Author Topic: HT talks 4XBuffs  (Read 2189 times)

Offline Dead Man Flying

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #90 on: May 17, 2002, 11:56:26 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
So would you be ok with such an FM change? You would not complain and ask it be changed?

What does this have to do with my original point?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline CptTrips

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #91 on: May 17, 2002, 11:59:44 PM »
>I take ht word for it that buff guns are ballistically correct.
>Whats "unrealistic" is the fact that buff guns hit and kill pretty
>regularly at long range.

I've come to the following conclusions:

1.  Bullet dispersion on the buff guns appears to be correct.
2.  Effective range of the buff bullets appear to be correct.

I'm convinced that the problem lies in the unnatural stability of the buff gun sights.  I was watching something on the history channel today and they were showing b17 footage.  That gunner was jiggling on the end of that .50 like he had hold of a jack-hammer.  

Take off in a pony and zoom into the gun sight and fire away.  The site picture jiggles all over the place.  The buff guns (even turrets)should do no less.  Any gun controlled by hand should shake a fair bit more still.  

Without the proper vibration, the buff gunner can zoom in at maximum magnification and track a target at 1.5k with butter smooth computer controlled precision.   That give him enough advantage that it appear the effective range is too far.  

Its not the ballistics.  Its the unrealistically stable sight picture.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Karnak

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #92 on: May 18, 2002, 12:05:25 AM »
Leviathn is pointing out, correctly, that regardless of whether or not the bomber flight models are correct in AH, they are easy to kill if you use the right tactics.

Trying to change the subject to make it look like he's advocating inaccurate fligh models is stupid, has nothing to do with the point and he never argued for inaccurate fligh models.  Flight model accuracy and changes are a whole different topic.
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Offline SKurj

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #93 on: May 18, 2002, 12:06:42 AM »
What Leviathan is saying, and I agree 1 billion percent with him is:

This is NOT ww2 and never will be...

Its a game.. each game piece can and can't do certain things, of which ALL can be countered in some manner.  

In this case... buffs have been in their current form for over a year...  if you haven't figured out a way to killem by now... mebbe you should not bother trying +)

You still pays your money, (as do the buff drivers) so obviously this is not a game stopping issue for you.  I've yet to see someone say "i quit cuz this ain't ww2 and buffs killme all the time..."

Anyways, if y'all paid attention to the map more there would never be a buff over 20k +)  we all know a buff under 10k is no match for any fighter do ya blame the buff driver for trying to find some parity by grabbin so high?

lets see...
all but the 234 and mebbe the ki67..

can't outrun any fighter at under 20k
can't outturn any fighter at under 20k
can't outclimb any fighter under 20k
can't outdive any fighter at any alt...
wound one crewmember you wound all aboard...
Once enemy has detected him, no matter the alt, odds are unless he has ALOT of escort he won't be rtb...

HEY!! now that I think of it... I can't remember any occasion where i couldn't shake a bomber of my 6...

deal with it ...


Offline CptTrips

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #94 on: May 18, 2002, 12:17:40 AM »
Well, I expect its soon to become much more of a problem if not fixed.

You combine butter smooth computer controlled precision gun sights able to nail fighters at 1000yrds with a 4 buff armada flying in perfect tight formation with external 360 deg view perfect SA and you've just created yourself a DeathStar (hence my earlier quip).

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline AKEagle+

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #95 on: May 18, 2002, 12:41:12 AM »
4 Buff formations controlled by one pilot? :)

Gonna have an impact on the MA for sure.

Good???  Bad???  Guess we'll find out :D


Offline Beefcake

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2002, 12:41:40 AM »
Deathstar was killed by a lone fighter and with one shot too.
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline Mino

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #97 on: May 18, 2002, 01:05:34 AM »
I hope the ackstar syndrome does not restart.  I can just picture waves of B-17's flying low over a capped base.  Acting as gunships with their only intent to shoot down enemy fighters.

Can you say "Porcupine Quill's"?

Offline Hooligan

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #98 on: May 18, 2002, 01:24:00 AM »

b17 armour did not stop 13mm or even 7.9mm's from going in one end and out the other.

What?  5 minutes ago you were claiming that B-17s didn't have any armor and now you are an expert on how well that armor resists German projectiles?


Offline WarChild

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #99 on: May 18, 2002, 01:37:26 AM »
Almost to three pages.. .CONTINUE THE BLIND SPECULATION boyz!

How long can they let this thread go?

Offline -ammo-

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #100 on: May 18, 2002, 01:54:55 AM »
number 100:)
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline Virage

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #101 on: May 18, 2002, 04:11:05 AM »
Things won't be all roses in Buffdom.

4 dot formation will scream "kill me" on radar.  

Bomb dispersion may take away only sure defense,  Altitude.

Single bombers will be less effective.

Nice big friendly bomber where ur clear six shot used to be.

4XBuffs in formation probably wont be able to do more damage to a field than 2 Buffs can now.  

On the other hand, Cities and Towns are in for a world of hurt.


Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #102 on: May 18, 2002, 04:27:41 AM »
Leviathn give us fools your expert opinnion on how to effectively attack a 27k B17 in any given plane.. You make it sound so easy.

So, you're left in a situation where you:

a) Are maybe 30mph faster than he is, one missed bounce means spending 20 minutes on getting to another position.

b) Climb as slow as the buff, if the buff has no load he's sometimes even faster.

c) Lose E and stall if you try to match his turn radius where he retains E and actually extends doing the turn. Happened to me at 27k B26 vs 262 - B26 extended away from 400mph 262 if I tried to turn after it from low 6 position (clear from gunners.)

d) Can only shoot forward while he can shoot you while manouvering from back.

e) Your .50 ammo won't kill the gunners even if they directly hit the turrets/positions, takes several CANNON shots to do that. This is one part which I'm sure resembles chute model. Ever noticed how ridicoulously tough chutes can be? They take 3-4 hits from 37mm field gun to die. Same seems to apply on gunners.

If the B17 was untouchable over 25k in reality also, I wonder why the hell the stupid allied command didn't command them to climb that high routinely to avoid losses. Sure the bombing accuracy would be hurt but OTOH there would be no losses. Not to mention not needing escort fighters, they couldn't keep up with the b17s that high anyway lol.

I know the answer: They couldn't.

But this is a game, share your knowledge on how to defeat the buffs in this situation.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2002, 04:41:37 AM by MrRiplEy[H] »
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Offline Esme

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #103 on: May 18, 2002, 05:41:08 AM »
Havent had time to read the entire thread (life is short!) but...

In real life, bombers never flew at maximum throttle for very long.  Something like maximum throttle to get airborne, then 90-95% power for climbout to cruising altitude, build up speed, cut back throttle to maybe 80-85% power... on lengthy flights, keep cutting power back to maintain a constant airspeed as the weight of fuel burnt affects the performance of the plane.. drop bombs, cut throttle back even further due to sudden large drop in weight and consequent jump in performace...

How often do you see people fly bombers like that in AH?

If you're wondering WHY they flew like that in WW2, the answer is that

(a) real engines sieze up if you run them too hard for too long

(b) most raids were planned to fairly tight schedules - if you think about the daylight raids on Germany, the endurance of the escorting fighters had to be taken into consideration, and also flying to a schedule meant that "reception" fighters sent up hours after the raid started to see the returning bombers and their escorts, now very tired, safely home over the last leg of the trip, could be sure of where they would find their charges at the designated time.

(c) If you fly economically in terms of fuel use, you need to carry less fuel, and that  means you can fly faster and higher than you would otherwise on the same settings.
Not to mention, of course, that you can't hold a formation together with everyone at full throttle. The flight leader HAS to be at a reduced throttle setting so that the rest of the formation has sufficient power in hand to be able to maintain station.

If engine overheating were introduced into AH, bombers would fly at more realistic speeds and altitudes, rather than the silliness we see so often now, of them thumping along at full throttle from takeoff to end of flight. I mean - a Lancaster with 14,000lb bombload doing 300mph at over 27th feet?! I've done it myself in the MA, but it sure as heck wasnt flown like that in real life.

Comments about people blaming their poor attack technique on supposed over-toughness of bombers are spot on, IMO, as are those saying that bombers can't take as much damage as they ought to be able to, that defensive gunnery is too potent, and that point out that the extreme aerobatics possible when gunning for oneself are VERY unrealistic. The G-forces on the gunner would make aiming rather difficult for a start, as well as quite possibly distracting the gunner by making them feel ill.

Also, most planes had a set of "thou shalt nots" with regard to their handling. Here, you might be surprised to know that the standard evasive manouvre for RAF bombers, yes, even the 4-engined ones (flying at night) was a hard "corkscrew" to left followed by similar to right.  That is, nose down and hard left turn followed by nose up and hard right turn, leaving you roughly back on track, but hopefully now without a nightfighter on your tail.  Ive read somewhere of B17s doing similarly violent evasives when caught alone, but can't confirm that, however doing that kind of thing was an act of desperation, risking various damage to airframe and engines.

Then too... in real life, friendly collisions are always ON :-} So a formation of B17s wouldnt suddenly start gyrating when attacked, they'd stay level and in formation to give their gunners best chance of hitting their attackers, AND to avoid colliding with other planes in the formation. Also, in real life, pilots wee sent on missions, they didnt just grab a plane and wander over to enemy territory to see what they could get up to - and they would rtb if damaged or lost, or had some kind of equipment failure. And they really, REALLY did not want to die, and preferably not be captured. All of which made them tend to fly fairly directly along their routes, so they could navigate and get back home qicker.

In Aces High, I've yet to see a nice tight formation of B17s or suchlike (grnted I've not been in AH long though), so I cant comment on how effective their massed gunnery would be at defending them against attack.  I do know that when flying solo, if I DONT use the steering capabilities from the gunner position to the full, then chances are I'll be dead within seconds, even against an attack from astern, unless my attacker is a lousy shot.

So, my guess at what would make things better here would be

-model engine overheating (make sure that fighter engines arent as constrained as bomber engines, though)

- allow bombers to take more realistic levels of damage

- put constraints on how much G can be pulled and still have defensive guns shoot

-decrease the potency of defensive gunnery

- allow up to 2 gunners per bomber (if they actualy had 3+crew) to allow for defence against more than 1 attack at a time.

- have Otto as an observer, calling out when enemy planes get close, so that solo pilots get a chance to jump to their guns to defend themselves, OR introduce Otto gunners, but less accurate than most human gunners.

- if necessary, rework buff engine management to reward realistic engine management (your engines dont catch fire! Also fuel lasts longer so you dont need as much*) and penalise unrealistic engine management (your engines DO catch fire if run too fast for too long).  A "generic" solution to this would be fine - itd give OVERALL more realsim. There's other things more important than having engine control utterly as per real on a plane by plane basis even for a realism nut like me!

CO, Kampfgeschwader 2 "Holzhammer"
* Yes, I know, that kind of works now. I'd vote for exagerrating the effect slightly, to encourage more realistic flying practices, and have engine overheating affected by both MPs and RPM, so that buffs fly slower, but can fly considerably further on a given amount of fuel than they do now

(added in edit) Skurj.. Ju88s can out-dive Spit 1s and Hurricanes
« Last Edit: May 18, 2002, 05:50:38 AM by Esme »

Offline SKurj

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HT talks 4XBuffs
« Reply #104 on: May 18, 2002, 09:05:27 AM »

You are fighting an La7 on the deck in your 51, he has a slight E advantage and starts to run.

What do u do?
