If you are a good enough shot and these guys are silly enough to give you an easy HO shot... by all means take it. Just beware the spits, because they have Hispanos, which are very good guns with good range for a forward quarter shot. The Yak has much worse guns, so I'd be a lot more comfortable taking the HO shot versus the Yak... plus I can't run from the Yak so I'll take that shot if offered to me.
It is NOT dweeby to use your plane's strengths. If your gun package and shooting skills compare favourably to the other guy's, it might be worth going for the HO shot. It's just risky is all. Nothing dweeby about taking the shot when it's likely to end in your favour. If the other guy doesn't want to be shot HO, it's quite simple for him to evade it and set you up for a lead turn. If people whine at you for "HOing them", they are just pissed at themselves because they did something dumb and got shot down. Just realize that if you are planning on actually fighting this guy after the merge, taking the HO shot against a good pilot will give him a slight angles and energy advantage at the merge. A good time to take a HO shot is as you dive to run like hell for home or friendlies, it's not a move you want to use if you plan to stay in the fight IMO. You also want to be a damn good shot if you take the true HO shots... better make sure you are a better shot than the other guy and can nail him at longer range than he can nail you. Otherwise it might be best to just evade and bug out.
Now about the high-speed rolling scissors, no I don't find that effective versus those planes either. There are two reasons for this, first they are not terrible rolling planes even at speed, and second a rolling scissors tends to bleed speed pretty fast when you are flying a Jug. The whole point of any type of scissors move is to fly more slowly, so maintaining a high-speed rollings scissors is pretty pointless. The result is that they can stay with you long enough for you to bleed down to speeds where those planes are going to hand you your bellybutton on a plate. If I'm trying to escape from these guys, I'm likely going to dive my butt to 600 MPH or as close as I can get and level out at worm-burning level with as much speed as possible. Executed after any decent escape maneuver to generate some separation, and if I don't escape I can at least cover quite a bit of ground before they catch me, often enough to get help. The one thing the Jug rules at is the 0G dive to INSANE SPEED (TM) and maintaining controls and flight surfaces at the same time, so if I'm really in trouble I'll go for that every time. If I don't think I can escape that way, or I think I can turn the tables (depending on what I've seen of the other pilot's skill at this point) I'll be working on some kind of an overshoot maneuver such as we discussed above. It might start from a high-speed rolling scissors, but then turn into seeing who can burn speed off faster to see if I can get an overshoot. Of course if it doesn't work, I'm doomed.

Now about control movements. It depends on the maneuver and the situation. I blend my movements much of the time, it's far more important that you are deliberate and smooth in your movements I believe. Sometimes though, pulling G's affects your performance, particularly in roll. If you unload to 1G or less, you will find your aircraft will roll much more quickly than under G load, so if I'm trying to roll really fast, I will stop pulling while I roll, then resume pulling once I've rolled to my new attitude.