Whaaat? Some idiot criticised that beeyootiful Tunisia terrain?! Shoot them! And those FPS counters - turn the damned things OFF! Fly around, and if it looks good, it IS good. Only turn FPS counters on if you visibly have problems - use 'em as an investigative tool, not a flipping terrain-scoring system!
I've never experienced any problems even near the storm front, and my system isn't cutting-edge (800Mhz CPU, 192MB RAM, ATI Rage graphics card). I even seek out clouds and weather fronts to hide in, being a Bomberpiloten and a not so good Jagdflieger.
(Imagining a Mr Bader writing a letter pf complaint to a Mr Goering because the several hundred Heinkels and Dorniers escorted by a couple of hundred Emils he sent over the day before caused a massive FPS hit that completely bollixed Manston's defenders - they couldnt see the unit emblems of the planes they were shooting at for the bragging rights...)