Just because you like one game and don't like another doesn't mean it's a joke. DCS is fun, Aces High is fun, IL2 is fun. The prices for DCS planes are steep, but if you've played AH for a long time you've spent the same anyway.
I get everyone’s POV. If I never flew full AC set in AW or AH MP arenas I may agree more with those players. However, I’m getting a lot more for my money with AH. The price of the other sims plane only gets me a new plane. These other sims have more modern graphics. But read anywhere on forums and they can never say its more fun than AH style. I’m simply not alone in my opinion.
We also don’t bomb every negative thread with AH, by players who claim to love it, yet haven’t played in yrs and have nothing positive to say about it while we try to bring our numbers up. They hate me because my efforts work against their dream of mass migration. There is no other reason. They are a very systematic group hoping AH falls. Therefore I/we will point out the major differences. It comes down to full plane set, MP arenas, we don’t care for AI and prices. Their FMs are questionable.
Its one thing to just talk about other sims. But this group is constant trying to down play AH, up play the other sim in hopes of our demise for migration to their sim, without coming iff as doing just that, without being banned for doing so on AH bbs. We see what they are doing and simply fighting back. If we did the same on DCS bbs we’d be banned. We don’t want our fav game to die to lower our standards to appease their fav sim that lacks and more costly.
These other sims have reached their peaks and now losing numbers, for all the same reasons we state. IL-2 is losing programming talent, their days are becoming limited. On DCS forums, the same person selling it here are complaining about pricing of modules, same thing we say. WT players do not like the direction that game is taking, the same reasons we state. The only real complaint about AH is modern graphics, but these graphics are really not that bad at all. Why abandon this for sims with major issues? They can’t have large MP arenas because of their high-end graphics and massive data flow. They just can’t have both without everyone spending big money for monster machines.even that would be questionable. We don’t want to abandon our style of playing for just a few better things.
Some if us have been around long enough to be able to predict their future. We’ve seen these types of sims come and go, while we remain. AH could live forever, with some tweaking and a little TLC. Its the longest lasting sim for a reason.Those who never played our style would love it. Remember, we lost mass numbers before the great AH3 update, not before. Its my very reason to make vids to expose AH3 graphics, its not that far from other sims. If it were still AH2 we’d be over already. I’ll bet we have more return players than other sims. Every post I see refers to the best fun they ever had in a sim. I would not waste my efforts if I didn’t read them myself. Once one has played our way, nothing else matches it.most who sell those sims here won’t even go anywhere near that subject, intensionally erroneously making price the issue, when its not. MP is the major difference they can’t get. Dishonest brokers trying to kill our way.
Their sim is like buying a muscle car body with a 150 hp engine. There is no adrenaline flow. All noise no speed. We love our old skewl true muscle car with our 8 pistons the size of garbage cans.
We are speaking with reality. AW/AH MP style arenas and scenarios and other events is where its at, hands down. You can play a full game, or half a game. Your choice, your money.
DCS is a sim, not a game. AH is a sim played as a game. IL-2 and WT are about to struggle. AH arena numbers are slowly coming up with return players. And they return because of memories of so much fun. My own very reason to return.
To each their own. But don’t trash our game because their numbers are dropping. AH numbers rocketed because owners of AW train wrecked and sold us out the same time HT left WB to build this same concept. AW was the king, now AH is the longest lasting king. We hope to keep it that way. What ever help HT wants or needs we are willing to give him with our decades of experience in doing so.