Author Topic: Really sad...  (Read 3357 times)

Offline pokie

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Really sad...
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2002, 05:31:31 PM »
Hey Nuttz!  take a break, it's the NHL PLAYOFFS :D.  
Sorry, :o, that's the Canadian in me talking.

Watch the Flyers :) take care of the Senators.  
If not Hockey, then watch the NBA playoffs, 76ers against the Celtics.  I think that starts Sunday?
Of course I'm assuming, that if you are a sport fan, that you are a Philadelphia sports fan, but you don't have to be ;) .
Then again, if you are, these games could be blacked out for you:eek:

In any case LEAVE THE EDITOR ALONE!!! for a bit.  Better yet, stay away from it until the new version comes out :).


Offline Wilbus

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« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2002, 06:11:03 PM »
I hope you'll be back soon, no maps are as good as yours, you know it, and we know it. The guy who said that obviously don't know jack S*** and ya shouldn't let anyone like that ruin it for you (for us ;) ). I hope you'll be back and making more maps for us as soon as you've calmed down and taken a few weeks off, no hurry, just don't give it up for good please :)
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

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Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2002, 06:18:29 PM »
Yup, big sports fan, and a widescreen HDTV to boot!!

trouble is Philadelphia teams always let us down, they get us all hyped and lose by 1 point with 1 second left. GO FLYERS!!!!! GO SIXERS!!!!!!!!

Pokie, I'm not burned out on the TE, nor do what people say really get to me. It just was poor timing and the reply was more personable than a whine.

A minute later It was forgotten by me.

BTW, we need to talk Via phone I got a few brite ideas and wanna show you some new maps. LOL, wife saw the phone bill wanted to know who the hell i was calling in Nova Scotia, I said "Pokie"  1-900-Pokie-Girls, LOL


Originally posted by pokie
Hey Nuttz!  take a break, it's the NHL PLAYOFFS :D.  
Sorry, :o, that's the Canadian in me talking.

Watch the Flyers :) take care of the Senators.  
If not Hockey, then watch the NBA playoffs, 76ers against the Celtics.  I think that starts Sunday?
Of course I'm assuming, that if you are a sport fan, that you are a Philadelphia sports fan, but you don't have to be ;) .
Then again, if you are, these games could be blacked out for you:eek:

In any case LEAVE THE EDITOR ALONE!!! for a bit.  Better yet, stay away from it until the new version comes out :).


Offline pokie

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« Reply #48 on: April 19, 2002, 08:35:31 PM »
I said "Pokie" 1-900-Pokie-Girls


If I wasn't so far away I would try to invite myself over to watch a game with you on that "widescreen HDTV":cool:


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2002, 10:45:35 AM »
kieran... i thought that is what i did say?

Offline Blindman

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« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2002, 01:22:35 PM »
on the map and the effort to go into it!!
Was mentioned the need to buy your wife flowers,
Where do you want them sent and i'll have some OTW

Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2002, 04:13:59 PM »
Wrong. I omitted this part:

biggest lazshole in the game appreciates your effort. you got all those wussies gathered up in one place if nothing else but....

Offline Wmaker

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« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2002, 06:14:46 AM »
Nuttz, I haven't yet thanked you for your maps.

Thank you!

That comment is pretty well covered in this thread allready so I don't even need to go into that. ;) But one thin, show this thread to your wife!! It's the best way to back up your words about one rotten apple-thing. :)

P.S I don't remember who posted that pic of C.205 flying over your Tunisia-terrain with that lense flare but when I saw it my yaw literally dropped...
Lentolaivue 34

Thank you for the Brewster HTC!

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2002, 10:29:10 AM »
kieran... was I a little too obvious?   sometimes I have trouble with that.   No, don't argue... I know i can be at times.

now nuttz... get to work on an "area" arena where normal people will show up.

Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2002, 01:37:47 PM »
LOL, Then it would really be an empty arena.


Originally posted by lazs2

now nuttz... get to work on an "area" arena where normal people will show up.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2002, 03:27:25 PM »
No argument, you have your way of thinking. Not to say your area arena idea is good or bad, just sorry you have to forward it by pissing on the work of others.

While I often agree with you in your thoughts against people ramming strat down all players throats, I am equally against you ramming your area arena concept down our throats. Your proposal is just as exclusive as any of theirs were to you.

I wouldn't mind if you made comments about the CT if you would once condescend to enter the arena. Fact is, you don't. Worse, you talk about how bad it is when you never go in there yourself! The numbers don't always tell the story. The fights are fun in there, often more so than in the MA. I fly both, I know. I am also furballing in the CT, just like I do in the MA.

No, you won't admit it could be fun because you are too focused on getting what you want at the expense of what others do. And that is my final grind on this. You've forwarded an idea, big deal. YOU make the map. YOU set up and monitor the arena. YOU take the responses from players who don't even play in your arena but tell you how bad it is in there. If I was Nuttz I wouldn't touch your map with a ten-foot pole, because no matter what he does you're gonna piss on it anyway.

Now I'm being obvious.

Ideas are valuable and needed. The status quo needs shaken up occasionally. There is no panacea arena, so fresh ideas are good. In the end, someone has to make it happen. Should HTC? Maybe, but why now? They have growing numbers, not shrinking. Granted they will need to evolve or lose money eventually, but it seems to me they are enjoying the greatest growth since the start of the sim. In other words the "problems" you see are perceived by you.

I may have different ideas than those that currently set up our play, but you know what? Until I have the time or inclination to do it myself I cannot criticize the hard work they have done. Moreover, I find having variety in play to be a good thing, and if this means a different arena or two, especially when players have the power to dictate what happens in those arenas, I am all for it. If I like the setup, I fly it. If I don't, I won't. I don't have to tell the people what wussies they are, I just don't participate.

I am not trying to wave the poms; I am saying that a person as vehemently against certain types of play and as harshly critical of player-generated work as you are needs to do more than talk. You need to do some "work" yourself. If you ever do, I guarantee I will back you 100% against any love muffin that make comments about the efforts you've put forth- not that it matters to you if I do, but it hopefully explains where I am coming from here.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2002, 08:56:44 AM »
very good kieran... after eskimos flighty drivel it restores my faith in teachers somewhat but...

I take issue with two of your points.   To be sure opinion is involved but... i believe that critisism is a good thing.   When something is not working you don't tell the creators that they are doing everything right.   that is not "polite" nor is it a sevice to anyone.

Also... I belive that everyone has certain talents or lack of them.   I freely admit that I have no puter skills.   I also believe that our current arenas are becoming outdated and running into the "what do we do now" wall.... seperate arenas?  RPS?   CT with or without RPS?   maybe.... just perhaps I am doing some small thing by suggesting an idea that might break out of the mold.  

now... I really don't care if you "piss" on my idea or not.   helps hammer it out IMO.   I would love to hear your idea.   I don't believe that you have to be a programer to have an idea.

nuttz talent is not the issue.   i am dazzled by anyone who makes these boxes do anything.   Those who are ieda men... the gameplay guys I can understand tho.   If it is a bad idea then my opinion on it is just as valid as any programers.    I believe that nuttz's hard work is gointg to get critisized no matter what so it may as well be used where it does the most good and not on some lame gameplay idea.

 But...  bright lad that you are I would be glad to hear your idea's... Oh... not that it matters but I was in the CT on 3 occassions.   just didn't get to do anything.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #57 on: April 22, 2002, 09:28:25 AM »
But here's the deal, and I say this from experience- you can join the CM or CT corps, or possibly generate a new group of your own to test an area arena of someone else's design. In this way you have the opportunity to make exactly what you want to happen. You may find you have limitations (I sure did, and had no idea how limited CMs really are!) but you will be able to get some good done.

I am no programmer either, and I was able to serve a stint as a CM. I was able to influence scenarios by being on the Scenario Corps. This isn't a brag, it is the other side of the coin you need to see for yourself. Honestly, I think everyone should take a shot at leadership- it sure brings home exactly what these guys have to go through, and brings a better understanding of what can and can't be controlled by the player.

I really do suggest you start a new group- call it AA for "Area Arena" (you might even get some FDBs in there by mistake). You have support for your idea, and I'm sure someone can make a map. In my experience, it isn't that hard to get people to pitch in, it's the spearhead for the group that is difficult to find. Who knows, maybe it will take off gangbusters and replace the MA, maybe it won't, that's the risk. One thing is for sure, if you are serious about the idea and really want to see it happen you need to step out and take the risk. Your ideas will be held favorably by some, ridiculed by others, but you can be sure there will be many that appreciate any effort you put forth- I sure will.

Sure, criticism is helpful when constructively given. Too often the criticism offered by the AH community towards volunteer efforts is caustic. Taking Nuttz's example above as an example is exactly what I'm talking about. You get enough of that kind of smack, who wouldn't ask himself, "I've spent hours of my free time building this and this is all I hear from people?!" I'm sure Nuttz didn't build his maps to get a pat on the back; on the other hand, he sure didn't build it to get insulted, either. Poof, volunteer gone.

Offline hblair

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« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2002, 09:41:07 AM »
"no puter skillz" is not really a valid excuse laz. Would be easy if "I'm too stupid" was a valid excuse, but most of the time it's not. I knew nothing about PC's 5 years ago myself, but instead of pleading "stupid" I just figured it out on my own. You can too. Try harder, you can do it.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #59 on: April 22, 2002, 03:11:23 PM »
point taken kieran but... I have no interest in leadership or hard work.  I also don't care about hard work only results.   nuttz did a lot of hard work and had great results.   others have done a lot of hard work and welll.....  destroying steel ball bearings with a rubber hammer is a lot of work but hardly worthy of praise.

I also have said more times than I can count that I don't think seperate arenas work.   An area concept is simply a way to (IMO) improve an existing arena that is lacking the ability to use a large percentage of the planeset.  

anyway.... nuttz is talented..  too bad it turned out this way.