You guys get as unhinged as me, my heck. Lets all relax. Take a break. Be thankful we live in a day and age where the only way most all of us would have experienced flying WWII planes would be to grip a 1/16 model <your ride choice here> between our thumb and forefinger, and vroom around the room, like the 190 movie from Doc Doom. Thanks a ton to the 3 companies, and their respective code thumpers for giving all of us a chance to experience the thrill of going at it in the virtual skies.
I'll lay off. Give ya'll a break. Let ya vent your frustrations on channel 1, instead of at me, sheesh, ruthless bastards, and go on with your miserable lives hehe
I'm excited for WBIII and WWIIOL, and I'm finding trying to vent the frustration of waiting in here is not that fun. Thought ya'll woulda had a bit more sense of humor, but you guys are very nasty people. You'd think that the savings on the ol' checking account would make your steps a bit lighter, hmmm. Think about what you have said in response to my posts, look at your ownselves for a moment, and any toxicity in your posts, and perhaps reflect on what anger you have built up, stored and penned-up, and perhaps change your own attitudes towards those that don't agree.
Always remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone, there are three pointing right back at ya.
C'est la vie, check 6, happy hunting and ciao!!
Macboy has done his job and shall flitter away in the wind from the AH boards.