Author Topic: re-thinking La7 use.  (Read 2921 times)

Offline Gman

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #90 on: October 06, 2002, 11:29:04 PM »
Thrila, that one literally put me on the floor.  I had to take 5 minutes to recover to be able to type and my face still aches from laughing.

Offline Turbot

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #91 on: October 07, 2002, 01:08:28 AM »
Originally posted by Fariz
The nature of VVS planes is that you start 70% of your fights from disadvantage.

To date I have yet to see any thug in the tower forcing someone to up against their will at any airfield.   Ergo I reject this 70% theory.  If you have been somehow forced into such a 70% practice Fariz, please let us know, because something really should be done.  If, on the otherhand, you are explaining how you feel about your personal flight choice - that is another matter :)

P.S. (I have not seen many La7, but I have warmly welcomed those I have encountered this tour:

 turbot has 4 kills and has been killed 0 times against the La-7.)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2002, 01:15:24 AM by Turbot »

Offline Creamo

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #92 on: October 07, 2002, 03:18:23 AM »
This indeed is hilarious. Can you imagine him bent over the keyboard all serious?

Companies have been started in less amount of effort. Lol.

Laz, that's the best tweak ever. No more time was ever wasted , to blabber about nothing, in rebuttle to you. Classic.


Poor Beetle, what a fool.

OK Lazs, the gloves are coming off.
Lazs, I don’t need to launch any personal attacks on you. By the time I’m done here, the facts will have provided all the material I need to expose you for the fraud that you are.

I would just like to quote some of the things you have said in this thread, so that I can reference them later.


The arena has become a lot more "timid" lately (you know who you are).
The More "timid" of the horde allow the suicide (is suicide typhie a bish initiation rite?) flyers to kill themselves first
I think that all you are doing is proving that you know nothing whatsoever about the plane. (the LA7)
You average about a 1.5/1 k/d over the last three tours and kill maybe 50 planes a tour...
beet1e... my math may be faulty but.... your k/d for the last three tours that have been completed is.... 2.56/1 1.30/1 and .66/1
Oh... and... When have you ever won even one fight on the BB with anyone? Mostly you end up backpeddling and apolodgizing.
I mean... you really don't know anything about the La7 and you would do poorly in it. The best La 7 pilots would kill you no matter what you are in..
So... what kind of fights do you like? Let's hear about the kind of fights you seek out and why the big bad La7 is such boogy man to you.
If someone in an La7 enters the kind of fights I like he will simply feel left out. He will not be much of a threat to me. I don't fear him like you do because I don't face him on his terms where he is art the advantage.
We know what kind of fights I like... So... what kind of fights do you like? Let's hear about the kind of fights you seek out and why the big bad La7 is such boogy man to you.


Well I’m going to have fun with this lot.  Look, Lazs, before we go any further, I want to introduce you to a new word in the English language. That word is ”substantiate”. It means providing evidence to corroborate what you say. I will need to use the word a lot in this post. Now I appreciate that you have a learning disability, and that your comprehension skills are not quite as one would wish, but if you learn nothing else today, at least learn the meaning of “substantiate”.

Just looking at points 1 and 2, I can’t help noticing how fond you are of using the word “timid”. You use it in other threads too. What are you saying here? Are you saying that players are not allowed to fly the way they want? Are you saying they must adhere to your protocol? In addition to wanting YOUR planes on YOUR map with the fields spaced the way YOU want, are you now saying that folks have got to fly the way YOU want so that YOU can “win” on YOUR terms? What exactly are you saying?

Your powers of comprehension seem to have abandoned you when you said:
 I think that all you are doing is proving that you know nothing whatsoever about the plane.

Lazs, I know enough of the LA7. I know that it’s one of the fastest prop planes in the game. I know it can run down a P51 or P47. I know it’s flown by many a dweeb, including yourself. What more do I need to know? I was killed only twice by an LA7 last tour, and I killed 17 of them – more than any other plane except the N1K2 – I got 22 of those. I have already said you wont see me in an LA7, so what else do you suggest I need to know about this plane?

Next, your mathematical skills and ability to search the stats page completely let you down:
 You average about a 1.5/1 k/d over the last three tours and kill maybe 50 planes a tour...

Total fabrication, and barefaced lies! Did you not read what I said above? Did you not know that in addition to fighter sorties, many of my missions are jabo sorties and that I score these as Attack sorties? Did you take the trouble to check the Attack sortie stats? No, you did not. You were too busy being an obnoxious smart arse. Please refer to the screen shot above. You accuse me of not knowing the first thing about the arena. Do you know the first thing about the scoring and stats system? Did you not read the part where I said I got 969 kills in the last three tours? Are you unable to comprehend? Do you disbelieve HTC? Do you disbelieve me?

 Oh... and... When have you ever won even one fight on the BB with anyone? Mostly you end up backpeddling and apolodgizing.

Lazs, it would serve your cause better if you could at least spell the words you use to assassinate my character. The correct spellings would have been “back-pedalling” and “apologizing”. I will allow US spelling, and I will also allow your inability to spell correctly, as this would require learning abilities, and powers of comprehension. But let us not digress too far. To return to your point, you are way off. I have posted well in excess of 400 posts on this board. I have apologised twice. Once to nopoop, for saying something unkind which was unwarranted, and once to yourself – same reason, because I couldn’t bear the thought of you crying yourself to sleep. I am not ashamed to apologise (UK spelling) when I’m wrong, so it’s no use trying to embarrass me. As to your statement, you are completely unable to substantiate what you said about my doing that “most of the time”.
 I mean... you really don't know anything about the La7 and you would do poorly in it. The best La 7 pilots would kill you no matter what you are in..

Oh no, not this again.  How many more times, Lazs? What do I have to do to convince you that I will not be flying the LAzs-7 any time soon, and that I have been killed fewer than four times by an LA7 in any of the last three tours? Where are all these LA7 wonder-pilots? I don’t seem to run into many, although I did have an interesting one-on-one fight with kyle not long ago. He performed very well against my F4U-1C, but not quite well enough, and I killed him. Was a good fight though. But most tours, I don’t see many LA7s that end up killing me, so I am unable to make sense of Quote #7.
 We know what kind of fights I like... So... what kind of fights do you like? Let's hear about the kind of fights you seek out and why the big bad La7 is such boogy man to you.

Ah yes, I see that it’s not just learning and comprehension that let you down. It’s reading as well! If you would refer to one of my posts above, you will see that I enjoy flying the P47 in historical re-enactments, as far as that is possible in the AH MA. I also enjoy fighting the war, thereby adding meaning to all the air to air skirmishes. I’m not interested in the futility-furball crap that keeps you occupied, or of counting kills per hour, as this is a totally unrealistic method of assessment, but we wont go into that.
 If someone in an La7 enters the kind of fights I like he will simply feel left out. He will not be much of a threat to me. I don't fear him like you do

Yet again, you assert that I “fear” the LA7. Yet again, I must ask you to substantiate what you say with FACTS. I have already done so – using figures that can be obtained from the scoreboard, were you to take the trouble to learn how to use it properly.

Well Lazs, you’re not looking so clever now, are you? It’s easy to slag people off when you don’t bother to provide the facts to back it up, but much harder to do that when you have to substantiate what you say. Your last post was like a LA7 dweeb scoring a vulch, and then running away. I understand you have had your BBS privileges suspended in the past, and the reason this happened becomes clearer by the day.

No, my reasons for this post are not to try to convince you of anything, as I don’t give a toss what you think. But I take exception to having you misrepresent my stats to the rest of the community, and then adding embellishments which are nothing short of a tissue of lies. I want the rest of the community to read what you have said, and what I have said, and check the facts for themselves. My main reason for posting here is to expose you as the self-centred, abusive, abrasive and devious lying toad that you are.

Goodnight, Lazs, and don’t wet the pillow on my account.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2002, 03:52:34 AM by Creamo »

Offline Fariz

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #93 on: October 07, 2002, 04:16:02 AM »
Originally posted by Turbot

To date I have yet to see any thug in the tower forcing someone to up against their will at any airfield.   Ergo I reject this 70% theory.  If you have been somehow forced into such a 70% practice Fariz, please let us know, because something really should be done.  If, on the otherhand, you are explaining how you feel about your personal flight choice - that is another matter :)

P.S. (I have not seen many La7, but I have warmly welcomed those I have encountered this tour:

 turbot has 4 kills and has been killed 0 times against the La-7.)

Turbot, you can chose it the way, when you will fight 100% of your fights in any plane from advantage, including c47. What I say is an average figures. When I get 109 and climb it to its normal start alt, which is around 12-15k, I see almost all VVS planes bellow me, not above me. When I get any VVS plane in a normal situation, I get it to operational alt of 10-12k, and majority of p51s and 190s go over my head, and bounce me. I can dive and escape, rejecting them fight when in la7, but I can't do it in la5 for example. And I do not even need other pilots accounts here, it is a simple logic of a plane performanses. If you have no enough expirience to understand it, get p51, go to 15k and count vvs planes which will bounce you, and which you will bounce. Good luck.

Offline wipass

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #94 on: October 07, 2002, 07:31:08 AM »
LA7's don't ever run from SBD's, they simply set up for another pass at them, fly to the strengths of your a/c, only a fool would try and fight an sbd by getting low and slow.

Laugh all you like when an LA7 "extends", he's not frightened, he's just getting ready to kill ya  :D


Offline hazed-

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #95 on: October 07, 2002, 07:44:50 AM »
Hmmm what i find utterly amusing is the amount of people who fly the La7 and 'claim' they suck in it and yet maintain a 2 to 1 death ratio even when they are using it for defence where just about any of the other SO CALLED uber rides would struggle to get off the ground!

The La7 is a simple plane.It has acceleration,tops speeds down low is highly manouverable climbs well and carries great armement.Its easy to use in a way where you can get 2 or 3 kills normally 4 or 5 before you are caught by base attackers.

For me the reason i dislike the la7 is due to the fact it can be both a BnZer and a turn and burner. its easy to switch from one mode to the next. it can hold its zoom well and is stable in the stall which affords easy shots in the rope.

Its too easy/boring to just be able to do whatever you ask of an aircraft after too long in a plane.

now if these guys flew something that had a drawback like a slow speed or poor guns etc and the STILL got those kills then id say they were good pilots. Otherwise if you are an old hand in AH and youre flying it your just being lazy (or greedy :))

At least with the so called uber 190d9 or P51D you are limited in what you can ask of order to survive and win sometimes you are forced to perform good ACM to trick your oponnt and win.In La7s you can outturn most if not just out run them turn and boom em. LAZY I SAY :D

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #96 on: October 07, 2002, 08:23:33 AM »
beetle... hit "scores" and then "pilot scores".   You may then enter "beet1e".... You will see that, overall, said pilot averages less thatn 1.5/1 K/D for the last 3-4 tours.  dress it up any way you like but.... you suck.

you will also note that said pilot has never flown a La7 so knows nothing about how to fly it.  

a death is a death... hide behind jabo or whatever but you died.   I know those suicide tiffies I kill are dying.   I want there and your timid scores to reflect it.  

also note that for the last year my total La7 sorties are... what?   less than a dozen?  less than what?  1/10th of one percent of my total?  

also note... that timid was a mere observation and is "substantiated" by your pitiful kills/per hour stats.

also note that beet1e spells better than lazs, creamo or the poopster.   In his case tho... it just makes him seem prissy and effeminate.

beetle... I hated to rip you to sreds and make you look totaly folish and prove that you are both insane and untruthful but.... What choice did I have?   you forced me against my normal good nature.

as the limey's say.... There you have it.

lazs7 er... Lazs (hope I don't forget my password 5 more times)
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Offline Rude

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #97 on: October 07, 2002, 09:07:31 AM »
I score Lazs's "you suck" as much more refeshing and effective versus Beetles long winded 1000 word, I've said nothing post.

Offline beet1e

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #98 on: October 07, 2002, 09:58:01 AM »
Lazs - hit stats. You may then enter "beet1e".... For tour 32, you will see 328 kills, 98 deaths - a k/d of better than 3.28 to one.

Now, because this includes ALL plane types, gun positions, PT Boats, Tanks etc - you need now to hit the "kills in" and "died in" links to display k/d stats for all plane types. And there you will see the following:
  • F4U-1c 63k, 15d = 4.2/1.
  • P47D30 33k, 9d = 3.66/1 (jabo is so risky!)
  • P47D25 33k, 2d = 16˝/1. (ah that's better)
Is this the microcosm you spoke of? OK, well lets continue...
  • Spit ix 9k, 3d = 3/1.
  • 190A5 13k, 7d = almost 2/1, but not quite :)
I do believe, Lazs, that you will have to concede that you were wrong when you said
and kill maybe 50 planes a tour...
you will also note that said pilot has never flown a La7 so knows nothing about how to fly it.
I don't need to know how to fly it. I know how to kill it, and that's fine for me! :D

If you would now click Kills of and Killed by, you can view my LA7 stats. killed 17, killed by 2. Which is what I said all long. :D:D

If you're saying that the two versions of the scoreboard are at odds with eachother, complain to HTC. You're good at that. And don't think that you can score a victory over me by posting crap, as lies don't count. .
you forced me against my normal good nature.
LOL!!!  I take it you were having an "abnormal" day when you got banned from this BBS? :D:D

Rude! "You suck" - the height of sarcasm and wit? :rolleyes: I think it scores zero for originality, whereas I focussed on FACTS. Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I hope this one was sufficiently breef for you to read.

I leave you with a short film - hardly Oscar material - of another moment when I "feared" an LA7 - LOL!

Offline Dead Man Flying

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #99 on: October 07, 2002, 10:07:15 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
I leave you with a short film - hardly Oscar material - of another moment when I "feared" an LA7 - LOL!

No offense, but posting films of you swooping in to blast some total newbie's La7 away with an F4U-1C isn't really helping your case.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Urchin

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #100 on: October 07, 2002, 10:37:38 AM »
Damn, thats the only way I kill em to..  I don't suck too, do I?  Guys...?

Offline MWHUN

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #101 on: October 07, 2002, 10:56:00 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2

a death is a death... hide behind jabo or whatever but you died.   I know those suicide tiffies I kill are dying.   I want there and your timid scores to reflect it.  


As an AH n00b I’m going to do my best to improve the image of the poor typhoon.  I blame the bishops fully for its bad reputation. :D

As far as the LA7—it is a dangerous little speedster that can pick with the best of them… :mad:  But that is part of the game—to each his own.

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #102 on: October 07, 2002, 11:05:24 AM »
No offense, but posting films of you swooping in to blast some total newbie's La7 away with an F4U-1C isn't really helping your case.
I agree, the film was not intended to show any prowess on my part. I actually followed the guy for a lot longer than shown, but had to trim the file to fit this board. Two points I was trying to make:
  • LA7 flown by noobs/tards/dweebs, which is what I said a long way up this thread, and
  • I'm not afraid to have a go. I don't "fear" them, as Lazs has repeatedly stated, amongst his other lies.
My "case" as you put it, was simply to expose Lazs. I had already done that before posting that film.

Offline Hornet

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #103 on: October 07, 2002, 11:28:23 AM »
we need more posts from Thrila...and probably less from some other people, but still a pretty good thread.

Offline Widewing

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #104 on: October 07, 2002, 12:56:18 PM »
Originally posted by wipass
LA7's don't ever run from SBD's, they simply set up for another pass at them, fly to the strengths of your a/c, only a fool would try and fight an sbd by getting low and slow.

Laugh all you like when an LA7 "extends", he's not frightened, he's just getting ready to kill ya  :D


To date, I've killed 4 La-7s with the SBD, and lost one to same (over two tours). Now, either we have a huge number of "fools", or there's something else in play. 1v1, the La-7 will probably never even get a guns solution on a skillfully flown SBD. It's like hunting a housefly with a sword. On the other hand, forcing an overshoot is easy. When the La-7 goes whistling by, it gets the old lead enema. Two or three doses of that and the La-7 pilot will be regretting his decision to engage.

Of course, the above assumes that the Lavochkin will have the tactical advantage at the outset. SBDs are dogs in the speed department. Therefore, it is essential to have enough altitude so that speed is available. Typically, when the enemy sees my SBD, they're looking up in disbelief. As often as not, the first real good look they get is at their leisure while suspended from a parachute. Remember the three basic rules: Altitude, speed and stealth. With all three of those in your pocket, any aircraft can dictate the terms of engagement.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.