Author Topic: A little sympathy for Macboy.  (Read 1719 times)

Offline Nash

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2000, 03:38:00 PM »
"So in essence your saying that HTC is telling the Mac community that if you want to play our game not only are you going to have to fork over $360/yr but your going to have to go plunk down an extra $1,300 on a PC." - Spritle

Misses the point. HTC aint 'telling you' nuthin'. Squat. They made this nifty little game, and it needs a certain computer to run it. Simple. You can moan about this as much as you want, but thats the facts.

Maybe the government should step in and set up some kinda OS Standards Board and force companies like HTC with only 6 employees to release cross-platform products, or nothing at all.

Or lets make them face a panel of so called experts who can ram market share data down their throats, so at the very least they understand how foolish and doomed to fail they really are.

And MG, as much as you say that you want to rid the AGW board of all things AH and return to the haven of discussing WB matters... the only time I seem to see you 'discuss' anything is when AH gets mentioned. In a bizarre way, you love this toejam  

Offline jihad

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« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2000, 03:39:00 PM »
MG belched:
IEN sucks, Jay sucks, Iceman sucks.

#1. TRUE

#2. TRUE

#3. FALSE He`s the only thing their doing right over there,as far as Jay Littman goes-he`s an idiot,Hotstink is a cretin,and you are a lower life form than either of them Mac Geek.

 I haven`t seen any recent posts from AH players bashing WB on A Group(of)Whiners lately-so as I said before STFU and go away idiot!

P.S. Is there pattern here?

#1. Supports a dying OS.

#2. Supports a dying game.

#3. Probably has a Beta format VHS too.  

[This message has been edited by jihad (edited 07-05-2000).]

Offline Pyro

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« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2000, 03:40:00 PM »
Actually, I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for MG too.  While I have to admit that I've enjoyed laughing at the spectacle he makes of himself, it's getting a bit sad when you remember that he is a real person.  Watching the loosely threaded fabric of his mind unravel is becoming increasingly disturbing.  Is he in a squadron?  Maybe they could help him out.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

Offline RAM

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« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2000, 03:42:00 PM »
first of all, and prior to anything else. If I'm not wrong Wb was developed for PC much before being done for Mac. So AH is first written for AH and sooner or later for Mac.

Second, HTC is a 6 guy team. To keep development at a fast pace they need to concentrate in PC. to put a Mac version would be a diversion of resources, and they think its not worth the effort right now. Like it or not, I agree with them.

Third I never insulted Wb. I always have stated that they are different and that I like AH more,and when I did it you answered me "stop spamming this board". If that was to spam then what are you doing?. Still I have to read you here sayig toejam about AH when you dont know it and you LIKE it. (yes, sir you like AH whether you admit it or not is your problem,but if you squeak so much for a Mac version is for something isnt it?).

fourth...what Wardog said. One day AH will be in Mac, MG. and you'll want to fly it. But right now I wont call your 6. For that matter, I think that VERY few people would call your six. And you know why.

Be nicer, and you'll be treated with more respect. Be as you are now and we'll all want you outta here.

As simple as that.

Offline RAM

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2000, 03:43:00 PM »
lol Pyro  

Offline Torquila

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2000, 03:46:00 PM »
Originally posted by SUPERFLY:

Grr.. u made SUPERFLY cry, time to die  :P

[This message has been edited by Torquila (edited 07-05-2000).]


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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2000, 03:47:00 PM »
Hehe Pyro. You sly dog.

All the other rebuttle posts are just emotional puking. Yours, though, ever so sly. Good job.  

Welp, I'm outa here. Just thought I'd stir it up some. Just to let you have a vent and rally for the game you enjoy.  Cya!  

Offline Wilfrid

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« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2000, 03:51:00 PM »
"A lot of Germans gave in to Hitler too. I will not go that route period!"

Macboy, please don`t compare Bill Gates to Hitler in an attempt to make yourself sound righteous. Every time somebody compares something they don`t like with Hitler, it trivialises the crimes of this evil man.



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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2000, 03:52:00 PM »
I'm going to approach this logically from a technical POV, as amazing as it may be to actually throw facts into YAHWO. (Yet another Holy War Online, pronounced "Yah-Woe").

HT made a decision to use D3D. For this you accuse him of ego-centricity? Or is it because he decided to do a 3D WW2 Flight sim? Would he have leeched any less if he made it a Korean War sim? Or was HT now banished to writing code to games like Java Whack-a-mole without being brandished a leech? Come on.

HT COULD have used OpenGL, and wrote it on a Mac with a PC Port, much like X-Plane does. X-Plane is also riddled with display problems, although to Austin's credit, he does a hellva job, but he still has no multiplayer support for it.

D3D leverages other things, like DirectPlay for sockets (My guess is HT doesn't use it and instead writes directly to winsock.) and DirectSound. These are useful tools, and HT likes them. Well, maybe he puts up with them.

Anyhow, in case you haven't noticed, big software shops are going the way of the dinosaur. For every Bungie and Blizzard, there are a ton of shops that don't last. Small dedicated groups with talent are the only way you're gonna see anything decent arrive.

So, instead of squeaking that HTC pulls your community apart, why the diddly don't you get a copy of CodeWarrior and do something about it? Huh?

BTW, I bet you're a lousy pilot, so no loss.


Offline miko2d

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« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2000, 03:57:00 PM »
 I would welcome players into the game regardless what kind of hardware they are using. The more, the merrier. I am just saying that making the software for different platforms is difficult and expensive. Look at WB - it's two games, not one - one for PC and another one for Mac.

 So rignt now it is apparently not possible to port AH. If it was, I wonder if MacOS would be the first platform of choice. You have plenty of other nice platforms, like BeOS, Linux, etc. that allow you to run multiple processors for example.
 For all we know neither Hitech nor Pyro may even know how to program for Mac and may be too busy to learn.

 As for buying four top of the line computers, yes - you have to do that at least every 3 years to be able to play flight sims, plus interim video upgrades. Thank Lord that the price of that kind of system has dropped from $4500 to under $3000 over the last 6-7 years. Still a lot of money, but it is a game, after all - not a necessity.

 A little bit of history - Mac, not PC was/is a monopoly, completely closed system. When they came up with a nice operating system and interface, they did not license the technology to anyone, instead they advertised amasing systems for completely ridiculous amounts of money that only corporations dared to buy and sold crappy systems for twice the money of a comparably equipped PC (I did my shopping). So the public bought atrocious but cheap PCs that were produced by hundreds of companies for less then IBM brand. And you could buy peripherals dirt cheap compared to Mac from thousands competing vendors.
 And anyone could write an operating system for a PC - there are many commercial UNIX ports, Lunux, BeOS, etc.
 Everybody knows that the issue is not hardware, but software.
 Why wouldn't those Apple guys port their wonderful (no irony here) OS to a cheap and plentifull PC? They wanted to be the only wendor of all Mac Hardware, Software and Periferals and they almost lost their shorts.
 Then a few years ago they licensed their stuff to a few other companies and in a few months we had plenty of Mac clones better and less expensive then the ones from Apple. Thw whole market for Mac revived and what did they do? They yanked the license from those companies who invested millions in production facilities and became a monopolists once again.
 The PC and Microsoft stuff was not as good but more accessible to the people and we were buying it and voting with our $$. We elected windows as "The OS" and PC as "The Platform" and Bill Gates as The Reachest Man in the World completely democratically and fully aware of their shortcommings (Yes, Macboy, just like Germans elected Hitler in 1933).
 From where I stand, (UNIX and X) both Windows (all flavors) and Mac are almost equally crappy systems. I know what a real OS should be like - I had to work on many flawors of UNIX and several models of hardware. Not a single one of them I could use for gaming. The fact that I currently have a Sun running Solaris 2.7 at my disposal does not give me arrogance to demand that everything be ported to it.

 I feel sorry for the people that have access to Mac who cannot obtain a real gaming computer.
 I do not even suggest to them to wait for the port because I want to see them in the arena now. Most of them are great guys. PCs get cheaper every day, AH is very tolerable to the older equipment. I cannot believe that it is preferable to play WB in 2D to running WB or AH on P2/333.


Offline Dago

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« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2000, 04:34:00 PM »
I hope WWII online works out for little old Macboy, as anyone paying any attention has to have some serious doubts about the long term viability of WB.

Almost every time I am going to log on to AH, I first check out the numbers on WB, and lately every time I have checked, AH has more players that WB.  This might still be post con dropoff, but it's been over a week since the con and it's still that way.  Maybe a growing trend?  WB wasn't doing well financially before, it has to be feeling the sting now.  Macboy might find himself without a game if WWII doesnt fill the bill.

Just a thought.  

Funny thing, guys who discuss AH on AGW (a private board, not an official game company sponsored board like this) usually discuss differances and opinions.  They dont jump on AGW to attack WB.   Why doesnt little MB notice and respect that?  And why doesnt he figure out that everyone, and I mean everyone has figured out he has no clue about what he is talking about?

BTW, Bill Gates is my hero!        ;o

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2000, 05:03:00 PM »
Welp, I'm outa here. Just thought I'd stir it up some. Just to let you have a vent and rally for the game you enjoy. Cya!

Nice attempt at a recovery... kinda like when a cat walks into a door...

*SMACK* "mmmeeEEOOOOW!" (dusts self off) "I meant to do that...."

Offline Udie

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« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2000, 05:25:00 PM »
 LOL Pyro!

 I bet he still drinks Schlitz too  


Offline Downtown

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« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2000, 05:37:00 PM »
When I set out my Macboy/MG trap I never expected so many fish?  Wow, I am gonna have to open a fish market.

What Macboy/MG keeps avoiding is that ARGO said it was okay to compare AH and WB on the AGW board.  I know some folks have done that and been attacked.

I check AGW all the time, and except for Badger            I see iEN Customers are the ones complaining about iEN, Iceman, Hotseat, and Jay.  Check AGW Right now, check these threads, they aren't AH Pilots, and AH isn't mentioned?

I think Macboy needs to look a little harder at his community, and how it treats others before he comes here ranting his diatribe.

HT doesn't need to do too much to leech players from Warbirds, iEN and the whiners on AGW are doing just fine.

Everytime Macboy/MG comes here ranting, I will pluck an amusing thread from AGW where a iEN customer is attacking iEN, Warbirds, or the AGW and Warbirds community.  I have never checked AGW and not found such a thread.

"Downtown" Lincoln Brown.
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!

[This message has been edited by Downtown (edited 07-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Downtown (edited 07-05-2000).]

Offline Mark Luper

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2000, 05:46:00 PM »
LOL Kieren!


Keep the shiny side up!