Author Topic: Anyone notice the numbers dropping???  (Read 540 times)

Offline Staga

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Anyone notice the numbers dropping???
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2002, 04:08:57 PM »
Right now there's about 220 players in MA and of those players I've known 5 since beta. In CT there was 18 players with also 5 I recognized from times of Beta.
Sometimes I wonder did all old players change their names or where did they go?

Offline humble

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Anyone notice the numbers dropping???
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2002, 05:47:44 PM »
An interesting repost...this is an ongoing thread. Since I fly primarily as a "lone ranger"...usually low to medium alt...almost invariably directly to "the sound of the guns" I can tell you the value of a squad or wingie is up dramatically vs even 6 months ago. Truthfully I feel the MA is a much more "realistic" enviornment now than it's ever been. A lot of suffering and sacrifice for little or no gain. Real war is a meat grinder with little return....not to long ago someone posted a diary entry from a real tiffie pilot. It concerned a single 10 plane mission jaboing an enemy airfield. The same field they'd hit a couple weeks before...and the same one they'd hit again a couple weeks later.

10 planes went in on a single hit and run strike...1 plane came out. Personally I miss the old days, with 300 folks or more up most of the time the MA has a totally different feel to it. Truthfully I think the better squads like the AK's 412th 13th TAS etc have a decided edge due to the combination of quality and quanity. I flew with a good squad for years any finally gave it up when I came here...but really hadn't been able to participate for over a year (run my own business + special needs child) do to schedule stuff. Over last few months I've reached a point where I really feel a squad/wingie is a real benifit in here.

Hereing the "burn out" from the diehard squaddies is a new thread for me though....guess I'll migrate to the CA for a bit :)

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Offline pbirmingham

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Anyone notice the numbers dropping???
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2002, 05:59:47 PM »
Originally posted by humble
not to long ago someone posted a diary entry from a real tiffie pilot. It concerned a single 10 plane mission jaboing an enemy airfield. The same field they'd hit a couple weeks before...and the same one they'd hit again a couple weeks later.

Damn those Super Goons!

Offline NUTTZ

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Anyone notice the numbers dropping???
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2002, 06:05:14 PM »
OH, Really YEAGER...

For me AH hasn't changed since Beta, I still haven't landed a sortie.

I'm not allowed to play in the sandbox ( cats kept covering me up)

UPDATE ( slobber) UPDATE (slobber)

Terrains? Terrains? Did you say Terrains?

AH, is still Number 1 in my book.

But what do I know, I'm handed my meds 3 times a day, given a big green crayon/paper and TOLD to draw perwty stuff!


Originally posted by Yeager
Dont sweat it SunKing, Im still here :)

AcesHigh has changed a whole bunch since BETA tour 1 thats fer sure.  

Even back in the early days large gobs of so called "Vets" would get pissed off about something and go relieve themselves in someone elses sandbox.

Also, its seriously time for another update (ie new rides) and some new terrains (oh hell YA, needed badly).

I have always believed that these types of online games are strictly what the user him/herself brings online, not what ANYONE else brings.  In other words, if you like sims, fly like its a sim and be happy.  


Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2002, 06:25:08 PM »
>We need bigger maps! Give us bigger maps and the numbers
>will bounce right back.

Curly, for me, a farther distance between fields would only be more irritating.  If I have to fly longer trying to capture a field only to be undone by a single Insta-Goon.

I also think another of the drags on morale is getting stuck on a single map.  That agian is a result of the Jesus-Goon where all damage, injury, and destruction at a field is miracalously healed by a single touch of its devine wing.  It makes it very hard to gain ground.  The area gets bogged down into trench warefare and you end up stuck on the Mindinaeo map for a fekin month.  

I do enjoy furballing on occation and I'm far from being fed up with AH.  But the resuply system is in my opinion why many don't feel like even trying strat.  That tends to shift the center of gravity towards just mindless furballing at 2k.


Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Pongo

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Anyone notice the numbers dropping???
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2002, 06:41:13 PM »
I dont notice any drop in numbers.
But the game will be played as the design allows and the temperment of the majority of players demands..
how else could it be?

Offline pimpjoe

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« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2002, 09:04:51 PM »
i like the bigger map idea. the fields dont have to be farther apart...just bigger fronts and no places to get into 3 country furballs over 1 base. more options on where to go IMO would be a huge advance in game play for strat stuff. i would also like to see the resupply stuff get done with, but i know thats here to stay.

Offline Drunky

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I vote off the island...
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2002, 10:24:02 PM »
Well, if AH was Survivor then I bet Lasz1 (or Lasz2 or Lasz...whatever he's going by now) would be the first off the island ;)

Lasz(x) are my shining example.

[Yoda voice] "The force is strong with this one....the dark side attracted to he is, yes???"

Lasz(x) you have made and continue to make my argument about the delinquencies in the AH community.  You speak when you are not spoken speak where you are neither welcomed nor speak about things you are ignorant.  Your arguments are simplistic, self-absorbed, petty, repetitive, childish, argumentative and non-productive.  You troll for repsonses to validate your own existence.  You are scum, worthless and probably deserve prison time.  Narcissistic, self-absorbed and probably have a small peepee.  You fit the profile for an abused child with little self-esteem.  A wallflower.  You cower at your own shadow.  Do you hurt yourself on purpose?...cut yourself?...torture your own genitals?...or perhaps hurt innocent animals to make yourself feel better?

Reality Check...just because you are a better than average pilot in a flight sim does not make you a better than average person in the real world.  You poor bastard...even though you might be better here...hello, you still suck...hahahaha.

Pop Psychology Time:

A) Lasz(x) is fourteen pretending to be a man (daddy, can I play on the computer now), B) he doesn't have any friends, lacks any social skills, is ugly, smells funny and his mother dresses him funny, C) he's simply a bitter, small, petty person, D) an angry gay person who is obsessed with "anal-retentive, pink fluffing sky accountants" who don't let him play his game the way he demands it *snap, go girl* or E) all of the above.

Either way...AH (and even the world) would be better off without Lasz(x) and his piss poor, dour, iresome, juvenile, passive-agressive, cry for help attitude.  Is he king dweeb or just a dweeb king...will we ever know?

Poor Lasz(x)...I knew him not...well more than I really wanted to...

And the Award for the Most Voted off the Island goes to.... Lasz(x)

you crazy still suck

Drunky | SubGenius
Fat Drunk Bastards
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Offline LePaul

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« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2002, 11:00:49 PM »
You had a good thread going until you stooped to the bash-laz routine.  It'll only provoke him to try to one up your one-liners and the point of the thread is lost.

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2002, 12:19:10 AM »
I wont stand up for lazs because he doesnt need it.

One thing though, he will gun your brains out if you give him even the slightest opportunity.  For that reason alone, Im glad he makes this place his feeding grounds.  He keeps me skeered and I appreciate that.

lazs (you buttmuncher, stroke me)

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Offline pimpjoe

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« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2002, 12:55:26 AM »
i dont know why everybody has all this hostility agains lazs. he just voices his opinions like everyone else. it may not be what you want to hear but we have no right to flame him for what he thinks. we all have our own little vision on how we would like to see the game. it is always looked at by HTC. and eventually we get a compramize between what everybody wants. it may not be EXACTLY how ya want it, but there is always a way to work around what you dont like.

Offline pbirmingham

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« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2002, 01:16:23 AM »
Originally posted by pimpjoe
i dont know why everybody has all this hostility agains lazs. he just voices his opinions like everyone else.

Don't forget too that there are many of us who are less vocal, but who agree with him more than with his detractors.

I would never want to get rid of the strat game completely, but if given a choice between LePaul's vision of what AH should be, and lazs', I'd go for lazs'.

This isn't meant to diss you, LePaul -- your opinions are no less valid than mine -- just to say that while Paul Tibbets and Enola Gay may have had a bigger impact on history, I'd still much rather be Don Gentile in Shangri-La.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2002, 01:20:12 AM »
Lazs rocks.  :)

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Offline gatt

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« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2002, 04:20:25 AM »
Originally posted by Sunchaser
Waiting for 1.09 is getting tougher by the day ... (snip)

Oh yes :mad: I'm sorry to say that but I'm losing interest in the Main and in the poor numbers of CT. I think I've flown 3 hours in three months. IMHO, AH needs an RPS or some new ideas ...  :(
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2002, 08:04:50 AM »
Gee drunky...  give your liver a break guy or it will be bigger than that chip on your shoulder.   I do belive that you have managed to get in the running for the "who can use the word lazs the most in one post" award tho.

On another note.... I killed drunky several times in a row a while back.  He was flying a B17 from one close field to another in an attempt to bomb the later.   he was at mid alt and all by himself and heading right through the furball that was between those two fields.   He was attempting to stop the fight with a lone suicide bomber and ruin the fun of dozens of guys.  if that is the only thing that is fun for him then he doesn't deserve to have fun.