Author Topic: Lamer Tech Response (I Think)  (Read 646 times)

Offline Sikboy

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2002, 06:00:10 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal

Sometimes you need to take a little extra care and convince the customer it can be fixed.

Ok, on the extra care part... did you even read HTs post in this thread? seemed to address the situation. :confused:

I use the forums to get a response that MAY help him stay in the game. It's called helping your own in a "Community".

I guess that understanding tact isn't part of having a community either. I mean, HT is the cause behind this community. And when you come in here with some unsubstantiated blubbering, of course people are going to defend what they know (that HTC support is usually excellent) against what they don't know (you). Several people have offered suggestions. If that's what you came for, there you have it. But given the over all quality and tone of your argument, you shouldn't be surprised to get flamed a bit.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2002, 06:01:41 PM »
SEE!!, this is the response I am looking for. ;-)

It's for a friend who lives in WI. He works for AT&T as well. Right now I'm just gathering community input so when I finally get him calmed down I have something for him to try.

I'm going to get the info from him.

TY for the input, it's appreciated. ;-)


Originally posted by HFMudd
Just to throw out something...  I'm an AT&T cable internet customer.  A couple weeks ago I started having a large amount of packet loss.  While this was going on I had more trouble connecting to the MA than to the CT.  My guess was that the longer average ping rate of the MA plus the latency due to packet loss on my end resulted in a greater chance of be unable to use the MA than the CT.

Dumb question Animal, but have you pinged some target outside your local area.  ( for example?)

Animal, my setup is a Linksys Router, Linksys Cable Modem and ATTBI ISP.  If yours is simular and you would like to compare notes I would be happy to let you know my router settings.  (Which are mostly default...)

Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2002, 06:04:16 PM »
Oh trust me, I'm impressed with HT otherwise I wouldn't waste 1 minute here. I just found the response reported to me to be a bit cold sholdered, which just because of what you said is why I am a bit shocke, maybe disapointed. maybe wrongfully so.


Originally posted by Puck
On Topic:  I've never been anything but impressed with HTCs tech support; EVER, even during the month I flew before I really had time to fly.  They are MUCH nicer than I am, and if anything they deserve more credit than they get.  Having said that I (personally) think it was rude beyond the pale to attack them and the job they do based on partial information.

Off Topic:  Gawd, HiTech!  Does it take longer to squash the bugs or the typos in your source code?  Is that just part of the on-line image, and you're really PH.D. from Cambridge in English?  If you could spell AH would be at version 12.82 patch 3 by now!

Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2002, 06:13:59 PM »
Mighty1 take some advise, don't try to flame me I'll eat you up and spit you out like a rotten peice of used jet trash.

>Maybe your missing that this isn't AW.

Your first BBQ>?

>you think you are better at Tech Support than HTC AND your >friend can't fly.

And i think you are someone who just likes to hear himself talk cool.

>Come back when you have some facts if you want to Dis HTC >without getting flamed.

Oh, excuse me for reading your mindless attempt to sound as if you actually offer something worthy to absorb.

Getting flamed>?? here?? sheeeeeet I'd spend more time passing out cases of No More Tears and Kleenex. I don't place people on pedistals. And by the way it wasn't directed directly at HT himself, just the general Tech Support response.



Originally posted by Mighty1
Maybe your missing that this isn't AW.

I find it hard to believe that HTC would NOT try to help someone. I have always found them to be very helpful to me AND to everyone else.

From what you've told us I would guess that........HELL I couldn't gather anything from what you've said other than you think you are better at Tech Support than HTC AND your friend can't fly.

Come back when you have some facts if you want to Dis HTC without getting flamed.

Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2002, 06:17:38 PM »
>But given the over all quality and tone of your argument, you >shouldn't be surprised to get flamed a bit.

Not surprised, also not caring if I do.


Originally posted by Sikboy

I guess that understanding tact isn't part of having a community either. I mean, HT is the cause behind this community. And when you come in here with some unsubstantiated blubbering, of course people are going to defend what they know (that HTC support is usually excellent) against what they don't know (you). Several people have offered suggestions. If that's what you came for, there you have it. But given the over all quality and tone of your argument, you shouldn't be surprised to get flamed a bit.


Offline Apache

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2002, 06:29:13 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal
The problem is almost always on the customer end, trust me, it's giving  the customer the information to look into it that helps him, not agreeing that he needs to quit to solve the problem. 90% of them don't mean it when they threaten to quit.

Sometimes you need to take a little extra care and convince the customer it can be fixed.

He doesn't post it because he doesn't use the forums, period. I use the forums to get a response that MAY help him stay in the game. It's called helping your own in a "Community".



Agree on helping the "community" Refer to my posts on the tech support and internet conn. areas.

I'm a systems analyst by profession. The host "always" gets blamed, lol.

Offline Kieran

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2002, 07:05:24 PM »
As I said. "Maybe I am missing something here".

Right. Then perhaps you might have considered that before writing a post that basically was adversarial from the get-go. While you say you think there may be more to it (as in, you didn't know HTC's side), you sure didn't have any trouble slinging the mud or telling them how to handle a situation you know relatively little about.

If you really have worked tech support before you know what it is like working with people. You HAD to have listened to your friend with a bit of skepticism if you were using your head at all. You read the boards? How often do you see a "HTC isn't fixing my problem, nor do they care!" post. Don't answer that, we both know that seldom happens. Conclusion? In all likelihood the situation isn't as your friend painted it. HT's post backs that up to me, because I have gone to them for customer support and have never been let down or been spoken to as if I didn't matter.

You know, I could just as easily start some rumors about you and start hitting the board, back it up with no evidence and start telling people how you should behave. Wouldn't that be great? Nope. But hey, who knows, maybe this was just a troll...

Offline bloom25

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2002, 07:52:29 PM »
FT_Animal, I have two computers with AH on them.  They are 40 miles away from each other, one gets an excellent connection to the MA at all times, the other has been having problems recently.  The moral of the story is that it may very well be YOUR computer or ISP to blame.  Judging by HTs post, he thinks this is the case.

From past experience with HTC, I can tell you they generally do their absolute best to help people.  Do you know that HT actually wrote a special modified version of AH to help track down a problem one person was having?  (Ask Easymo. :) )  I have NEVER heard of any other company doing that.  Obviously HTC believes the problem is on your end and sent you an e-mail saying that if you canceled your account by the 24th you would not be charged for the next month.  Yes, that seems a little blunt, but what else can they do?

Offline Ozark

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« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2002, 08:00:44 PM »
"As I said. "Maybe I am missing something here".

Maybe…just maybe! If you find yourself in a hole… stop digging.

Hell, I had to ask folks in AH for help building a computer. Guess what happened? I built a kick bellybutton machine! (The community of a great resource) Then the one time I called HTC for support. Guess what happened? They took the time to help! Yes, they have folks willing to help 40 hours a week… and on the weekends, want to guess who might answer the phone? Yeah, the bad speller and code master himself.

I guess my point is.... Don’t go trashing the company on the board without all the facts! HTC has treated we very well. Mater of fact, better that ANY online company I had to deal with!

Nothing against you FT_Animal, Just know both sides of the story before posting the “facts”.

Offline Sikboy

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2002, 08:53:22 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal
>But given the over all quality and tone of your argument, you >shouldn't be surprised to get flamed a bit.

Not surprised, also not caring if I do.



Yes, and it's the AH community that's lacking :rolleyes:

edit: here's a nice thread about how to get help from the community
« Last Edit: April 10, 2002, 08:59:26 PM by Sikboy »
You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline LePaul

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2002, 09:05:24 PM »
Wow, Rude's got a lotta posts to sort through for next week's winner....

Offline CptTrips

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2002, 09:30:32 PM »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline lord dolf vader

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2002, 11:39:22 PM »
well you definatly get out of it what you put in . and anger compounds the intrest (i should know). people will bend over backwards to help you man if htc cant help the community can in every case i have ever seen.

 you seem entirly  shure its host side with no evidence to sugest this is the case .swallow some pride back off two steps and start a new post with a respectful tone and i bet you will get more help than you ever figgured.

otherwise im with them. people love this game like a boy loves a dog mess with this little girl and you see men get mean.

take it or leave it jsut my 2 cents.

Offline moose

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Lamer Tech Response (I Think)
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2002, 12:29:20 AM »
htc customer support is the gold standard for the industry


small company + hard working effort

simply the fact that hitech wasted 5 min out of his day to look at your whine, go back and check emails, and then come in here and word up a long reply explaining that you quoted the issue out of context, proves my first point.

mighty is right  - this isn't aw. in fact, i dont think aw even exists anymore. you're not in kansas anymore. if this game and company is such toejam then why is it regarded as 'the best' by countless #s of reviewers and magazines. why is there 4x the  number of subscribers then wb3?

if i hear another word about 'how things were done in aw' i think i'll go insane. cuz last time i checked, aw is deceased. 6 feet under. dead. kicked the can.

the only reply you need to read in this entire thread is hitechs anyway.

Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2002, 07:56:32 AM »
>simply the fact that hitech wasted 5 min out of his day to look at >your whine, go back and check emails, and then come in here >and word up a long reply explaining that you quoted the issue >out of context, proves my first point.

First get your panties out of the wad. Stop praising the statue and come back to reality. No one attacked HT personally. I am make refrence to the response to quit instead of an extanded hand to help, from who ever handled the email.

>mighty is right  - this isn't aw. in fact, i dont think aw even exists anymore. you're not in kansas anymore. if this game and company is such toejam then why is it regarded as 'the best' by countless #s of reviewers and magazines. why is there 4x the  number of subscribers then wb3?

Your first BBQ too>? 70-80% of HT population is AW pilots. And no one said the company was "shit" as you state, if it was toejam I wouldn't waste my time here at all. These boards are so full of babies the only time I use them is like now. you folks need to get a grip.

>if i hear another word about 'how things were done in aw' i think i'll go insane. cuz last time i checked, aw is deceased. 6 feet under. dead. kicked the can.

Ya know you know nothing about sim history obviously, AW may be dead, but it had great ideas that worked and worked as a community, something that isn't quite up to snuff here, but I like the game and see potentual,. especialy the way HT does his updates. All I see here is folks sniveling everytime someone brings up AW,..... do you know where HT comes from >???????????????? WB and AW. ;-P

Start going insane. I'll mention it any time I want, just as much as you mention AH or WB, so bite me.


Originally posted by moose
htc customer support is the gold standard for the industry


small company + hard working effort

simply the fact that hitech wasted 5 min out of his day to look at your whine, go back and check emails, and then come in here and word up a long reply explaining that you quoted the issue out of context, proves my first point.

mighty is right  - this isn't aw. in fact, i dont think aw even exists anymore. you're not in kansas anymore. if this game and company is such toejam then why is it regarded as 'the best' by countless #s of reviewers and magazines. why is there 4x the  number of subscribers then wb3?

if i hear another word about 'how things were done in aw' i think i'll go insane. cuz last time i checked, aw is deceased. 6 feet under. dead. kicked the can.

the only reply you need to read in this entire thread is hitechs anyway.