Author Topic: Can we PLEASE get rid of bar dar below 500ft?  (Read 593 times)

Offline Tac

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Can we PLEASE get rid of bar dar below 500ft?
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2002, 06:37:41 PM »
Pbi, my squaddies and I usually try to sneak fields, and let me tell ya, what you just said is the only way we have a chance.

Problem is, in the GREAT majority of times, the very instance our bar dar leaves the "big furball bar dar" and enter an empty sector, cons up almost immediately from the field in that sector.

In an arena with 120+ players per side, the chances of 1 person seeing that bar dar , hopping to that field and using external views or just upping a spit or la7 or n1k or 109 just to check it out, seeing the NOE plane's dots approaching the field and then screaming out your location or doing a kamikaze attack at the goon... lets say that out of 10 NOE raids we've tried, 8 of them end up like this. Thanks to the idiotic bar dar.

So you get an organized strike of 5 people or more completely fuked up just because of one person...and the bar dar that told him we were coming from 25 miles out.

Then you mention the ack. Yes, acks are a serious threat to NOE planes. They shoot through hilltops and through hangars with incredible accuracy. Then you have to add to the equation the resupply. Many times we flatten a town, the goon lands or drops.. and a convoy of nearly invisible trucks chuggin' at 140mph arrive to the airfield and up the entire town again. Or worse, a train with more ack flies near and whacks the goon or troops (A33 in Baltic anyone? hehe).

Offline xHaMmeRx

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Can we PLEASE get rid of bar dar below 500ft?
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2002, 06:52:38 PM »
Originally posted by Tac
A heavy jug going below 500ft is dead if it meets ack at that alt. If you pull up to get alt you will be visible in bar dar, not to mention that even if you are below 500ft, the DOT dar will show you if you are 6 miles away from the field.

Plus you'd have to make damn sure that your jugs are able to wipe out all fh's, vh and all ack in 1 or 2 passes and suffer fewer than 1 or 2 planes in your raid getting shot down. Because if you dont, the field will up defense, flaks, tbms, n1ks, spits and la7's. Plus you have to level town as well.

Not to mention that taking a field behind enemy lines is useless if you completely pork it.

Let me clarify that I think the only place your idea should be modified is over the area of the "home country".  History shows that all sides employed an effective form of ground-based observers who complimented radar data.  To me, it just makes sense to emulate this in the game.

In your scenario, you need enough planes to kill the airfield and the town.  Not true.  I've participated in many a raid where, with 4 or 5 niks and a goon, we've wiped out the town and captured the field without hitting anything at the field.  We come in low, strafe the 4 acks, bomb/strafe the buildings, and bingo, town is captured.  Granted, it hasn't been the field where the fighting was taking place, but it is always during the heavily populated mid-evening EST, with bar-dar and dot-dar, and we still are usually able to capture before a defence is mounted.  It may only work once or twice an evening before the bad guys are wise to it, but it does work.
Now imagine trying to figure out where the next strike will be if there is no indication at all.  Most people are not going to auger to rush to the defence of a field that is, for all practical purposes, lost.

And again, my biggest objection is you could fly all over the map, including all the way to "Berlin" (HQ), before you were detected by anyone.  This may be realistic over friendly or "occupied" territory (as long as you stay away from enemy bases, depots, etc), but certainly not over the enemy's home country.

As always, just my opinion!
