Author Topic: Why this game sucks as of late  (Read 2635 times)


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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2001, 05:14:00 PM »
Originally posted by airspro:

Maybe I am wrong but it looks that way to me . Looks like they are always in the numbers as they are making the biggest imbalance happen in the game .

You are.

Offline Virage

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2001, 05:34:00 PM »
Comments like "...its just your turn in the bucket" and "...there will alway be a gangbang, stop whining" are justifications of those on the top of the dogpile.

Most 2 sided online games balance themselves even without balancing limits.

This community does not have far to look to find a working solution.

Spend 1 evening in a team HTH arena to see how players even things out "on there own" in a 2 sided fight.  


Offline Pongo

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2001, 05:49:00 PM »
Bluedog, think about it. You went from a country that often struggles to get 10(1/4 of our pilots) guys together to take a field to one that can put 50 guys at a field. Bombers are intended to work in an airsuperiority enviroment. You are getting support cause you have rediculous numbers.


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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #48 on: March 12, 2001, 05:50:00 PM »
Gotta be honest about this one, I really felt bad for the Rooks last night and would have been highly irritated myself had I been one.  

One thing I did notice was throughout the entire episode, all I saw on the Knit radio buffer was things like "C'mon Lets get the Reset" with lots of peple asking what to do as opposed to TELLING people what to do.

Now, to make matter's worse and really piss some people off  , I remember one fine day last TOD while I WAS flying ROOK and we were VERY close to a Reset.  The problem was there were about 10 Chiefs to 2 Indians comparitively speaking and one of the other sides ended up with the reset.  Call it what you will, but just maybe maybe maybe if a certain few Rooks would agree to work together rather than pursue their own percieved "Better" agenda, then the Rooks wouldn't have a bucket to worry about.  

Just an observation, and either way, being Knit or Rook is still better than wearing the cloak of a dirty stinky Bish :P


Offline SKurj

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2001, 05:51:00 PM »

Larger maps.  3x the size of the current or more, 50 fields per team.  AW big pac was a map of this kinda size.  Even when numbers were out of balance, the battle fronts were large enough that a player could find a field to up from at any time, and could find a small fight.   Resets are much more uncommon, make the reset worth more if need be.
Sure the horde attacking the last 2 bases will still happen, but not twice in one day.. hell maybe not twice a week!  People logoff when they get in the bucket, people whine, people change sides.  With a larger map they won't have to as often.   The more people in the arena, the more people will be attracted to the arena, its dollars and sense.

BTW anyone else notice that there was no increase in MA #'s with 1.06 in comparison to 1.05...


Offline Dago

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2001, 06:04:00 PM »
I was rook last month, will be rook again soon.  Our squad rotates.  It has nothing to do with numbers.  Only the day of the month.

Unfortunately, it seems our squad is on the same rotation as another squad or two.

I think we hold off our rotation for one extra month so we can prevent a large group moving at once.  Maybe this will help.

I dont state anything because of what we are doing or facing, or being a knight right now, its just facts as I see it.  Side balances change, and whiners are whiners.  

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Virage

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2001, 06:08:00 PM »
A larger map would not solve the problem.  It would just take a little longer to cause a reset.  It would also have the adverse effect of "thining out" the MA.


Offline Swager

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2001, 06:08:00 PM »
All countries take their turn getting the "bang".  It just seems worse when you're at the receiving end.  Even though ya get killed alot the victories you get are exciting.  Killing 1, 2 or 3 bad guys while you are outnumbered and out gunned is something to be proud of.  Look to overcome the diversity and trimuph over the gangbanging hordes.

Have a nice day and enjoy for it is a virtual device for entertainment!!  Nothing less, nothing more.


On Leave 3./JG2~Richthofen~[/i]

"Enjoy yourselves now... for I'll be back"
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline StSanta

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2001, 06:22:00 PM »
What Swager said.

Must say I feel for the rooks; being constantly without dar is no fun at all.

But, been there myself, and going there again.Next month squads rotate and number change.

Not long ago, the term "Bishrook" was coined because of the constant (and verifiable by stats) banging of the knights. We were fighting two fronts, sometimes with equal numbers, sometimes with less, sometimes with more. And our HQ paid the price.

As Rip said, do not surrender. Duke it out and it is quite possible that the tide will turn.

One of the problems is this map - because the center is water, the fronts are restricted fo only a few bases on each side. But it's still way better than the cv one. I personally liked the one before the cv one very much, but it ain't coming back because of those ships.

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

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Offline Thunder

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2001, 06:24:00 PM »

I fly Bishop and in a P-51 only squadron. I have been here since Day 1 as many of you have. I do feel however that the ROOKS post here are not WHINES but reality as of late. I have watched the other two countries NOT put them out of there misery and reset quickly. Sometimes this is taking a day or so with them just down to a couple of bases. THIS ISN'T FUN FOR ANY COUNTRY IF IT HAPPENS OVER AND OVER.

I think this may be because of land grabs amoung the remining squads so they can win the war. I notice Kights and Bishops fighting each other over ROOK bases and fights between Bishops and Knights at other field for the supremicy for the win. This ended up in ROOKS coming in to the game and not wanting to get the lunch handed to them and leaving. Or ROOKS (rightfully) being upset because the not only didn't have numbers but the one country OWNED all the bases around there city HQ ammo barracks flak ..etc. and milkrunned it. Gentlemen everyone has there day in the barrel and I have been there many times myself. I never have made a post like this before for any other country. Think about it.. I don't see it as ROOK's a legitigate concern.  I see it as a gameplay issue. Thinking of a way to resolve it though... hmmmm

Aces High DickweedHBG:

Offline AKDejaVu

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
I was on when the numbers weren't too far off from what is shown above.  I was flying out of A50 fighting the two or three people that would occasionally head toward that base.  There were no more than 8 total people between 50 and the base south of it.

No matter what the numbers, there's always a fight to fit your mood.

Of course, when you're down to two bases, things get a little more complicated.  Just ask me how I know.



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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2001, 06:34:00 PM »
Boy, ya know this thing would actually hold a lil' water if you guys would post screenshots of who of the squads that rotated are online when these numbers are wildly mismatched.

You know, so you could say for certain whether it's the "large" squads rotating or not.

I've been in situations like that, and my squad rotates. All of my squad has been in this situation. I think every country has.

Talk about a hissy fit.
Grab your panties, unwedge them from your bellybutton then take 'em off and climb into some boxers or briefs and get some damn jeans on instead of wearing those skirts.

Offline SKurj

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2001, 06:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by Virage:
A larger map would not solve the problem.  It would just take a little longer to cause a reset.  It would also have the adverse effect of "thining out" the MA.

Virage, its already proven to work, and the MA could use some thinning out.  The swarm still congeals together, just those that don't wish to be assimilated have the opportunity to stay remote.


Offline Fishu

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2001, 06:42:00 PM »
I don't know why theres 3-counry and not 2 or 4 countries...
but theres one side missing or too much.

Though, I would probably prefer 4-country war, since that wouldn't cause one big mass furball in the middle (tried & true - Dawn of Aces, part I: early beta)
I liked 4-country back in WarBirds.. though, people also had brain unit installed back then.

Offline pzvg

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Why this game sucks as of late
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2001, 06:43:00 PM »
"A larger map would not solve the problem, it would just take longer to get the reset"
And this is bad? Ah I see, this isn't a numbers whine, it's an anti-tactical Whine.
(No it's not called strat, there's nothing strategic about what goes on)
Admit it you just want your unkillable bases to launch your 24-7-between-the-fields furball.
Restrict the option to join the side I've been on since I started? Yeah, I guess $30 a month could be spent elsewhere.

Oh and one more item, To those of you screaming about fair play and "honor" go play DOA, chivalry died during the First  World War.
You might not like a 5-vee-1 fight when you're the 1, but I really don't hear any objections when you're the 5.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"