Let me get this straight: I'm, like many of my generation, already over the race concept. I think its idiotic that we are still putting walls that should not be there. Minority is an idiotic concept.
And thats the same reason that "blackpeopleloveus" site I posted is made. They did it all tongue in cheek.
I dislike Jesse Jackson as much as I dislike the KKK
I think the term "Black community" is idiotic and racist.
I think America should already get over the political correctness or racism will persist.
When I joke around about my race in the BBS its always tongue in cheek, and the reactions like those of AirHead are to be expected, because they are people that just dont get it.
And I know when MT jokes around he is being as cynicaly comedic as I'm trying to be.
Oh well, at least I amuse myself and a small "minority" of tards like MT, Funked, and the idiots in my squad.
Ps: I feel more offended when I get offered minority treatment at colleges and institutions than when Creamo calls me spic or niggah.
One is trying to be PC and sensitive while unconsciously being condescending and truly racist, while the other is just a crackah tard just being playfully stupid.
One however is accepted and promoted while the other tabooed.
God bless America.