I should have been specific, I agree with Krup regarding the "old feelings" part, as well as his observation that Skyyr isn't cheating. I've watched all of his streams/vids, and he's not. He's just a very, very good shot, combined with excellent SA, energy management, etc.
I would say "no", IF HTC had specific rules regarding targeting a single individual over and over - but I don't see how anyone could regulate such a thing. What with the auto switch feature being what it is, it's easy to see why squads would have multiple accounts, in order to not be split up by the auto-side switch thing. There are no rules, nor should there be IMO, about using intelligence, common sense, deduction, whatever, to figure out where individual opponents are.
Now if HTC were to eliminate the auto balance/switch feature, and say in the TOS that players shall have but one single account, and not engage in using multiple accounts in order to gain information about the other teams and opponents, I think you would have a valid complaint Violator.
As of now, despite how PO'd you are, I don't think HTC is going to make a decision in your favor.
Why don't you just fight back when Skyyr comes looking for you? I'm coming back myself shortly, and I HOPE Skyyr targets me, as I want to improve rapidly once I shake the rust off, and you can't learn unless you lose. If a few of us got together and fought against Skyyr's squad, it'd be a lot of fun I think, something approaching the "good old days" of AH circa blue/orange servers time period.
Violator - would you care if a new player decided he didn't like you and wanted to just target you, and did so, yet you killed him every time you both clashed? Think about that for a second - what is it that really is making you upset at Skyyr?
Look, I'm not defending Skyyr, hell it was me who was largely responsible for getting him banned in the first place (I regretted that, and sent in umpteen PMs to HTC/Skuzzy in an attempt to undo what I did, in order to get Skyyr unbanned), but IMO the game needs players like him, no matter how much his ego, attitude, ch 200, whatever might grate on some people. He's not cheating, and not breaking any rules so far as I can tell.
One thing Krupinski is 100% correct about is that online flight sims like this are a very delicate and precious thing. DCS is rumored to have $$$ problems right now, and one of their largest subcontractors Razbam is on "strike" due to not being paid in 9 months. We could easily be stuck with Warthunder/etc as our only choice someday in the not distant future.
edit - a big reason why Bluberry got banned (IIRC it was at least a major contributing factor) was that subforum he had going in the squad area. It was actually hilarious, and a lot of fun posting in there for a while, but I can see how HTC lost their sense of humor over it. Him using some sort of cheat in the game is news to me, and unless HT says it happened...
Gman, you could enforce it after undeniable proof with multiple films and give them a ban for 3 months for this action. It's not healthy for the game and should be gravely frowned upon.
This isn't about hacking. This is about targeting and manipulating gameplay by a player with
devious intent towards another player regardless of the strategy of the MA. Bascially what you are implying is that you are okay with Skyyr running players out of the game using underhanded tactics provided by the game, like kills showing up in the feed, which is the worst decision ever implemented. This completely defeats any anonymity in the war and battle and makes it easier for players to use it to abuse the gameplay and players.
This infact has ruined the integrity of the MA on many levels. Skyyr and other players should not be allowed to look me up after I kill player on the whole map and gain the advantage of that and chase me down. How is that fair, Gman?
Yes, I would care if a player was specifically targeting me all over the damn map every sortie I flew. It's not about me killing him, it's about him forcing me to change my SA and dynamic of the fight
no matter what im flying mind you as soon as I know they have switched and will engage me after I get my first kill that shows up on the screen.
Again, no other player has gone to this extreme to engage and that is why I dont respect Skyyr right now. How is him seeing me get a kill, switch to that team, then pick any plane he wants, get all the alt and speed he wants to engage me fair, Gman? This is unethical and again ruins the integrity of the MA by changing my ability to be able to defend a field keep them from Jabo or a base take. This guy wants to come in blazing in a 190D, La7, or 152, and you people tell me to get better? Give me a break. The guy still can't hardly kill me with all that advantage but it's really annoying the hell out of. He has all day to fly. I don't.
You want me to spend the hour I play to enforce the same tactics on him and others? You think that's great for the game? Who cares about the war strategy anymore? Who cares about base defense. Who cares about anything on the map right, it's just all about looking up which player I should go after and attack only them right when I enter the engagement with whatever plane I want and speed? That's what the MA is now and gaming of the game contest? This again, ruins the integrity of the MA and a players ability to effect the gameplay for their team.
One of Skyyrs only 2 kills on me he sees me get a kill defending my field, switches to that team. Grabs a La7 and prevents me from defending a field that they took while he HOs me and gets my engine right after they took the field so gets the kill. How is that not ruining the integrity of the game play?
If you think I'm gonna spend my hour chasing this guy around in his super planes with friends and his squad on my team, or getting jumped by him while im trying to defend a field every time I get a kill, than I guess it's just about time I finally cancel my sub after 12-14 years and play another flight sim because it's no longer enjoyable or a natura gameplay experience for me.