Author Topic: organization ruining the MA.  (Read 2383 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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organization ruining the MA.
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2002, 12:45:54 PM »
Laz, you want fair fights, go join the Special events arena.  The MA is a relaxed realism where anything can happen.

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2002, 12:46:55 PM »
HiTech sticking up for Lazs?


Nevermind, that speaks for itself.

Offline Midnight

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« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2002, 12:53:06 PM »
As I suspected, you skirt around the issue and throw in some vague description, rather than laying out any details.

Are you trying to get personal with me lazs? Are you such a big man that you feel that feeble attempts at insulting me directly will make you feel better? Should I reply with a "my dad can kick your dad's ass" comment?

It is truely sad that you are incapable of bringing your points to the table in a mature fashion. Constantly opening your dialog with an insult or general disrespect for those you are addressing.

You are lazy and incompetant by your own admission. Why should anyone listen to what you have to say and take it seriously? Given that the general concept of WWII flight sims has been the same since AW day 1, I really don't understand where you think your idealism would work. If people really wanted what you think they want/need, that is the way the games would be.

If I sent you a gun and a bullet, would you promise to use it in a constructive manner?


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2002, 12:56:10 PM »
eddiek... do whatever you want in the arena.   got no problem with that.    I am merely asking for the ability to do what I want.   The close fields in any map are the most popular as are the cv's but both have been shut down very quickly lately.    Seriously.... when there is a good fight between two fields people will do it for an hour or until one field is overwhelmed.   Obviously they/we are enjoying themselves.    lack of close fields is a problem, either because there aren't enough or because they are too vulnerable to people who don't like fighting at them anyway.

the huge numbers we have now came in when things were a little less "organized" less gangbanging.   I see a problem developing.   I am sure that it will sort itself out tho.   My suggestion for slightly closer fields would no doubt do it but I bet something will be done.   Maybe not my ideas but something to slow/moderate the gangbanging.  no amount of shrill protesting will change that.

edit here for midnight.

and midnight... I am sure the irony of you talking about anyone having an insulting manner is not lost on the gentle readers of this board.   Read what i said.   it answers your questions.   we do have some fields that are 10% or so closer than others.    the sky does not fall in around them.   they require no drastic changes to ack or ai or flight models or method of respawn.   you have no point.  
« Last Edit: January 21, 2002, 01:01:40 PM by lazs2 »

Offline eddiek

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« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2002, 12:58:25 PM »
I don't really think HT was sticking up for Lazs, I just think he was pointing out the fact that there is room for all in AH......even someone as self-centered and self-gratification seeking as one such as Lazs.......:D

From Lazs:
"And yeah.... I been around a long time. Me and my squaddies can fly around and pick our fights and get a lot of risk free kills if we really want to I guess. We don't do it much tho cause it is boring."
So Lazs gets to exercise freedom of choice, but anyone else who does is just ruining things......:(

You already are doing what you want, Lazs, it's just the others aren't cooperating with you that pisses you off, right?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2002, 01:01:34 PM by eddiek »

Offline indian

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« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2002, 12:59:14 PM »
Lets See the object of the game is to fight and capture bases. The object of being in a squad is organization. The object of belong to a squad in a perticular country mass organization. Some people need to go play pixie sticks and stay away from massive multiplayer online games like this. What the hell he want a furball only arena. Its called game play get over you loser.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2002, 01:08:46 PM »
eddiek... i am asking for more choice in the arena not "freedom of choice"  either you don't understand the difference or I don't understand one word of what appears to be giberish you are spouting.

and midnight... by all means send me a gun and ammo.   I would suggest a single action army in colt or Ruger in either 3220 or 357 so as not to duplicate existing firearms.    If it's not too much to ask.... 4 5/8" barrel (they balance well in my hand).   I assure you that I will know what to do with it....  And... thanks in advance.

Offline Dingy

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« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2002, 01:09:31 PM »
Lasz the malcontent is back!!!!!!  Run for the hills!

Personally, I dont see the increased organization as a problem.  Rather, I think its a benefit to the community to see the new strat rules go into place making team play more important and reducing the ability of 1 or 2 people to "steal" bases out from under the noses of unsuspecting pilots.

I think what Lasz is complaining about is the standard gangbang whine which does seem to be a bit more of a problem with the current maps.  

In my opinion, I think the problems have already been stated and are attributable to the current mapsets we've got.  The maps like Lake Uterus and Mindanao are suitable for up to 200 players in the arena but get overloaded when we have over 350 like we've been since AW went under.  What we need are bigger maps to thin out the fights a bit rather than funnel players towards very narrow fronts.  Bigger maps might also decrease the network probs many of us have been experiencing of late.

Whereas, I dont particularly have a problem with gangbanging since I understand its ALWAYS going to happen with our mob mentality, I wouldnt mind seeing maps with multiple fronts where we could pick and choose our type of fite.

The pacific map we have now with the central furball island does a good job of spreading out the combat as did the old beta map.  Other good maps were the old ETO map from AW (not the historical one, but rather the fictional map with Cz in upper left, Az in upper right and Bz across the bottom).  And the AW PTO "historical" map which many of us flew in FR.

While I do not agree that decreasing the teamwork is what needs to be done here, I DO think that maps which spread out the fite (rather than funnel it towards a narrow front) are necessary.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2002, 01:30:56 PM by Dingy »

Offline Apache

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« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2002, 01:10:58 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort

No, Rooks got reset on Friday night, Knits got it earlier in the afternoon (probably night on east coast)

Basically we reversed positions, we were in the hole, and rooks got reset.

Ah. I keep forgetting about that silly time difference thing, lol.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2002, 01:12:55 PM »
"So even if you make the bases tougher to capture I still think they will fall just not as fast. "

Perfect.  That's exactly what my suggestion is intended as--it would slow down the landgrab a bit.   By no means do I want to stop it entirely.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2002, 01:15:00 PM »
indian said... "Lets See the object of the game is to fight and capture bases. "  If capturing bases causes the exclusion of fighting then the "and" part is missing.    Opinion varies on why people join squads but "getting organized" is a very small part certainly.   Gameplay?   furballs aren't gameplay?   Gamelay is a funtion of layout... get used to it loser.

Offline eddiek

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« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2002, 01:34:49 PM »
"eddiek... i am asking for more choice in the arena not "freedom of choice" either you don't understand the difference or I don't understand one word of what appears to be giberish you are spouting. "

Okay, let me put it in your language then Lazs:

You (Lazs) want more choice in the arena, yet you already have multiple choices.  You already make choices each time you log in.  From where to fly, what plane to fly, where to fight, whether or not to fight......all are YOUR choices.
What you suggest about moving the fields closer together does nothing for anyone but you (Lazs);  you seem to want to have your cake and eat it too.  
"Nothing wrong with the fields as is except that they need to be slightly (10-20%) closer... slightly less thatn a sector. fighters up till all hangers down (better would be revetments but..). The closer fields would give more people more choice. The fact that you could fly out to meet a group of cons half way would "rob" players from the organized gangbang. They could still get up a raid but it would be harder to find people bored enough to participate. "
That statement there says more than any other you have made, IMO:  You want to "rob" players in missions, so you can have your way.  Hate to break it to you, but a well planned mission has a good chance of succeeding no matter where you meet them, unless you catch them just lifting off from their runway.  If the enemy runs a mission thru the sector where you are furring, there isn't any need to get mad about it.  Move on to another field, start over again.  If you choose to stay and fight and get killed, the fault is ALL yours, not the game or the players.

Yikes!  It just hit me that I am only making your distorted views appear credible. :eek:
 Lazs, post all you want, I'm outta here.  Your viewpoints might make sense if you presented them in a manner not so blatantly aimed at making the game suit your own particular tastes and no one else's.

Offline Midnight

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« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2002, 01:48:22 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
edit here for midnight.

and midnight... I am sure the irony of you talking about anyone having an insulting manner is not lost on the gentle readers of this board.   Read what i said.   it answers your questions.   we do have some fields that are 10% or so closer than others.    the sky does not fall in around them.   they require no drastic changes to ack or ai or flight models or method of respawn.   you have no point.  

Lazs, it does not answer my questions.

Put a number on it. not a "10% or so" answer, a hard number, like 20 miles, 5,000 feet high.

And again, tell us what you want. An answer of "no drastic changes" means what? what do you want changed? How should it be?

Where did I say I wasn't being insulting? And what is the irony of it? That my insults to you are composed in with more manner trying to avoid child-like name-calling?

If you would like to refer back to my first post on this matter, feel free. That is basically what I said in all following posts, including this one. Maybe someday you will.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2002, 04:14:31 PM by Midnight »

Offline pbirmingham

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« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2002, 01:57:23 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort

Ones person opinion?  yikes....


I've enjoyed your missions immensely, but I have to say that I agree with a lot that lazs says as well.  I appreciate that others like a different type of game than I do, but given a choice between losing the furballs or the strat play, I'd ditch the strat play in a second.  That's my personal  opinion there, and I think both sides can and should be accomodated, but if the strat mavens got everything I've heard them ask for here, my enjoyment of the game would be sharply reduced.  If fields were easier to make unusable (crater damage) and stayed broken longer (super goon complaints) I would spend more time reacting to others' playing style than enjoying my own style.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2002, 01:57:55 PM »
ed... if the only fields with cons are 30 v 1 or 1 v30 or... i have to fly a sector and a half to find out... then my "choices" are limited.  Ther is no viable choice for me.   I certainly have the "freedom of choice" to join in in the gangbang or fly to an empty field or whatever.

If the fields were closer then the fights would be at more points on the map.   I would have more "choice" .  it's pretty simple really.   Also... with fields far apart it favors the late war planes over the mid war and especially the poor helpless early war planes.   Closer fields would siphon off some of the people participating in missions now simply because they have no choice..  well... they are not actually "participarting" so much as blending in with the crowd because the other options are worse.

As for me complaining about being vulched... I believe that if you ask anyone who has been around awhile .... you will find that I take my chances and don't complain when vulched.