I have just finished flying with a noob that i've been helping tonight,
A nice polite, guy he had worked out how to send messages him self, and had politely asked on the country channel if somebody could please help him, not spammed it with 'how do i start my plane' etc
All went nice and smooth, taught him, how to use the vox, and tune radio to me so that everything was private.
Intructed him not to HO 110's as its a bad idea (he found that out himself LOL)
Then got my squad to tune radios to the same channel and we all flew together.
Please Let me get all noobs like this one.
Only prob is I cant get him on my teaching list, even though he had no other trainers? error message comes up in buffer?
any ideas?
Also a pop up window to show basic keys for radio etc available with a dot command that shows on thier FE, should be easy to implement.?
.instructions Noobie