Author Topic: WW2OL Revisited  (Read 6039 times)

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #390 on: September 26, 2002, 11:46:52 PM »
Understand, I still think you're a jerk, but I don't have the right to invite competitor's advertisement on this service, comprende? I realize this isn't your house and you don't really care about how much mud can be slung, 'specially since you can retreat to the cozy, protected cocoon that is the CRS BBS. Fact is, I was wrong to be party in any way to you bringing competitive material here.

Use some common sense.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #391 on: September 26, 2002, 11:47:00 PM »
Forget it SW.. now its more about who gets the last word in on this thread.  Would be kinda nice if it were someone from HTC followed immediately with a padlock.


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #392 on: September 26, 2002, 11:47:20 PM »
Well damn. Now you know why I didnt want to do it to begin with.
Contrary to belief I have been in forums for long enought to know the line to be drawn. I woulda pissed more ppl than you off, and that woulda been somethign I didn't want to do. Remember, be careful what you wish for..or dare someone to do.

The quote.... "It will take about 2 weeks" seems to sum it up.

I got into this 400 post monstrosity and Fishu and I were trying to ease out....


Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #393 on: September 26, 2002, 11:49:55 PM »
No hardcase.. you were never trying to ease out or this thread would have been over after about 50 posts.  You're trying to get the last word as if that has somehow become what this thread is all about.

But then... You'll probably post about how wrong I am here... or joke about how you just had to post again.  Afterall.. its everyone else that has the problems.


Offline Elfenwolf

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« Reply #394 on: September 26, 2002, 11:52:45 PM »
Voss will sue the next person who posts on this thread for "violation of T of S." I will sue the next person who posts on this thread for "cruel and unusual boredom."

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #395 on: September 27, 2002, 02:55:13 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1

So do us all a favor and take your BS posts back to the kiddy UBB you came from.

Mighty, after reading THIS I would suggest that nobody on the AH board ever talk about kiddy UBB's ever again :mad:

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #396 on: September 27, 2002, 03:16:41 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran

"My" opinion is that WWIIOL is crap in its current condition, for reasons too numerous and pervasive to enumerate to a person who really doesn't care to discuss or consider the points. It is an opinion that is shared by several people, including most members of this board apparently, and it is a view I am entitled to hold as 100% accurate for me. It is an opinion that is shared by more and more members of your service, too, judging by the posts on your BBS.

Geez, Keiran.. make up your mind will you?

"This time around I see a community that for the most part is beginning to understand more what a community should be like. There are some class people that make it worth hanging around, the play is much more stable, and all-in-all it is a pretty fun game...... The flight models are fine as they are now. There are things still missing, like damage (visible), component failure with damage is incomplete, and there are some key missing elements in air, sea, and land, but the game is fun. "

I suppose your opinion depends upon where you are posting, right Keiran?

diddlyin hypocrites :)

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #397 on: September 27, 2002, 06:27:01 AM »

Once and for all, whats so hard just coming and telling you don't like the game.
With all the effort you've used to argue, you could have wrote a page long post telling why don't you like it and people would have actually have better time reading than trying to find the bits and pieces of your opinion.

Currently I see this more of a useless argument than saying "I don't like it"

If you haven't noticed so far, I haven't called up anything when people hasn't been talking BS.

I don't refuse anyone to tell their dislike the game, but I don't either see one point in arguing.
Besides, aren't I also limiting then the WWIIOL 'fanbois' from saying they like the game and to defend it?
I pointed it to everyone... and now you take it as if I would have said it only to 'disliking' side in attempt to stop the dislike flood
So whats so unfair in this.

Get some common sense please, take a break and think if you, hardcase, me, wulfe, thrawn... etc. has had any real point in the talks of "disliking"/"liking" the game.
It's just a never ending merry-go-round of accusations, not anymore about stating whether you like or dislike the game.

Thats my view into it, I'm not trying to limit anything but the silly arguments. (read: the silly arguments... it means the silly ones only, not all of those.. if it's so hard to understand, as it has seemed to been for a few)

Although I should know better the american 'freedom of speech' praising, where common sense isn't allowed, just the invidual interests matters.

but fine, do whatever you wan't and forget the fact I was saying it to both sides, not just to dislikers "in attempt to limit them from stating their opinions"
Your constant accusations of me trying to limit people from STATING THEY DISLIKE the game has angried me.

In truth, I don't care a bit about CRS or WWIIOL. I washed my hands of that fiasco long ago

It is funny that people who don't care a bit, are one of the most dedicated in lenghtening totally unconstructive discussions which probably nobody will read from the begining to end and most likely will not even read the people saying what they like about the game.
People have been for a while way beyond the line of saying  they 'dislike/like' the game.

and now you're already getting into personal attacks only.. are you now perhaps using your american freedom of speech model to say "you dislike us" in a thread about WWIIOL?

Use some common sense

One whos using his american freedom of speech which lacks the common sense, is telling to use common sense..  here we go.
Your common sense tells you I was trying to limit people from saying they dislike the game, even when it would equally as well limit the ones liking the game.
Your common of sense tells all my efforts are hypocritical efforts to make the disliking side to shut up.
Your common sense makes it smarter for you to rather go in bits & pieces arguments rather than use constructive posts and let it be. (thats one wierd way to 'say' you dislike the game.. I would classify this argumentive way of 'saying' things as 'insisting')
...and so on forth.

Excuse me, thats not the 'common sense' I'm familiar with.

and yes, this is quite a bad post, because you, Kieran, pissed me off with your personal accusations and even worse, accused me biased even when I were trying to think of the common good and make a peace between the people in the thread.

I would have wanted to have the latest post as the last one or even better, had a nice post be my last one.
Too bad people using the common sense doesn't act sensible.
For a long time I've been in false impression of you being respectable and smart person.

So good bye.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2002, 06:33:39 AM by Fishu »

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #398 on: September 27, 2002, 07:16:17 AM »
Uh, Jekyll? You notice I am not there anymore? You don't suppose there is a reason why, do you? Like maybe it doesn't take long playing to see more and more stuff pop up? I kept scooping turds out of the swimming pool until I realized I was swimming in a septic tank. I think if you read what I posted on that board before I left you'd know better than to post that last line.

Back atcha. ;)

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #399 on: September 27, 2002, 08:31:46 AM »
I must have missed the Voss suing people thread. Wazzup with that?
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #400 on: September 27, 2002, 08:47:37 AM »
Jekyll I read that post and it's nothing like the WWIIO UBB.

Braz is one person who thinks Tardcase is lying as usual and expresses his opinon over it.

Hell I don't believe anything Tardcase says anymore either. It's like listening to Voss all over again.

We have SOME immature people on this UBB(yeah me included) but it's no where near as bad as the WWIIO UBB.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #401 on: September 27, 2002, 10:50:31 AM »
well, that's what I get for posting then waiting 20 hrs to come check.  120+ posts!

Hardcase.  Bias as in the bias as to which players to show and which to hide due to the 64 visible player limit.  Last time I tried the welcome back trial, the problem with enemy planes disappearing was still present.  At the time, I believe that wasn't on the list to be fixed.  However, it's about 8 months later, and I was wondering if that had ever been (or ever will be) addressed.

That has always been the #1 reason why I won't subscribe.  I want to fly 95% of the time, and I'm not paying "40 cents a day" to have enemy planes disappear on me over a battlefield.

Right now though, I don't have the time to play another game, however, in the future I'd be interested, IF that ever gets fixed.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #402 on: September 27, 2002, 11:50:37 AM »
When have I lied? Braz knew it was true, he just wanted to show his bellybutton and he did. Not a very pretty one either.

I was gone, but now someone thinks I lie. So, we begin again.

Keeping 64 things in your view..ambitious, not working correctly yet. Might not be an easy fix. Some may disappear when their conx go bad. Maybe CRS should stick with 32 max instead of reaching out.

BTW..are you saying you dont see ac disappear in AH? Does that mean you guys never have more than 32 ppl in view ever?


« Last Edit: September 27, 2002, 11:52:56 AM by hardcase »

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #403 on: September 27, 2002, 12:30:45 PM »
the 32 closest planes are rendered in detail (bias toward nme planes). The rest show as dots or outlines (if in range they have an icon which is 6k yards in ah) but you can track them. They never disappear and the way the bias works I have never had a con suddenly appear out of no where.

I had 150 ju88s in the Battle of britain campaign flying in 15 plane gruppen. Some gruppen were combined into 45 plane formations and were attacked by 18 or so hurricanes and escorted by 18 lw fighters. In the films and from my observation as a gunner on one of those ju88s there was np tracking and observing the enemy.

We did big week scenario I have screens shot where you can count  every b17 in a formation theres near 55 of umm.

In the ah sat cap events I was at a12 when 30-40 hurricanes took off from a12 not only were we able to track them but fight with no lag.

Theres no bugs in how it works either. There is no 32 plane limit in ah or any such limit.

I have seen the vanishing planes in wwiiol but it wasnt a problem for me.

Vulcan himself could tell you how planes observed uppin at a20 in the sat cap event. Heres his words (hes clearly exagerrating but the point is their were well over 32 or maybe even 64 enemy planes)

No, I was the insane P40 circling A20 and hiffing empty beer cans at the huns... twice. First time I ended up surrounded by about 8 or 9 109s, 2nd time I ended up diving through a huge gaggle of 110s, with two 109s chasing me like crazy. Or was it the other way round?

But I was also on Ch 2 telling the entire RAF that there was a large formation of 109s that had rtb'd, re-rolled, and re-fueled AND would arrive at A4 or A12 about the time respawning would occur. I then reported the big bellybutton mo fo respawning of about 500 110's just before I rolled in and shot half of em down... well mebbe a hundred... ahh ok two I think?

Try that in wwiiol and even your system will bog down.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #404 on: September 27, 2002, 12:46:08 PM »
I've never seen an enemy plane that's right in front of me disappear in AH.  I don't think I've ever seen any plane disappear in Aces High, even during the Big Week scenario when we attacked a huge buff stream.  Wotan can attest to this, I was in his squad for that scenario.  I was on Urchin's wing going in, and no plane in our forward view disappeared, at least not on my FE (front end).  Maybe Wotan and Urchin can say if it happened on their FE.

Now, to be fair, I don't think I've ever had 64 planes sitting on my screen in Aces High.  So I don't know how it'd happen in AH.  Think about it though.  Your field of view is what 45 degrees?  it's going to be extremely rare if 32 or 64 planes will be directly in that 45 deg FOV.

I have never been involved in a fight in WWIIOL that involved 64, or even 32 planes in one area, let alone my FOV.  I have been involved in fights that had way over 64 players (ground troops, vehicles and planes) in the area and FOV, so the game will have to drop some of them from my FE.  I'm ok with that, as it's necessary.  However, the issue comes from the bias on what stays on the screen.  The absolute last class of objects that should disappear when you're flying are enemy planes!  Especially the one 200 yards in front of you that you've got in your gunsight!  The sad part (and the deal breaker for me) is that other players know this and USE it.  Yep, I've latched onto the 6 of a plane and what does he do?  Dive for the town.  He knows as soon as he gets close to enough ground units (troops and/or tanks) he'll disappear from my screen and he also gets the chance to strafe any ground enemies he sees (because again, they'll still be on his screen).

My point is this.  Given a 64 (or 32) player visible limit on your screen at any given time and you're flying a plane, the only time an enemy plane should not be drawn is if it the 65th (or 33rd) plane on the screen, not if it is the 65th (or 33rd) player on the screen.  Under no circumstances (other than discos and if the plane hits an object) should the plane 200 yards in front of you disappear while you can still see friendly ground troops.

Yes, I've had planes disappear on me completely (icon and range circle lost as well) while still seeing friendly names on the ground.

In a plane, the bias should be this, in order of what should disappear first.
friendly troops
friendly vehicles (including boats)
enemy troops
friendly planes or enemy vehicles (can make an argument either way.  you need to see friendly planes to help them, you need to see enemy vehicles to strafe or bomb them)
enemy planes

See what I'm talking about now?
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.