Author Topic: Really sad...  (Read 3356 times)

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2002, 08:53:16 PM »

Tell the wife I still love you.


If I had 1/10 your talent, I'd be somebody... not the low life loser I've become.

Yer maps make me smile... I love the glimpse I get into an artists mind when I get to preview 'em with yah. I am in awe.. and will not tolerate yah putting down yer brush because a dolt toejam in the paint bucket.

We got lotsa dolts... only one Nuttz. Don't stop dippin the brush in the bucket...

, dipshit.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2002, 10:09:56 PM »
Who all is going to the air show? I'll be more than happy to go. Do you all meet there or a central spot? i Have a very comfy conversion van that could haul 7 very very comfortbly.


Originally posted by Drano
It was most unfortunate the wife happened to glance over just as one of AH's few complete idiots spewed. I hope she'll re-think painting us all with that brush.

I think the map is great along with your others. This one I like especially as it reminds me of my favorite terrain from AW. I almost always ran either the Libya or Egypt terrains with SAC, so flying in CT Tunisia makes me feel like I'm back in our old FT. Frame rates haven't been a problem for me at all and I even turned clutter on! It looks just fabulous and I really appreciate your taking the time to put it out for us. I really hope you don't have to throw in the towel because of a tard or two.

In Philly eh? I'm not far--Wilmington. Ya think you might make it to WW2 days airshow in Reading? Weekend of June7-9. Gonna try and get a bunch of people together for it. We had a great time last year.

Just watch Oldman around your wife--he's an operator!;)


Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2002, 02:50:30 AM »
i saw some of the frame rate complaints while i was there flying .... and thought to myself wow some one has a 56k connection and a way slower computer then I do (or a way over priced pile of junk).... thats amazing  (I bet they suffer from road rage to)
    my old 486 with an intel 810 vid card on a 711kbs dsl connection  had frames running from 21-30 most of the time looking forward at the terrian  i didnt have any problems in traffic at all ... Nuttz    it works just fine for an below average pc

 and dont laff to hard at my pc ... all my freinds want to take it apart and see why it tics so well for so many years ... (must be the plutonium) and  trying to butter me up  with pent 3's  bah  i say !!
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2002, 03:02:44 AM »
Wow roscoroo that sounds pretty damn unbelievable.

And to nuttz: Dont let the skimpy love muffines with 20 year old hardware get to you with their whines..

If they can't buy a computer that's dated with less than 2.5 years back, they simply can't afford to play the game. It's that simple.

Offline HFMudd

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« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2002, 09:59:07 AM »
Well, mine is AMD 1Ghz, 512Mb PC133 Memory, Win98, Cable Modem and AGP 4 compliant Radeon 32Mb video (State of the art one year ago...) and near the STORM (not the fluffy clouds mind-you, but the storm front) my frame rate has dropped to only 14.  The normal frame rate I see is 30-60.

I was online and playing the evening (Seattle time) that the unfortunate comment was made.  At the time the storm was sitting just off the coast near where I and a number of other folks were flying (Me in a P51B. S! to all those who shot me down over and over. I even managed to get offed by a 202.)  I am wondering how much of the grouse was a result of the storm and not the result of the clouds.

My understanding is that the storm front is a default feature that HTC would need to remove.

For myself, I am simply in love with the arena.  Late last night Seattle time when there were only 9 people on, I still had no trouble finding trouble.  So far as I am concerned, the only thing that could make it better is more ground vehicles to shoot up.  (And dust clouds of course, but that would be rather counter productive frame rate wise.)

Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2002, 10:07:02 AM »
HFMudd if I may disagree about the radeon being top-notch one year ago..

It may have been that in ATi advertising campaign though :)

The truth is that Ati was lacking behind BAD before the introduction of 8500. The problems with driver development only made things worse.

With 1gig athlon and 1 year old top-of the line displaycard you should average around 80fps in 1.09 AH with peaks over 100fps.

I get 24fps in fully smoked field up to 220fps in a clear sky >20k with a geforce2mx400. NOT a top-of-the-line card one year ago, far from it. It averages 80-100fps in normal flight.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2002, 02:31:56 PM »
Good news your'e back to work NUTTZ, french-kiss your wife for us plz :)
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline HFMudd

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« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2002, 03:50:57 PM »
I get 24fps in fully smoked field up to 220fps in a clear sky >20k with a geforce2mx400. NOT a top-of-the-line card one year ago, far from it. It averages 80-100fps in normal flight.

*Blink*  Hmmm.  Time to cook up some excuse my wife will buy for me getting a new video card...

Offline Drano

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« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2002, 03:52:33 PM »
Originally posted by NUTTZ
Who all is going to the air show? I'll be more than happy to go. Do you all meet there or a central spot? i Have a very comfy conversion van that could haul 7 very very comfortbly.



Still a lil early to tell who all will go. I'm planning on being there for sure. We all met last year at the Officer's Club. Worked out fine. Let's re-visit this in a few weeks and maybe get a Mid Atlantic AH Mini-Con thing goin. Sound like a plan?

80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

FSO flying with the 412th Friday Night Volunteer Group

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2002, 03:59:19 PM »

If you shop online, you could get a GeForce 2 GTS 64MB card that will blow that thing away- probably for around $100 US.

One link, there may be some cheaper

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2002, 07:40:12 AM »
Originally posted by Drano
Still a lil early to tell who all will go. I'm planning on being there for sure. We all met last year at the Officer's Club. Worked out fine. Let's re-visit this in a few weeks and maybe get a Mid Atlantic AH Mini-Con thing goin. Sound like a plan?


(Bringing your wife, Drano?)

- oldman

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2002, 10:06:05 AM »
nuttz... you can tell your wife that even tho he never flew your maps... The biggest lazshole in the game appreciates your effort.  you got all those wussies gathered up in one place if nothing else but.... Anyone willing to do all that work is OK in my book.  You simply made maps for people to play on.  No convoluted strat or everquest crap just pure playing field.

Now get to work making an "area" arena for the main.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2002, 11:16:47 AM »
Lazs, you would love that map.  :)  Some fields were REALLY close together.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2002, 11:33:10 AM »
Lazs, for cryin' out loud, give it a rest.

The MA is always gonna be there; mind if a few guys try out a different arena once in while? You know, the "variety is good" sort of mindset? Is it good to support fellows who give of their time and energy to support the interests of others? Damn, I find your writing interesting, and you usually have a decent point to make, but can't you give a compliment or a word of encouragement without adding the backhanded comment? Let me give you an example:

"Nuttz, sorry some numbnut had to pee in yer Wheaties, your maps are cool."

Offline Drano

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« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2002, 03:17:57 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731


(Bringing your wife, Drano?)

- oldman

But of course:D

80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

FSO flying with the 412th Friday Night Volunteer Group