EVs are just a fad. I think it's just a proof of concept thing. It kinda works. Fine is you have REALLY short commutes. Long trips are right out for the reasons stated above. Hydrogen fuel will be the answer to all of this. There are multiple projects underway trying to figure out how to separate, store and distribute the most abundant element in the universe safely and cheaply. Refueling a car will take a few minutes as it does with gasoline. It doesn't pollute and is endlessly renewable. It also conveniently burns! Can use it to fuel our cars and trucks. No reason to re-invent the combustion engine. That's already proven that works. Can heat our homes with it too. The best part, since it's all around us, no one will be beholden to any group or country to get it. Just need to crack the code of making it. Big project happening now on this at the university I work at. Hydrogen just has to be it.