Author Topic: HTC, can we change scoring?  (Read 1032 times)

Offline SKurj

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2002, 07:24:15 PM »
ya can't get an airfield capture in a fighter...

I got 120kills in one fleet gunner sortie... its not counted in my ranks at all! HT FIX IT!!! j/k

I fly D25 for fighter ops D30 for attack role simple enough

Do you want your fighter score to show A-A kills or A-anything kills?  You can't have both.

What ya doin attacking GV's in a pee51 anyways?  Gamin the game i say +)


Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2002, 07:37:02 PM »
Originally posted by SKurj
ya can't get an airfield capture in a fighter...

I got 120kills in one fleet gunner sortie... its not counted in my ranks at all! HT FIX IT!!! j/k

I fly D25 for fighter ops D30 for attack role simple enough

Do you want your fighter score to show A-A kills or A-anything kills?  You can't have both.

What ya doin attacking GV's in a pee51 anyways?  Gamin the game i say +)


There was a scoring bug a few tours ago that you could get a field capture in a fighter. Drop troups while in C47, auger and spawn fighter before troops take the field. When the field got captured, you got the credit and if you were now in a fighter, the credit went to your fighter rank. HTC has since fixed it, which brought my rank from an average of 30 into the top 15.

I want my fighter score to show Air-to-anything kills. A kill is a kill, shouldn't matter if I selected attack or not. Check my stats for the last few tours. You can count on one hand how many sorties were scored as attack.

And P-51s were used quite frequently for ground attack, so where is that gaming the game?

Offline Wotan

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2002, 07:40:00 PM »
well use your skill and quit trying to make this p51s high.

GVs PTs are the easiest things in ah to kill. I dont want some 50 cal score potatos runnin up his fighter rank with gv kills. You wanna work your score do it like the rest.  

So your saying because someone does jabo with an attack plane and score it in attack is gaming the game?


If I see gvs rollin ib I'll grab a jabo, if I see buffs or fighters ib I'll get a fighter.

You arent at a disadvantage you can do the same.

I kill gvs in fighter mode. I dont do it for score but because it needs to be done to aid my country mates. If you choose to do the same you arent "cheated" out of anything that the rest of us arent.

Choosing attack mode is a lot less dweeby then 50 cals killing pnzrs.

Anyway one who attacks ground targets in fighter mode recieves the same treatment as far as score goes.

I can hear it now "Attack mode dweebs are cheatin me outa a high score" geesh

Just like killshooter no one makes you pull the trigger. Take it like the rest of us.

Offline eskimo2

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2002, 08:25:24 PM »
Only GV and boat kills should go to your "Attack" score.
Only aircraft kills should go to your "Fighter" score.

Do away with "Attack" and "Fighter" buttons, but retain the two categories and ranks.
Do away with hit % for fighter ranks.

If another category is needed for fighter rank, it could be average ENY value of the fighters that you get kills in...  I.E.  Get all your kills in a CHog, your ENY value is 10, get em all in a 202 and your ENY value is 50.  Half CHog and half 202 your value is 30, etc.  Whoever has the highest ENY value is ranked #1.  
All thing considered, a guy who has the same stats in a 202 as someone else who flies ony 262s, should be ranked much higher.


Offline hitech

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2002, 09:05:46 PM »
Sounds great eskimo until it comes to k/d hit % objtect damage and other jabo rolls.

There is resone we have them split. Thats so if you just like fighters , thats fine, you can compare your rank to other fighter only rolls. If we would give you what you wish, we would be penizling the guys who just wan't to do air to air.
And next on you list would be , how come if a gun a ground target i don't get fighter points for it.

This isn't just a oversight on score, the current system has evolved in 7 years of doing scoring systems.
And it comes down to being the best fighter does not get you a hi rank.  Doing lots of game play does.

Everyone always wants the score to fit there flying style, and this is exactly what you are requesting midnight.

It's up to you to alter your style to fit the system.

Thats if you want your rank to rise.


Offline Fariz

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2002, 03:32:45 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
This isn't just a oversight on score, the current system has evolved in 7 years of doing scoring systems.
And it comes down to being the best fighter does not get you a hi rank.  Doing lots of game play does.


I think scoring system is not that bad, but really strange after so many years it still has some apparent gaps in it :)

I know few of them, think it can be fixed really fast. Do it if possible, this will help to make scores system more representative.

1) If attacker category you can get a capture. Works the following way -- you drop troops from m3 or goon quite away from base, jump to the attacker plane, and wait standing on runway till troops will go in. So you get a capture. To fix it you need just to ignore  "captures" from attacker, or, as it was before, do not give captures to the person who died prior to it.

2) In vehicle category to get gunning percentage you need to hit anything with torpedoes or rockets from pt. There is not other way to raise this percentage. It is not any garantee that you will get enemy fleet in range of pt for the whole tour, so what many people do -- they just get pt to the closes base and fire rockets to some hangars. Will rocket your vehicle points in a moment for first positionts.

This category shall be excluded from the points because it gives too much possibilities for "gaming" and does not actually represent any skills.

3) There is a clear gap with fighters scoring too, though I can't figure what it is yet. To know it is there you can just check scores of fighters pilots in this tour. Compare, for example, pooh21 with Nimitz or Fester. It is clear that some factor keeps pooh21 higher than those 2 while it has worse results in EACH category.

I think those 3 will close most apparent bugs in scorring and will make it more representative.



Offline TRiMmer

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2002, 04:15:22 AM »
IMHO, after playing since beta, the scoring system seems fair overall, but many items that seem inconsistent persist, as Fariz stated.  Several tours I have seen someone near the top although all of their stats were significantly lower than anyone near them, I think all can agree that is unfair and incorrect.   All in all score does not matter, but in some ways it least for measuring progress.     All


Offline Midnight

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2002, 08:04:39 AM »
Wotan, you obvisouly are not trying to see my point.

I am not saying that people who fly Jabo as attack are gaming the game.

All I am saying is that if I am up in a fighter and there is a GV that needs to be killed, I should be able to kill it without reducing my fighter scoring, which is exactly what happens now.

I.E. Let's say I have a 15% hit ratio after firing 1000 rounds at enemy A/C. Now I am over a town that the enemy is trying to capture. An M3 is just outside the town and going in. I fly down to strafe him and fire 200 rounds to kill him. No matter how many of those 200 rounds hit the GV, my hit percentage is now reduced, because none of those 200 rounds count.

Before attacking GV
150 hits / 1000 rounds = 15.0%

After attacking GV
150 hits / 1200 rounds = 12.5%

So, for supporting my country's war effort I loose 2.5% off my hit percentage? That's kind of non-condusive to game play.

Sure, I could have not attacked the GV and let him have a free capture, but then I would not be trying to play the basic concept of the game, which is capture the flag and prevent the enemy from capturing yours.

I know there are pilots out there that won't attack a GV if they are scoring as fighter. I suppose I could do the same. Just don't squeak at me if I let an M3 get a free base capture even though I was in postion to prevent it. I'll just say, "Sorry, I'm scoring fighter, I can't shoot GVs now :rolleyes: "

Offline hitech

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2002, 08:26:13 AM »
Midnight. Bullet hits on vehicles still count for your hit %.

Fariz: I agree on number 1.

Will just not count them in fighter and attack catagory.

On #2 it will take a little thought, might just need to put HE into the hit % score group.

Offline Fariz

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2002, 09:21:05 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Midnight. Bullet hits on vehicles still count for your hit %.

Fariz: I agree on number 1.

Will just not count them in fighter and attack catagory.

On #2 it will take a little thought, might just need to put HE into the hit % score group.

Thanks :)


Offline SKurj

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2002, 09:41:47 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Midnight. Bullet hits on vehicles still count for your hit %.

Midnight effectively silenced...


Offline eskimo2

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2002, 10:53:54 AM »
Not many players know the system better than I and are able to make themselves rank higher than their actual abilities (except perhaps Fariz :) ).  The current system works especially well for me.
My concern is that many, perhaps most, players never or seldom select "Attack" even though they often do attack sorties.  They simply don't care enough about scores.  By not selecting Attack, they pork their fighter hit % and K/D.  They also have zip for an attack rank, even though they may be quite competitive.

I don't see how doing away with "Attack" and "Fighter" buttons will hurt "specialist" rank.  In fact, someone who flies only fighters against other aircraft should have a better K/T if they are not wasting ½ their time attacking ground stuff.  K/D and K/S should also be better.  Diverse and score aware pilots (like myself) will suffer most from this change.

"And next on you list would be , how come if a gun a ground target i don't get fighter points for it."  
I don't get the correlation HT?

The vast majority of players that post on the BB have stated that rank means nothing.  Perhaps for some of them this is a way of dissing a system that doesn't rank them as high as they wish..  But I think that most of them/us know of many players who regularly clean-our-clocks but are ranked poorly.  And we all know of players who are often easy to beat, but may be ranked very high.
I realize that no ranking system can come close to being perfect.  The Aces High system is light-years better than any other I have seen, but that does not mean that it could not use a few improvements.


Offline eskimo2

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2002, 11:26:45 AM »
I am NOT asking for fighter and attack ranks to be combined!
My suggestion keeps them split!

Consider the following:

In fighter or attack planes (all planes that are now fighter and/or attack):

Only GV and boat kills count toward your "Attack" score (kills, points, etc.).
Attack deaths come from boats and GVs.  AI ack kills and "no-kill-awarded/augers" count as ½ attack death.  Disco counts as 1/4 attack death.

Only aircraft kills count toward your "Fighter" score.
Fighter deaths come from aircraft only.  AI ack kills and "no-kill-awarded/augers"  counts as ½ fighter death.  Disco counts as 1/4 attack death.

All fixed ground object destroyed by fighters/attack aircraft earn you attack:
points, damage per sortie, damage per death.  
Basically, everything is the same for attack score calculations except aircraft kills are awarded to your fighter score.  All 9 attack categories remain in place.

As far as K/T and K/S goes, all sorties are both "attack" and "fighter" sorties.  The clock is running in both attack and fighter ranks when you up a fighter.  All sorties are attack and fighter.
Do away with "Attack" and "Fighter" buttons, but retain the two categories and ranks.
Do away with hit % for fighter ranks.

Fighter rank categories could be limited to K/D, K/S, K/T and points.

If a 5th category is essential, a new area could become a part of the rank.
My recommendation for the 5th, as stated in the above post:
"If another category is needed for fighter rank, it could be average ENY value of the fighters that you get kills in... I.E. Get all your kills in a CHog, your ENY value is 10, get em all in a 202 and your ENY value is 50. Half CHog and half 202 your value is 30, etc. Whoever has the highest ENY value is ranked #1.
All thing considered, a guy who has the same stats in a 202 as someone else who flies ony 262s, should be ranked much higher."


Offline Voss

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2002, 07:27:16 PM »
Well, I moved before the 'uSG2AH' got much off the ground, but I was about to blow the lid off of the rank mystery. It's really easier than you think to rank, Midnight, and not especially gamey. If, the phone company ever gets my line conditioned so I can log in, I'll demonstrate to you what I mean (or Eskimo can).

Whether you realize it now, or not, you really do want the two categories scored separately.

Offline -ammo-

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HTC, can we change scoring?
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2002, 08:22:30 PM »
Well, I for one would love to see the way to achieve a good rank spelled out for me. I certainly have never understood it. I like to use the Kill to Death ratio, hit percentage, kill per sortie, and kill per time to analyze the how well I am doing. That final score at the bottom  is a mystery to me (fighter rank, not overall rank ((who cares)).

So eskimo, voss, fariz, please tell me.

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