Author Topic: HTC, can we change scoring?  (Read 1030 times)

Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« on: March 22, 2002, 01:29:06 PM »
I don't consider myself to be a person that tries to 'Game the Game' to get a good rank, however I do care what my rank is and my overall stats.

What bugs me is that I score almost every flight as 'fighter' yet I also end up doing a lot of things that right now are scored only as 'attack'

Now, whenever I attack a GV,  I end up reducing my hit percentage and any GV kills I get do nothing to help my K/D, K/T, etc.

Like I said, I'm not a 'Game the Game' type of player, so if I see a GV that needs to be killed, I'm going after it. It would be nice if I could do so without hurting my score / rank.

So, HTC, can we have GVs included in fighter catagory scoring also? I'm not asking for structures, just GVs. Thanks.

Offline Tac

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2002, 01:31:22 PM »
Why is there even a difference between fighter and attack?

If you kill it , you kill it.

Offline Airscrew

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2002, 02:23:29 PM »
Right on Tac,  why the difference.   I like to keep track of my hit percentage to see how I'm doing and several times I'm in fighter mode and someone needs a field deacked or some building taken down, or a pesky M16 or Osty needs taken out.

Offline Vector

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2002, 02:51:10 PM »
Originally posted by Tac
Why is there even a difference between fighter and attack?
If you kill it , you kill it.

I agree, but OTOH attacking a field vs. nme fighter is more "dangerous" because of acks & GV's. When thinking of this, it's good to have them separated
But when you're on "fighter" sortie and kill GV or PT, it don't affect to your scores? Correct if I'm wrong, but this is the case. If it still so, that IMO should be changed.

What comes to scores overall, I stopped to check my scores and found out that I'm much happier just flying aroung without worries about scores. But now I happened to check them and I'm on the "very careful mood" fearing to lower them... doh!

How about disabling score pages for good and put AKDejaVu's stats instead?  There would be something to aim for! :)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2002, 03:10:20 PM by Vector »

Offline kidcol

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2002, 03:01:33 PM »
not so hot on scores either, but had thought awhile ago about it. Wouldn't mind if when you load rocks or eggs on fighter, you are automatically set to attack. More in the way of making sure that if you T/O to actually attack a field & forget (like I always do) to set "attack" vs "fighter", that it is scored that way. Vice versa, should you unload the A/C.

just an idea


Offline RangerBob

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2002, 03:48:07 PM »
Oh God, there must be a crowd of us that would love to see the scoring revamped.

I'd love to see something real basic and simple, divided by types such as Fighter, Bomber, Attack, Support(Goons etc.) etc. I for one would do away with giving any points or perks at all unless you could land, ditch, or bail in Friendly territory. It's just depressing to see the suicide attacks rewarded by getting points quickly. (You do get a higher score based on time to kill) Rewarding someone for dying in a combat flight sim just seems to be oriented in the wrong direction.

There are so many variables in the scoring system now, that's it's hard to explain to anyone just how many points they would get for doing any one thing. I would prefer to see all those adjustments for time, percentages, etc., just dropped from the analysis.

Basic points for basic success, and only if you land, ditch, or bail in friendly territory.  Full points and perks for landing, and a modifier for ditching or bailing would be acceptable.

Points for dying is like rewarding someone for doing the wrong thing.

Ranger Bob

Offline Raubvogel

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2002, 03:59:06 PM »
Originally posted by Tac
Why is there even a difference between fighter and attack?

If you kill it , you kill it.

Uhhh....many moons ago it was all combined and people squeaked so much it was changed to the way it is now.

Offline Wotan

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2002, 04:24:58 PM »
Yup ht set score up this way because people wanted it.

The only thing that happens in attack is that gv are counted

In fighter even if you kill gvs they are added to to your total kill but when you check player score they are not in the fighter category.

What I am saying is the kils are recorded buit when you break down the categories in fighters you will only see a2a kills.

ie when I check "kil stats in expanded" it says I have 206 kills 67 deaths. It shows the gvs I've killed in fighters.

In "pilot Score" I have 195 kills 67 deaths the gvs I killed while in fighter mode are not recorded for score.

Yes it effects rank but if you are just tracking kills you still can.

Hitting the attack button isnt really that hard. But I fly different planes in different rolls so i was basically a 1 time click.

Offline john9001

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2002, 04:35:19 PM »
slight hijack of thread
i would like to see in the pilots score page the names of who i shot down and who shot me down , i know it comes up in the buffer at time it happens, but i'm always too bizy dodging  to read it and remember who.

Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2002, 04:45:06 PM »
My whole point is that I don't want to click 'attack' nor do I want it auto selected. I want to be able to track my scoring and rank without worrying that if I strafe a GV attacking my airfield, I will ruin my hit percentage.

Maybe some people don't care, but I like to see if I am improving, while on the same token I don't want to not participate in the war because I am being a 'game the game' score dweeb.

my average hit percentage in fighters is up around 11 - 12% which I think could be significantly higher if I stop shooting at GVs.

However, if I'm in position to kill an M3 that is dropping troops in town, or an M16 that is defending a town, I sure as hell am going at him with all 6 barrels. I don't want to say, "Sorry, I can't shoot at that GV, I am scoring this flight as 'fighter' catagory."

Structures don't count either, but probably with good reason. Anyone could artifically boost their hit percentage by shooting up the city or something, so I won't complain about structures not being included in the fighter calculations.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2002, 04:49:47 PM by Midnight »

Offline Airscrew

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2002, 04:46:18 PM »
Rangerbob says  "I for one would do away with giving any points or perks at all unless you could land, ditch, or bail in Friendly territory. It's just depressing to see the suicide attacks rewarded by getting points quickly. (You do get a higher score based on time to kill) Rewarding someone for dying in a combat flight sim just seems to be oriented in the wrong direction. "

Heres a suggestion
Only using perk points as an example.  
I realize there is already a modifier for perk points for these situations.

Kills + land = 3 pp for landing
Kills + ditching friendly territory = 2 pp
Kills + Bailing friendly territory = 1.5 pp
Kills + ditching enemy territory (capture) = 1pp
Kills + bailing enemy territory (capture) = .5pp
Death  - (minus)- 3pp

If not perk points then adjustments in scoring system which is not the same as perk points.   Objective is if you die you lose points from scoring

Offline Wotan

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2002, 05:00:30 PM »
Your simply trying to convert the scoring to suit your style while telling the folks who adapt their style to the the current score system that they are dweebs.

Nothing stops you from straffing/killing gvs now in fighter mode. The kill can be tracked. You main complaint seems to about rank/score.

Kinda hypocritical wouldn't ya think?

the attack rank is made up of 10 different categories. Fighter is made up of 5. They were split into different categories because folks requeted it. Nothing stops you from killing gvs now in what ever role.  

Your posts have a history of making request that ah suit how you fly. Well maybe you oughta make a few adjustments on your end 1st before HT should rewrite the game.

"Sorry, I can't shoot at that GV, I am scoring this flight as 'fighter' catagory."

I havent ever seen anyone say that. :rolleyes:

Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2002, 05:10:49 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
Your simply trying to convert the scoring to suit your style while telling the folks who adapt their style to the the current score system that they are dweebs.

Not saying everyone is a dweeb that selects 'attack' or 'fighter' depending on what they are doing, but there are people that 'Game the Game' in ways just to make their score look better.

Originally posted by Wotan
Nothing stops you from straffing/killing gvs now in fighter mode. The kill can be tracked. You main complaint seems to about rank/score.

Kinda hypocritical wouldn't ya think?

What's hypocritical? I said up front I want to track my rank and score. I just don't want it artifically penalized because I shoot GVs while in 'fighter' mode.

Originally posted by Wotan
Your posts have a history of making request that ah suit how you fly. Well maybe you oughta make a few adjustments on your end 1st before HT should rewrite the game.

I don't want the game re-written, I just want all my bullets to count when they hit a player controlled vehicle, be it A/C or GV.

Yes, I can count the GVs I have killed in the expanded format, but they don't count in the rank calculations.

Offline Wotan

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2002, 06:45:08 PM »
well you are saying that those who understand and work their ranks in the context of the current game rules are gamey score/rank dweebs.

Then on the otherhand you want the game to cater to you so you can work your rank/score.

So guys who conform their style to the game are dweebs

Guys who want the game to conform to them arent

even though they both are questing after score/rank.

Personally I dont care eitherway. I fly fighters and I fly attack planes.

I never have to keep switching between fighter/attack buttons.

If I up an a8 f8 or 110 its attack. If I up a 109 or d9 or a5 fighter. I do end up crossing over quite a bit but I choose to.

The fact is 50 cal planes have to great an impact on the ground war using guns alone. If there is ever any adjustment in it (I would be all for that 1st before redoing scoring) then you wont have to worry about it. When ever you load ord just click the attack button. But then again m3s m16s and osties should die even if hit with .303s with thier open cockpits.

Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2002, 07:02:10 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
So guys who conform their style to the game are dweebs

No wotan, I want to be able to keep my rank high by skill, not the way some of the people do with tactics like spawn camping or getting an airfield capture while flying a fighter.

Granted, HTC can do things to prevent score padding tactics, but there are many out there that still exist.