Author Topic: Why this game sucks as of late  (Read 2633 times)


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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2001, 01:58:00 PM »
well.... I gotta admit, I do feel sorry for the rooks.   not so sorry that i would be a martyr and be one but sorry no nthe less.  I don't think radar should ever be down completly.   I don't think fighter hangers should affect fighters taking off.   You should be able to take off till the entire field is down.   those things might help.  But so long as you have feilds for strat....

Offline Ripsnort

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2001, 02:00:00 PM »
Originally posted by CavemanJ:
not that different from the players telling an entire country they can't fly at all for 45minutes.

Last night the nits either had the hangers at the last 3 (then 2) rook fields down or there were massive numbers of -1Cs floating over the field to vulch.  One field had a lancaster over it constantly, and they musta been timing the hangers cause only had about 15 seconds from the time they'd come up til they were flat again.

yup, was a helluva lotta fun being a rook last night.

Quit sending in "Goon Killers" and will make it diving P47 from 20k to the goon cannot be capped off by even the biggest AF.

One thing I've noticed, the Knits handle repressed numbers very well with very little whining...wish  I could say the same for *some*  of you.  Grow up, take it like a man.

Offline Wardog

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »
Numbers change every day, any of the 3 countries can be out numbered at any time.

So this means that some days your on defence and other days your on offence. As it should be. Change your tactics, learn to fly a defence fighter. Ive seen Mitsu come up a capped field in a Spit and get 11 kills. So he flys Spit for defence and anything else for offence. I use Typhoon for both and i still have fun.

Your relying far to much on radar. With this map just look at your border fields and that where the fight is.

Some of you guys for some odd reason think that during the war the numbers where allways even? huh?? Why?

I wouldnt mind a larger map with a 4th country added.

Dog out......

Offline milnko

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2001, 02:06:00 PM »
I'm all for upping the number of countries from 3 to say....6, yeah six, then we can be like the little bananna republics.

[Milenko wanders off in search of a colonel's uniform with really big shoulder tabs, and a peaked hat]

Offline hblair

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2001, 02:07:00 PM »
For the record, I fly for the rooks, and all I gotta say is..

Bring it ya Beeyatches!

balance smalance. I gave up on balance a while back.

This last TOD, most of the supposed LW squads went knight for a *United Luftwaffe*. Well, we stayed rook, as I remember in the war, the LW was outnumbered, so, we are the Real Luftwaffe!!

Bring it!

(too much coffee this morning)

Offline Mox

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2001, 02:07:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
Ebb and flow...and we all get a turn in the bucket.

Mox, I missed your post here when Knits had no dar for 3 consective days in a row last month...where were you then bud?  

Rip, I took about a 3month break from AH (paying for my account the entire time, like a good pilot).  I can't comment on what happened while I was AWOL.

I knew you'd throw out that "bucket phrase" soon as I posted .  

There doesn't have to be a bucket if some checks and balances are added, that' my point.

Load balancing... it's not that hard.  If the HiTech crew can design this great sim then I'm sure they can add a simple load balancing routine.

Is it getting warm in here?  


Offline MiG Eater

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2001, 02:08:00 PM »
In a strategic sense, a country's resources would be used up a lot faster with more people flying.  As Superfly says, you can't really dictate which country you are able to fly for.  It is most frustrating when there are no bases to fly after losing all hangers.  I propose a stategic solution.  When the numbers get extremely biased for one side (to the point where another side can't fly), create a requirement that bases must be resupplied with manned cargo C-47's.  This would at least slow down a blitzkrieg-type attack where every base in sight is overrun especially when radar is down.


Offline Ripsnort

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2001, 02:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by hblair:
For the record, I fly for the rooks, and all I gotta say is..

Bring it ya Beeyatches!

balance smalance. I gave up on balance a while back.

This last TOD, most of the supposed LW squads went knight for a *United Luftwaffe*. Well, we stayed rook, as I remember in the war, the LW was outnumbered, so, we are the Real Luftwaffe!!

Bring it!

(too much coffee this morning)

Now THAT's the spirit!  I can remember about 4 weeks ago, Knits down to 2 bases in the isles, for the 2nd consecutive day in a row,without radar...some Knit guy that has since changed to bish, was saying "Lets all change Bish and let them win the war!"...I spoke up and said HELL  NO..KNITS NEVER QUIT!....guess what, 12 hours later we turned the tides around and got the first V1.05 reset in AH.  

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 03-12-2001).]

Offline CRASH

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2001, 02:18:00 PM »
I'd really like to see HT try a two country layout using bob terrain/map complete with channel for fleet and perk point multiplyer for flying the outnumbered side.



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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2001, 02:19:00 PM »

It's not fun to be gangbanged. I don't mind having a lot of targets but when it gets to the point of where no one will finish off a country, it's horrible. You knits who claim no one whined when you were in the bucket don't seem to remember too well. A few mentions were on the board, as well as some hurt feelings on chan. 1.

When it gets to be as bad as it has been, wouldn't it be more wise for the two countries battling over the carcass to fight each other? Who enjoys fighting an opponent who is already KOed?

(I agree partly with lazs' argument that fighting a non-perk with a perk plane is lame. Fighting a dying country for score is not as noble as going after the healthy one)

Well, we'll see how the rooks fare tomorrow night.  

edit- I too also would be interested in a two country layout. What is the argument against this? (as in, would anyone really care if there were only two sides)

[This message has been edited by Moose11 (edited 03-12-2001).]

Offline Cobra

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2001, 02:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
One thing I've noticed, the Knits handle repressed numbers very well with very little whining...wish  I could say the same for *some*  of you.  Grow up, take it like a man.

Actually Rip, that's not true.  The last time you guys were in the bucket, some of the loyal knits posted the exact same clipboard type post, and chirped about the gang-bang here and on Ch.1.

Having said that, the Musketeers actually like not having dar...its soo much more quiet  

Seriously, we are Rook and aren't complaining.   Hell we even took some bases yesterday.  We of course used our superior planning and flying abilities to achieve this against seemingly overwhelming odds :P So bring it on vulch boys....hehe!

Now, since I find myself in the Dora so much lately, can any of you Waffle types tell me how to get rid of this rash the leather panties are giving me!


Offline Apache

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
How would 2 sides fix the population difference? Same thing would happen. Thats been done elsewhere as well. Didn't work.

Someone earlier mentioned a strat balance. That might be the way to go, but limiting sides and locking sides won't, IMHO.

Cavemanj, have you forgotten your time as a knight during beta so soon? Knights are no different than anyone else when the horde mentality takes over. You of all people should know that.

[This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-12-2001).]

Offline Pongo

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2001, 02:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
Quit sending in "Goon Killers" and will make it diving P47 from 20k to the goon cannot be capped off by even the biggest AF.

One thing I've noticed, the Knits handle repressed numbers very well with very little whining...wish  I could say the same for *some*  of you.  Grow up, take it like a man.

I wish that the host kept stats so that we could see the ebb and flow of the sides and see how often one side gets it vs others. Baring that I wish people would take pride in skill that they and their side shows and not in how many young rooks change sides to join MAW units swelling the ranks of knightdom never to return.

One day Pyro will accept that 3 is a crowd. Until then make the knights fly I16s. It has an open cockpit for people with giganta head syndrome and should be perfect.

Offline Dago

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2001, 02:40:00 PM »
The biggest problem with this game right now is the prevalance of WHINERS.  Sheesh.

Unbalanced sides happens.  Get over it.  And guess what?  It goes around.  There are times when Knights are low, and certainly times when Bishes have been the low number.  It goes in cycles.

I have logged on to find the country I was flying for way down on numbers and fields.
It happens to everyone at some time.  I just never saw the need to whine about it. I knew it would change at some point.

It did, and it always has.

BTW, a 2 sided war wouldnt change squat, there would be plenty, and possibly more times that one side would overwhelm the other side.  This would be hopeless without a third country to keep an attack going on a second front, diverting resources.  

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Westy

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2001, 02:56:00 PM »
 Hee he he he. Two sided war. <shakes head sadly>  Given the herd mentality of so many online players how can anyone conceivably think a  2 sided arena would be anything good?.

 It'll be a perpetual 150vs50.  Don't bother naming the sides as the numbers will toggle back and forth, 150/50 to 50/150 etce etc, every four hours.
 Well, when they put in the RPS and it's Jet Day, with the ME-262 it'll be 189 to 11 sides.
