Author Topic: A little sympathy for Macboy.  (Read 1721 times)

Offline Dead Man Flying

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2000, 05:58:00 PM »
I wonder if Macboy realizes that Microsoft has invested at least $150 million in Apple over the last couple of years.

If he really wants to escape the shadow of Bill Gates, mayhaps he should go fire up the old VIC-20 and complain that both Aces High AND Warbirds don't work on it.

-- Todd/DMF

Offline Udie

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2000, 06:35:00 PM »
Advice for Macboy



Offline Spitboy

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« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2000, 06:57:00 PM »
Well, I'm a Mac guy. Preparatory statement: HTC has pulled off an amazing feat in pumping out a quality game in record time. If either of my PCs could handle it, I'd definitely be giving AH a try, and would probably enjoy it enough to keep my account. Unfortunately, I don't really have enough free time to justify getting a decent PC box just for games at this point. Maybe soon. Look back through anything I've ever posted. I've never slammed AH, the game.

That said, I'll reiterate what I said long ago. I do think it was a mistake to not make the game cross platform from the get-go, and despite HT and Pyro's comments, I doubt much effort really went into ensuring the code was as cross-platform as possible. No slam, just a guess.  It's still going to be a "Mac port" or a "Linux port" ... "sometime down the road," not a Mac game or Linux game, like WB3 and WW2OL will. Those were designed from the ground up with the Mac platform in mind.

With a development staff as small as HTC's the investment of a Mac or Linux programmer would have been small compared to the probable gains. Sure it would have slowed the development down SOME, but it would speed things up in the long run, and increase revenue.

Better than 20% of the beta signups for WW2OL were Mac, and there were *thousands* of signups. I just don't see the business sense in ignoring 1/5 to 1/4 of a market, especially when that segment is experiencing growth, and your two main competitors have announced support for them. That's one less thing on your tally sheet in the "Compare these products" box, and with three competitors, you should be aiming for as many edges over the competition as you can.

It just wouldn't have taken that much effort to secure 20% more players, and a devoted following among the largely fanatically loyal Mac crowd. Cause that's one thing we are ... pretty loyal when someone makes an honest effort to support us right.

And one last thing. Pyro, Superfly, I think it's kind of unprofessional to make posts like you do against potential customers, even if they ARE trolling or asking for a virtual clubbing. You got players to take care of it, no need to do it yourselves. It's one thing to take issue with a person and their comments; it's another entirely to join in the ridicule of someone in a public forum as a representative of your company.

Feel free to disagree, that's just my opinion after seeing a couple of similar posts in other threads by you two.

Spitboy -SW-


Offline -duma-

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #33 on: July 05, 2000, 07:03:00 PM »
First person to reply to udie with ANYTHING about Linux will be shot.


Offline Udie

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2000, 08:36:00 PM »
Does that include you?  


Offline Cabby

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« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2000, 09:45:00 PM »
I can't believe i read this whole thread.  

Hey Pyro, in case ya didn't notice, it ain't just Macboy coming unhinged in this BBS.  


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Offline Wanker

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2000, 10:45:00 PM »
LOL Cabby, as if you've ever had a positive thing to say in your many hate posts over on AGW.

Best thing I've ever done was to stop reading alt.gripen.whiners on a regular basis.


Offline Fishu

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2000, 10:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by Macboy:
I hate Bill Gates with every fiber of my being.

And hate all things Windows. Detest all things Microsoft. And will not, with my utmost power, not put a dime in his pocket.

No, I won't buy a PC. I am vehemently for keeping Macintosh alive and growing. I will NOT give in to Billy, the ripoff crook, EVER, plain and simple. A lot of German's gave into Hitler too. I will not go that route period!

Theres Linux for PC, its not bill gates product  

Offline leonid

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2000, 10:54:00 PM »
I'm sorry you've become so unhinged about all this.  At least in another country you would have had proper psychological treatment by now.  My only suggestion is to just walk away.  Posting like this only results in a rebuttal which in turn joggles your already severely damaged psyche, causing yet another sad post by yourself.

MG/MacBoy are just aliases.  I hope the real person inside that mind hears me when I say please get help, because only you can help yourself.

Remember, life's not a world war.  Only humans like cabby think so, and they're a dying breed.  Kinda like the neandertals.
ingame: Raz

Offline 1776

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2000, 12:46:00 AM »
Say, just what is a Mac?  Is that the stuff they sell in the small corner of the store next to the abacuses, Hi-Fi equipment,typewriters and 8-track players?


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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2000, 02:39:00 AM »
Say, just what is a Mac? Is that the stuff they sell in the small corner of the store next to the abacuses, Hi-Fi  equipment,typewriters and 8-track players?

You're about a fry short of a happy meal, now, aren't ya? Check out Aces High's competition (Warbirds and/or WWIIOL) and learn something, Or perhaps get a better joke book. dweeb

And leonid, what country would that be?  And, oh,  what country do you prejudge me to be from? Huh? Damn gene pool over here needs some chlorine.

1776, are you really this guy?

[This message has been edited by Macboy (edited 07-06-2000).]

Offline Badger

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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2000, 03:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by Downtown:
I check AGW all the time, and except for Badger           I see iEN Customers are the ones complaining about iEN, Iceman, Hotseat, and Jay.  Check AGW Right now, check these threads, they aren't AH Pilots, and AH isn't mentioned?


I would appreciate your checking the facts before making offhand provocative remarks (even with a smiley) about anyone, masked under the guise of being a separate topic.
I am an iEN customer today and have been since 1995 (-dach-) when it was CK under early beta, which is I believe long before you ever heard of WB.  I was already a member of AGW prior to your joining in April of 1999.   I am a current member of JG2 and a past member of JG27, as well as "The Wardawgs".  I pay my $9.95/month and $1.99/hour per hour just like anyone else, so I have no idea why you decided the above was an appropriate comment.  I don't write or zealously promote AH on AGW.  I have only ever commented on the ineptitude of iEN's business strategies and particularly Mr. Littman's (or his mandarins) peculiar ideas of what defines good public relations and customer service.  As a paying customer, I feel I'm completely within my bounds to do so.

In discussing the business issues revolving around the companies that provide these virtual flight simulation products, it became apparent to some of us that there were people on these boards who wanted to carry on an informed and reasonable discussion about the viability of these companies, their products and strategic directions.  These things will ultimately affect us far more as customers, than the wing loading of aircraft or grain weights of ammunition being modeled.  In response, a few of us set up a separate eGroups discussion list (Web and/or email based) which surprisingly to me, has now grown to over 50 people including participation from Playnet and iEN staff.  So far, it has been a much healthier, often demonstrating more substance than much of the content that pervades the general boards today.

I'm not defending any of Macboy/MG's comments as they are generally over reactive, highly personal and often insulting, but they are based upon a natural fear and insecurity of feeling abandoned by HTC in his hobby.  Perhaps he might, but I think more likely he would not, be writing under pseudonyms and behaving this way if he was able to fly Aces High on the Macintosh system, his platform of choice for all personal computing.

HTC's view is probably similar to most who are running a software business today.  Why would one develop an application for an operating system and platform that only represents approximately a 4.8% market share?  Perhaps as an add-on later for incremental revenue volume, but certainly not today with an organization which has just six people, one of which is the only programmer.


Looking for a different kind of environment to discuss your favorite on-line flight simulator?

Offline Downtown

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« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2000, 04:51:00 AM »
Badger, the smiley was the point, it matter not to me in the least whether or not you have an iEN account.  I notice that your posts on AGW don't paint iEN in the best light imho.  They don't paint a rosey financial picture for that company either.
If iEN fails or needs a rapid influx of cash flow, I bet dollars to donuts that the first thing they do is sell of Warbirds.  This of course would again delay the release of WBIII.  I know that you have your technical discussions, and apparently others enjoy having them with you.  And they may be technically accurate, but they seemed pretty harsh.  And on AGW you are seen as a straight up iEN basher imho, just like Ripsnort as seen as a cheerleader for AH or WWIIOnline on AGW.  Rightly or wrongly they are lables applied, much like Macboy/MG's Mac whiner lable.


"Downtown" Lincoln Brown.
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!


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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2000, 05:37:00 AM »
MacBoy said "And when a game comes along that splits a community because of it. I scream bloody murder.

Warbirds brought Macs and PC's together. Aces High splits them apart again."

What a load of garbage!
What an idiotic concept, laying the blame on HTC for the 'splitting of the community'!

The community will always be split, as long as people have different opinions about the best flighsim, OS, Nachos, movie, religion etc etc.

Another thing .. you appear to equate Bill Gates with PC technology. FYI Linux and a few other Open Source OSes run on PC's.

If a port is going to happen, port to a REAL OS, Linux, and not to an elitist OS which is System whatever for the Mac ... SHEEESH!  

Your strangely warped opinion is quite funny though ... hehe



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A little sympathy for Macboy.
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2000, 05:47:00 AM »
Ooops .. just read the entire thread ... looks like I didn't add anything that hadn't already been said   ..

Ahh well .....
