Author Topic: Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days  (Read 1249 times)

Offline milnko

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Buried on the back page of our local newspaper was this story outta Fort Worth, Texas.

A woman (Chante J. Mallard, 25yo, a nurses aide) hit a homeless man with her car while driving home.

37yo Gregory Biggs was struck by Mallard's vehicle and became stuck in Mallard's broken automobile windshield, and Mallard continued to drive home to her garage where ignoring his pleas for help allowed Biggs to bleed to death over the next two days.

Upon arriving home she reportedly entered the house to have sex with her boyfriend. However she did enter the garage a few times to apologize to Biggs, but never got help for him.

After Biggs expired Mallard dumped Biggs body in a park with the help of some friends.

The medical examiner's office said Biggs suffered no internal injuries and apparently died from loss of blood and shock.

This is a true story, I was stunned when I read it. The newspaper article goes into greater detail, but the above posted hits the "high" points.
It never ceases to amaze me what man is able to do to his fellow man. Or in this case NOT do.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2002, 04:52:37 PM by milnko »

Offline texace

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2002, 05:20:53 PM »
Wetback high on speed as well as drunk. I also think she was an illegal alien...not sure. Right here in my hometown... I'll never understand...

Offline SKurj

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2002, 11:31:40 AM »
Now that looks like a great case for capitol punishment!!

hmm maybe thats too good for her...
put her in a Male penn...


Offline Mickey1992

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2002, 12:02:19 PM »
Buried on the back of page four?!?  You fool, don't you know that the AH BBS is your best source for real news! :D

Offline Skuzzy

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2002, 12:12:03 PM »
Unfortunately, she will not get capitol punishmentand even if she does, will be 7 to 15 years before it is carried out.

Stupid justice system we have, and before anyone yells its better than other alternatives, I subscribe to, "it can always be improved or made better".

And for those that cannot bring themselves to remove scum like this from our society, when an animal goes rabid, we do not hesitate to put it to death, same rule applies as far as I am concerned.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline midnight Target

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2002, 12:54:13 PM »
Originally posted by texace
Wetback high on speed as well as drunk. I also think she was an illegal alien...not sure. Right here in my hometown... I'll never understand...

Wetback? Does that mean something in terms of what this woman did?  I'm sure you didn't really mean that.

Offline Elfenwolf

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2002, 05:49:29 PM »
Chante Mallard?? Doesn't sound Mexican to me. Maybe she's an illegal Canadian Immigrent???

Offline Maverick

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2002, 06:25:41 PM »
Photo published in my hometown paper showed she was black, not that that matters a bit. The color of her skin or her background has no bearing on the fact that she is responsible for the particularly cruel death of another human being.
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Offline AKDejaVu

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2002, 07:37:43 PM »
I heard on the radio today that she is going to get out on $250,000 bail.  I also heard they were going to go for a Murder charge.  Though, releasing someone on bail implies the death penalty will not be sought.


Offline milnko

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2002, 08:58:45 PM »
Sorry about this thread fellas, didn't know SOB had already started one on this topic :o

Now, I dunno about you fellas, but I got some pretty close friends, however, I'm faily certain none of em would help me dump a corpse.

And upon reflection, I'm almost as certain that ifin' they was ta ask me ta help 'em dump a body, I'd hafta answer with an "I'll pass"

They could call me a "fair weather" friend all they wanted, but I just don't wanna be thet "close" to someone.

In fact I can't think of a single friend I'd want ta spend the next 20 years sharin' a cell with.

Seriously tho, I hope they file charges on Mallard's "little helpers" too.

Offline sling322

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2002, 09:18:12 PM »
Originally posted by milnko

Seriously tho, I hope they file charges on Mallard's "little helpers" too.

With you all the way Millie.  

Problem is, they havent found her "little helpers" yet as far as I know.  

Another rumor going around the DFW area...dont know how much truth is in that the lady that went to the police and told them what she heard Ms. Mallard talking about at a party is now receiving death threats.  

Supposedly this lady heard Ms. Mallard discussing at a party how she hit this dude with her car and dumped him when he was dead and she went to the cops and told them what she heard on the understanding that her name would not be released.  Her name is all over the newspapers and now she seems to be getting death threats now....probably from Ms. Mallard's "little helpers".

Ms. Mallard's lawyer apparently made a statement last week in effect that the police and media are sensationalizing the case and it was nothing more than a simple 'failure to stop and render aid' case.  :rolleyes:

Offline Elfenwolf

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2002, 12:21:08 AM »
I have resisted posting further on this subject because the Homeless Problem in America is such an emotionally charged issue, but since you brought it up I will share with you the probable scenario of this terrible, unfortunate accident....

Chante is parked at a red light, still marginally buzzed from 48 hours of doing Estacy and drinking 40s with her new lover. It's late at night, dark, and Ms. Mallard is half asleep.

Suddenly a filthy dirty rag clutched by an equally filthy dirty hand is rubbed across her windshield. The hand belongs to Greg Biggs, a local drug addict, alcoholic and homeless man. Mr. Biggs begins demanding money for "cleaning" her windshield, but all he managed to do was spread only God knows what kind of filth on the windshield of Ms. Mallard's car.

Mr. Biggs stands in front of Chante's car, screaming obsenities and demanding money, but Chante can't see Mr. Biggs because he has spread only God knows what on her windshield.

Chante, scared out of her wits yet still trying to be polite, beeps her horn twice and proceeds to drive slowly through the intersection as the light turns green. She feels a hard BANG on her hood, which I believe to be Mr. Biggs' bottle of Mad Dog 40-40, she panics, floors the accelerator and the next thing you she's face to face with Mr. Biggs.

Can any of you possibly imagine how foul Mister Biggs' breath had to be as his face was suddenly inches from hers after he smashed it through her windshield? Can you imagine the terror Ms. Mallard must have gone through on the rest of her ride home? And Mister Biggs suddenly starts demanding Medical Attention in addition to the two dollars for cleaning her windshield that he just smashed out with his face!

Thank God Chante was able to drive home safely with this raving mad man breathing his foul breath on her, his nose just inches from hers, making demands and threatining legal action against her.

Being buzzed from the Estacy and the marathon 48 hour sex session with a new lover, being light headed from the stench of Mr. Biggs' foul breath and emotionally in shock from this entire incident, Ms. Mallard passes out and sleeps for two days. She wakes up, rushes to her garage to a barely alive Mister Biggs and, realizing it is too late to save the dying man, she clutches his hand, sheds a tear and says "I'm sorry" as Mister Biggs expires. (lowers eyes, shakes head sadly at the expiration of Mr. Biggs)

Now let's talk about the character of Chante Mallard. Her friends would commit crimes and risk imprisonment for her or maybe even KILL for her, they love her so much. As Milnko said, I wish I had friends willing to go to the mat for me like Chante has. Greg Biggs? Hell, even his family didn't know where he was and there is no evidence anyone even cared.

Occupation? Chante Miller has dedicated her life to nursing, which is as noble a profession as a young lady could choose. She has made the choice to help people, whereas Greg Biggs has dedicated his life to being a burden on society as a homeless derelect armed with a greasy windshield rag.

Future? Chante Mallard has a bright future. She has loyal friends, a great career helping others and is a bright shining star other young women should emulate. Greg Mallard? He was a bum. We don't even know if he died from the terrible unfortunate accident he was responsible for or rather he died as a result of his drug and alcoholic lifestyle. He was 39 years old, and most derelicts die by 40, so what difference would a year or two make to a man like Greg Biggs given the fact he'd spend it drunk or on drugs anyway?

Chante Mallard has suffered enough. Her life, along with her car, will never be the same. Ms. Mallard is the true victim here, and I think the reason so many of you are so up in arms over this is because you are racist against African Americans.

Please, let's not try another African American in a high-profile racist attack by the Press. Let's wait for the jury to decide her guilt or innocence before we convict her. Let's not make the same mistake we made with O.J. Simpson and convict an innocent African American in the press instead of in the courthouse. Let's not ruin Chante Mallard's life- we owe OJ that much at least.

Elfenwolf for the Defense
« Last Edit: March 12, 2002, 02:23:26 AM by Elfenwolf »


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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2002, 02:32:23 AM »
No Jesse Jackson yet? What about Al Sharpton......

Offline moose

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2002, 07:13:04 AM »
you guys suck

i posted this the 1st day the story came out

millie posts it like a week later

you respond to his

i quit. :mad:

Offline SOB

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Charges filed after man dies while stuck in windshield two days
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2002, 07:46:20 AM »
Are you sure that you posted it on the AH BBS?  Perhaps you got confused and posted it over on AGW.  :p

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