total Object count "was" 5302.
this is ok, the max. limit allowed is 10,000.
When ever I try to add HQ, City, Factory to the Knight side... the TE locks (not responding)
You mean if you run the editor right now and then try to place just 1 Country Group ( like the headquarters - StHdq-S ) the editor freezes? or are you placing several Country Group stuff.
Have you tried just placing 1 Country Group and then hit save. Then place another 1 and hit save, etc... etc..
Have you used any other AirFields or Vehicle Fields than the Standard like AFLrg-S, AFMed-S, AFSml-S, VMed-S
The following fields have errors ( bugs ).
I have fixed them but I have nevered placed them in a terrain map.
Have you ever opened up your .oba file with notepad or wordpad. With the number of Fields you have, open it with wordpad and look at the lines that start with "C0", the next number after the "0" should never be higher than 3 because there are only 3 Countries ( 1, 2 & 3 )