Author Topic: Really sad...  (Read 3355 times)

Offline Kieran

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Really sad...
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2002, 07:59:25 PM »
In my experience you have born leaders, people that learn to lead, and those that will be led. I've never know anyone to lead by giving a shove to someone's backside. ;)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #61 on: April 23, 2002, 08:55:19 AM »
kieran perhaps you should read a little more history and how power works.   No one leads alone for long.  

Offline SOB

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« Reply #62 on: April 23, 2002, 01:56:47 PM »
Here's an idea for your comeback terrain, Nuttz...for all the fine folks who are content to squeak about your great maps, but don't seem to be able to lift a finger to make their own.  :)

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2002, 03:10:03 PM »
Originally posted by pokie


If I wasn't so far away I would try to invite myself over to watch a game with you on that "widescreen HDTV":cool:


Wha?  Pokie you here in NS?  I'm in Halifax.  Dude.  Must go have a beer and shoot the toejam sometime.

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2002, 03:25:53 PM »
Originally posted by Lephturn
Wha?  Pokie you here in NS?  I'm in Halifax.  Dude.  Must go have a beer and shoot the toejam sometime.

Wow.  Was in Halifax for a couple of days, on the way out to Cape Breton, two summers ago.  You guys have it wrapped, so far as I'm concerned.  What a great place.

- oldman

Offline pokie

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« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2002, 02:47:41 PM »
Originally posted by Lephturn
Wha?  Pokie you here in NS?  I'm in Halifax.  Dude.  Must go have a beer and shoot the toejam sometime.

Ya Lephturn, I think you said before that you were just up from the Armdale Rotary?  Where's your watering hole.  Do you go to the Boiler Room?


Offline Esme

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« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2002, 01:11:36 AM »
Whaaat? Some idiot criticised that beeyootiful Tunisia terrain?!  Shoot them! And those FPS counters - turn the damned things OFF!  Fly around, and if it looks good, it IS good. Only turn FPS counters on if you visibly have problems - use 'em as an investigative tool, not a flipping terrain-scoring system!

I've never experienced any problems even near the storm front, and my system isn't cutting-edge (800Mhz CPU, 192MB RAM, ATI Rage graphics card).  I even seek out clouds and weather fronts to hide in, being a Bomberpiloten and a not so good Jagdflieger.


(Imagining a Mr Bader writing a letter pf complaint to a Mr Goering because the several hundred Heinkels and Dorniers escorted by a couple of hundred Emils he sent over the day before caused a massive FPS hit that completely bollixed Manston's defenders - they couldnt see the unit emblems of the planes they were shooting at for the bragging rights...)

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2002, 02:36:24 AM »
HI Nuttz...Thank you for ALL your efforts...I look forward more than anything in AH to new maps in the CT.

I would love to see rotating maps in the CT on resets.Maybe sometime in the future,AH will have branching maps and rotating planes etc..and we will all remember you as the dude who played the biggest part in making the CT so much fun!


Offline hazed-

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« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2002, 07:43:10 AM »
NUTTZ please tell your beautifull compassionate sultry goddess of a wife that we are not ALL like those morons!

lets face it anyone who cant run the tunisia map with a decent frame rate should be put on a rack, stretched and smothered in honey and locked in a room with a nest of killer bees!

I can catagorically state in my personal opinion that the tunisia map is not only the best map ive seen in AH. it is also the most innovative with the very limited tools you are allowed to employ!

PLEASE PLEASE dont stop making them.

A hearty to you mate and if you do have to stop because of these jerkoffs then i for one(and as you can see im not :)) am really sorry to see it.

Offline Taiaha

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« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2002, 09:54:13 AM »
Coming late to this thread, but thought it was worth adding a big ditto.  Nuttz, you did a great job here.  I didn't get to fly in this as much as I wanted, and can't wait until it's rotated back, hopefully with a more substantial historical planeset (not a criticism, it was great with what we had--but you know what I mean).

I'd like to say that this terrain was so good that I got shot down twice because I was so busy looking around in awe (which is true).  But then I've also got shot down for many lesser reasons as well!

Keep it up, don't either of you listen to the morons.  Their frame rate suffers mainly because they have their heads so far up their asses!