Author Topic: Why they dont stay...  (Read 2552 times)

Offline Stiglr

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #90 on: September 08, 2000, 01:43:00 PM »
Minotaur, I hear what you're saying, but I can't agree with it.

To use your analogy of soccer or sports, I give you "Arena" soccer or Arena football. Yeah, sure, for beer & grins I suppose they're ok, but compared to the games they were bastardized from, they're really stupid. (Of course, ANY sport is "stupid" when you get down to it; maybe that's not a good analogy).

In our case, flight sims, either we strive for high fidelity or we don't. You cannot have a game "for the masses" and have high fidelity. You just can't. Because the lowest common denominator is always full of shortcuts, compromises and is of low quality. None of these has any place in a high-fidelity sim, sport, whatever.

This is why HTC and iEN, in their own ways, are struggling with these pricing issues. There are big economic forces forcing and pressuring certain decisions (they gotta pay the rent and gotta make money), but down that path lies Quakebirding, lower fidelity modelling, and becoming the very type of "game" that AH (or WB) is trying to be a better alternative than.

From my perch, you GOTTA have premium pricing (not gonna say where that pricepoint is, but it's higher than $9.95 a month, and $2/hour is really pushing the limits of what you can expect folks to pay), and you gotta stick to your guns, fidelity wise. And you gotta figure out how to make the niche profitable, because an AH or a WB is NEVER, EVER going to draw the same numbers as a FA or Quake. But, for sure, you can get a diehard audience that is much more dedicated than what you'll find on a Quake server.

Offline K-KEN

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #91 on: September 08, 2000, 04:06:00 PM »
Ya know, we all seek the same things.  Cheap is Good.  But the sale price usually results in "backorder" or "Out of stock". AH is a premium game/SIM, and we need to support it-no matter what.  Get friends in on it.  It will help.


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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2000, 04:22:00 PM »
Think About it How Many logger's log on Every Day or Every Month Get Canculator Add the Price 30xHow many User's hehe Get you Lot's of Money in your Pocket and it take's 30$only to make a Stupid B-17 and many other plane's 30$-How Many user=Total Stinking Rich

Offline Dingy

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #93 on: September 08, 2000, 04:23:00 PM »
DmdBT made a point that only about a third of the free trials are converted to full subscriptions.  His suggestion to reduce the cost to $10 ($9.95) wont make HTC any more money yet will have additional costs to HTC.

Heres how I see it:

If I triple the number of people who are paying subscribers yet decrease the revenue generated by 2/3'rds ($30 to $10) HTC isnt making any more money but they are now forced to either increase available bandwidth to support 3 times as many concurrent connection or leave bandwidth as it is and hope for the best.  

As it is, I see enough warps at peak times to claim my high and mighty role as premium subscriber and say, "F*ck the peons, if they cant afford it, leave em out!"

There are already enough mouths in the MA as it is, lets not make it affordable to those prepubescent, snot-nosed teen-punk, kEwLDoOd, pilot-wannabee's.




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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #94 on: September 08, 2000, 04:37:00 PM »
As you can see AH is only making 3 or two Plane's on Every UPDate That's not good Enuff Were is the B-24 that was made when the B-17 Came out ?

And Why is The Download Process Slow

<edit> don't use extraneous characters in your posts as it makes it unreadable for most people.  -Pyro

[This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 09-08-2000).]


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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #95 on: September 08, 2000, 07:35:00 PM »
Too anyone who thinks the amount you charge for a game determines the quality (define that, will ya) of the people in said game, you are F*CKED UP, probably racist and sexist too. You people make me sick...

The reason we have a more "mature" community is simple. A game like AH appeals to us more. Quakers couldn't sit in a buff with no action for 1/2 an hour. Is $30 an hour too much, yeah I think it is, but I'll pay it to support the best flight sim programmers ever, and hopefully when HTC is established financially, they'll lower it.

Offline Minotaur

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #96 on: September 08, 2000, 09:03:00 PM »

Thanks for the response, but sorry I did not read it.  

Somehow this thread grew to be 8 feet wide.  

The Wrecking Crew

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Offline ispar

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #97 on: September 08, 2000, 09:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322:

Yep it's worth 30 dollar a month but younger members will not have a creditcard unfortunally.

Yes, I have to say, as one of the "younger members" that this is frustrating when the product in question is so excellent. H2H can only go so far. In a way though, it isn't that bad; most of the "younger members" (why the quotes?) in this game, as in many, are idiots  . Sorry, just an observation that I've been forced to make.

Anyway, as for acredit card, if I ever decide to get one, will I use it to pay for AH? HELL YES!!!
AH would be the ONLY reason.


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"Er... how about just one then?"

Offline Tac

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Why they dont stay...
« Reply #98 on: September 08, 2000, 10:24:00 PM »
armor3=maximus? I get this weird feeling.. the stench is quite similar.

The way I see it is that there are much, much more people being kept out of AH because of its price tag than the previous mentioned "we charge $30 we get 1 person, we charge $10 we will get 3 instead of 1" train of thought.

I KNOW 12 people in my neighborhood that would be in AH. 12! And god knows how many other computer gamers in my college will sign up once my grades start to drop and they ask me why *G*   . Add that to the people THEY and my 12 neighbors know... its a chain reaction. Cost to accomodate the bandwith for new players... hmmm... well, they WILL have to do that ANYWAY if their plan IS to increase the player base eh? Ask yourselves how many people YOU personally can bring into AH. Count them up.