Author Topic: Beet1e, whats your agenda?  (Read 556 times)

Offline Apache

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« on: February 26, 2002, 07:39:54 AM »

Most of us in AH came from either WB or AW or both. Where the heck do you think I first saw then learned to avoid the HO in the mid 90's? Yep. WB.

Offline K West

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2002, 08:22:54 AM »
What you see there is not specific to just Scrambl and WB's.

 Since coming to AH back in 1999 I've saw many people from AW, as well as WB's and FA, straddle the fence.  On one hand liking AH, or going thru the motions of trying to, but unable (or unwanting) to make a clean break.  Some could (myself easily...after a year and a half ;) ) and others couldn't see thru thier sim/squad/friends familiarity/bias to really try out AH and the people here. Some just hate change and new things. And many others cannot handle the psychological impact of starting over on a lower rung in the pecking order again after being King of the Hill for years elsewhere. The folks who straddle the line (or act like they do) often mock AH or complain about what it lacks versus brand XX (missing "comfy blanket" thing) by posting elsewhere about it.  

 AH will never be WB's and it will never be AW.  AH stands on it's own very well (head and shoulders above those two IMO) and it has even become a WWII aircombat "melting pot" of sorts.

 As much as AH has it's share of online community problems, so do the other games and sims. Just read some of the other topics on AGW, or go to the FA n.g. and of course you could always dip into the newsgroup BigWeek (sprung from MMP tests for AW during the latter 1990's)  to see that.

 IMO iEN and the WB's community can only wish they had the massive influx that AH has had in the past few months. Then they would have the hundreds of new, frustrated players who will tak the HO all too often just to get an ego boosting kill award. And of course the AGW community would open it's arms wide in a warm welcoming embrace as they show via this topic. (of course with thier large increase price on March 4th that's not likely to happen at all)


« Last Edit: February 26, 2002, 08:33:54 AM by K West »

Offline Apache

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2002, 08:27:25 AM »
Yeah, I hear ya Westy. It just pisses me off to accept someone with open arms, ya know, glad you're here, welcome my new friend and then go running to your old buddies and laugh at us at our expense.

As if HO's never happened in WB. Heck, the freakin HO masters live in WB for goodness sake.

Offline hblair

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2002, 08:35:05 AM »
rgr that Westy. Many pilots have a tough time turning their back on their old game, especially hard for them to leave their old friends behind. That's why when I decided to come here, I just quit WB's altogether, rather than trying to stay in both games.

A few months ago, I D/Led WB's for the first time in a couple years. It looked the same as when I left back in '99. I'm glad I'm here. Let 'em make wise cracks, the writings on the wall. We could use a lot more WB's players here. :)

Offline oboe

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2002, 08:45:15 AM »
Agreed.   For a long time while I played AH I still took part on AGW.   I alwys thought I'd go back and try WBIII when it was more mature and stable.   Finally, when hotseat admitted there were something like 20 planes ready and just waiting for cockpit art, while he was busy working with XBOX ports and Mars terrains, I gave up on WBs.   The price increase coming in March will seal its fate, IMO.

Offline Wotan

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2002, 08:59:23 AM »
I just cancelled my wb3 account last week if they think that ho'ers aren't alive and well in 80 person max arena  then they are lying.

Ah 250 to 400 folks flyin round you got to prepared fer a ho or 2 or 4. They are easy enough to avoid.

But we are just a**holes high I guess. :rolleyes:

Everyone needs their ego stroked now and again............

Offline Ripsnort

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2002, 10:13:59 AM »
Simply a case of "We've run out of things to bash AH with, and this is the best I could come up with". :D  Consider it WB defeatism.

Actually, I think he was just trying to be funny. After all, a good pilot knows the HO can be avoided.

Offline pimpjoe

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2002, 12:13:19 PM »
Originally posted by Apache
It just pisses me off to accept someone with open arms, ya know, glad you're here, welcome my new friend and then go running to your old buddies and laugh at us at our expense.

same here

Offline K West

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2002, 12:37:38 PM »
"It just pisses me off to ...."

 Oh, me too to be 100% honest.   I think this morning when I'd posted that I'd not had enough coffee and obvioulsy I'd taken leave of my spiteful feelings and ways.  I'll try not to do it in the future ;)

 The nerve of that prittle lick!


 (p.s.  which is why I usually don't say 'welcome' to people who post that they have "arrived" (or even 'goodbye'  usually  to folks unless it is RL circumstances causing the departure).  If they stay long enough they usually become active in the community and joining into discusssions (re:AH and anything else) with them is my way of saying hello.)

Offline Revvin

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2002, 05:52:35 PM »
Why would he have a hidden agenda? what you think he's in some secret iEN plot to undermine Aces High and destroy the game from within? :rolleyes:

I've spoken to Scrambl quite a bit since he first gave Aces High a try and offered him a place in my squad as I knew him from my WB days as being a decent guy. Yes he has made some derogatory comments about AH in the past and I've often argued against his opinion's challenging him and others to try AH. At least he has tried Aces High unlike some of the others who liek Westy says are often too scared to perhaps not be the top dog anymore in another sim and scared of change. Scrambl gave Aces High a chance and he liked it, so much so he subscribed and joined my squad and has been a very active player (he's done wonders for our kill ratio :D ) He often tells me he prefers Aces High over Warbirds and if you read the thread he says he still does prefer AH over WB but like the rest of us there are some things he does not like about AH.

While I do agree with Westy's theory about some gamers not willing to drop down the virtual pecking order and being scared of change and being set in their ways unwilling to change there is a flip side. For every one of the players Westy describes above there is an equal number who turn a game into a religion, its not a means of entertainment anymore for some they turn it almost into a way of life. They pounce at the slightest challenge to their beloved sim they won't hear any wrong said about their idols on the dev team of their sim and they preach to everyone how superior they are by putting another community/sim down like they are on some kind of religious crusade to educate the world's flight simmers.

Neither sim is perfect by any means we'd all like to see a particular feature which may not ever make it into either WB or AH. I don't particulalry agree with his views on the lack of six calls, I get plenty, I also see just as many HO's in WB as I do in AH. He is entitled to his opinion and its one which you did'nt seem to mind when he was posting less than complimentary stuff about Warbirds.

Offline Fatty

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2002, 06:14:37 PM »
I dunno, I enjoy reading the acm begins after merge theorists.  They amuse me.

Offline Pongo

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2002, 06:21:56 PM »
And that is after all what its all about...

Offline beet1e

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2002, 05:35:13 AM »
It just pisses me off to accept someone with open arms, ya know, glad you're here, welcome my new friend and then go running to your old buddies and laugh at us at our expense.

What a load of rubbish. Aces High has some great attributes; unfortunately, the community is not one of them. Apart from buddies from WB, no-one here has ever welcomed me or tried to involve me in anything. I've written a few threads about it, but this one probably expresses my feelings best of all.

I am as free to voice my opinions on the WB bulletin board as I am in here, or in the local boozer talking to a friend.

Yep, great graphics, flight models, programming support... but the online "community" sucks. And the maddening thing is it need not be like that.  A couple of weeks ago I cleareda "friend's" six, and almost got killed for my trouble. When I asked "why no bloody six calls"? the very guy whose arse I had just saved had the cheek to accuse me of having a toejamty attitude. I logged off soon after that. With friends like these, who needs enemies...

The weekend before last, it was the WB Eurocon2002 in Holland. A wonderfully warm and nostalgic event. I met the very first guy who ever helped me (in my first week) for the first time, despite having been an online friend for four years. Amongst the warmth and cameraderie, I suddenly realised what I had been missing in Aces High. And something else: At least five guys that I spoke to had tried Aces High, and most have given up on it because of the lack of support and team spirit. By that I mean they no longer participate. So yes, there were a few jokes going around about AH, like the quip I made that lapwin mentioned

I am still here. But it's not easy. I have taken hblair's advice to check out the CT, and I think that's where I'm going to make my home. I'm looking for gameplay that has planning and the strategy of a game of Chess, and not an aerial pub brawl.

Not wanting to tar all with the same brush, I should mention a few AH friends, amongst whom are funkedup, snorkey, blitz-,ripsnort, lephturn, revvin (and rest of squad), higgs0 (a great sport), hammy, and anyone who has ever given me a 6 call! (a growing number have)

See the picture of a great bunch of guys at the WB EuroCon2002... And it was always like that. We always had a good time online and offline.

Now that you've seen this picture, you have to guess which one is me - LOL! (No help from WBers please)

Offline beet1e

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doh! pic wouldn't attach last time...
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2002, 05:45:50 AM » i've made it smaller

Offline batdog

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Beet1e, whats your agenda?
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2002, 06:29:34 AM »
AH is a rapidly growing community that is undergoing the same growing pains as other on-line sims. It has had a HUGE influx of new players and such. WB's is an established community that has had a stable player base for some time. Give AH and it current influx of people time and it will grow.

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".
