 and do a nose down turn to defensive barrel roll. Because the 109 is going too fast, it compresses and cannot turn or slow down quickly enough. This allows you to force an overshoot to roll around it and jump the 6. I do this a lot with the P47 as well.

Your last point:
Flying a plane that benefits your style is something you should consider. If you like to turn and burn, fly a turn and burn plane (generally defense type planes). If you like to BnZ fly an attack style plane. That being said, it's good to understand both types because you never know when you will need to utilize either tactics whether it's being forced into defense with a plane diving on you, or maintaining E in a TnB plane so you don't end up low n slow on the deck to get picked. Also, if your style is BnZ, then you shouldn't roll a BnZ plane during defense. The goal of defense is to turn quickly and jump planes 6s so they extend away from the field. You aren't going to be BnZing in this case. If you really have to BnZ than it's highly recommended to roll from a back field in an attack plane and get plenty of alt so you can dive on the attackers who will also be high. You will have to really make sure you keep your alt and don't chase planes to the deck because then other BnZ style planes will now be diving on you. Defending a base from a back field you have to be the most patient and understand your SA because as soon as you dive, other really fast planes may engage you. You have to make sure you keep the alt cap in this situation which takes a lot of patience and discipline. If you dive with higher cons around. Make sure you can escape so you can regain your alt and come back in.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 10:12:11 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2023, 12:23:04 PM »
The A8 I use as you described. OR if I get HOed too much from specific group. Lol

The next vid, almost done, is P-51 vs 109.
A personal file I picked to get acquainted with Vegas. its a 6 minute fight. It illustrates exactly what you just said about both 51 and 109. I avoid giving a 109 my 6 at all cost. Its going to take a good 51 jockey to take on a good 109 jockey. For whatever reason, spotting a 109 puts me on edge. There are some seriously good 109 pilots in this sim. They usually aren’t new. I’m going to have to be at my best to take it on.

I have stick issues, so my kill rate is not as high as it should be. But you’re going to work for my kill. :)

BTW, great post. IMO, this is what the boards should look like. Informative over throat cutting.
+ 1
I didn’t forget your vid. I just rather trash my own getting to know Vegas.

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2023, 01:39:11 PM »
The A8 I use as you described. OR if I get HOed too much from specific group. Lol

The next vid, almost done, is P-51 vs 109.
A personal file I picked to get acquainted with Vegas. its a 6 minute fight. It illustrates exactly what you just said about both 51 and 109. I avoid giving a 109 my 6 at all cost. Its going to take a good 51 jockey to take on a good 109 jockey. For whatever reason, spotting a 109 puts me on edge. There are some seriously good 109 pilots in this sim. They usually aren’t new. I’m going to have to be at my best to take it on.

I have stick issues, so my kill rate is not as high as it should be. But you’re going to work for my kill. :)

BTW, great post. IMO, this is what the boards should look like. Informative over throat cutting.
+ 1
I didn’t forget your vid. I just rather trash my own getting to know Vegas.


I use to call it going on a "HO rampage" when I got mad at people HOing me. I'd grab a 190A8 with full guns and spray like a mother... they'd think twice haha
In "reality" a p51 should always be higher than a 109, or atleast be faster if at the same alt, or have more E if under it (speed from dive). So if the 109 dives it still cannot catch you. You have to use the 109s biggest weakness against it, speed and compression.

NP, I'm in no rush with a film. I appreciate whatever you put together. I too enjoy these types of discussions rather than drama based finger pointing. Talking about planes and situational aspects doesn't get enough mention here.  :aok
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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2023, 02:42:47 PM »
If you want to get good in any plane. The best advice I can give is…

Fly stupid. Die a lot. Try new things.

Most importantly…record your fights (especially the ones you lose) and watch the recordings from your enemy’s perspective.
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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #52 on: August 19, 2023, 03:55:41 PM »
I usually fly the P-51D.
Anyone who knows it, it’s not a real TnB ac, and doesn’t recover E all that well,.. hence the Runstang. But I throw myself into TnB (most times 3 or 5 vs 1)intensionally. It teaches SA and ACM to survive and strict muscle memory. When I fly another more uber AC its like I can do whatever I want, and my kills accelerate.

Usually when I turn into a Runstang its about drawing one or two out and away of a horde so I can try to force them to fight my way. Once that hook is in the mouth (fish on!) I have better chances. I live that some are caught up in the weak fighter Runstang, I play on it. And one way is, as soon as they tire and pull out of the chase, I’m flipping on their 6. Once they see ne coming they have to flip again and burn more E. Most of my kills (the little I have time for) come this way. The psychological part of ACM.

IMO, thise who always fly uber TnB AC aren’t learning as much, even if they have higher kill rates, they usually aren’t that good in a P51. The discipline isn’t there.  The opposite of going from P51 and then TnB AC. A Spitfire and 109 is easy as it gets (uber-ish)

I’m a much better pilot flying other AC in a scenario. Which I still believe the MA is just oractice for scenarios, which is my true goal. The MA is just practice. I don’t care much if my points are low in my he MA. :)

But it is so much fun twisting and turning in a pony!

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #53 on: August 19, 2023, 07:19:16 PM »

But it is so much fun twisting and turning in a pony!

Lol, nice
I do quite a bit of TnB on the deck over a base, usually against 3-5 on me. OTOH, once ya do that you just committed to dying soon. Once in a while I break free. But damn its fun. Most don’t expect that from a 51. :)
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2023, 07:52:38 AM »
The plane goes so far then its the pilot


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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2023, 09:17:59 AM »
The 109s are special because they have automatic slats. This gives them a high speed wing and a low speed wing. This likely makes them more difficult for new players.

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2023, 01:47:44 PM »
The P51 is much better than most AH pilots one dimensional flying allows. :uhoh

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2023, 08:48:13 PM »
Fly what you like. It's your money. If you want to really get good in one plane, stick with it. Or jump around, try them all out.

     I like to fly a particular aircraft for a month or two then switch to another plane. But then I play to escape real life and enjoy myself.  :banana:

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #58 on: August 28, 2023, 06:36:30 AM »
Monday Night Madness is a great place to get experience in multiple fighters without worrying about the hoing one experiences in MA

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Re: Why only flying one plane is not the answer
« Reply #59 on: August 28, 2023, 08:32:48 AM »
Most people who fly only one plane……only fly one mission profile.