Author Topic: Firepower in Sabre's Burma set up.  (Read 1677 times)

Offline eskimo2

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Firepower in Sabre's Burma set up.
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2002, 06:17:49 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler
"..the Fragile Zero.."

ain't seen to many these, if any in this setup

flaming smoking, they fly just as well as zero damage for way to long

looking forward to next friday

The A6M-5 is one of my main MA rides, and has been for a long time.  I've been set on fire maybe 100 times in it.  Been able to ditch 2, maybe 3 times.  If you are low and slow in one when it catches on fire, you might be able to put it down before it blows.  My experience has shown, once a zero is on fire, its as good as dead.


Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2002, 06:35:13 PM »
Yeah, Brendo is a great wingman. (warbirds days were a blast with him ).

I had no kills and four assists that sortie...hmmm go figure!!

Here are a few of my problems;

1. Computer...I get lousy frame rates and "missed/not registering" hits at the required in close range needed to cause leathel damage. When I get a the required in close face full of fighter, my frame rate drops to about 9fps. Also, if there is a furball (5 or 6 planes), stratus clouds and/or puff ack, my frame rate drops to unplayable....etc etc etc.

2. Connections...I get a continuous spikes also causing unregistering hits. Been putting up with this for years. I live out in the boonies. I am lucky to have internet access.

These problems along with only having a limited supply of ammo in the Zero make for a night of nothing but assisted kills and fast RTBs.

Most of my kills are from non-snap shots, a couple vs a couple, sneaks...anything that takes little work for my computer.

Not that I do or even want to but flying in the MA is not good for these reasons. I stick to VHs in the MA much like I do in the CT. I get better game play with less frustrations. Hell, I really dont get upset when I get bombs droped on When ever I do hit a flying god it falls!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo to sum it up, I get kills when I fly in a low attendance, non furballing, clear day (puffy clouds ok for some reason), pretty good connection arena no matter what I fly....def not the MA is it?

I get shot down no matter what.... :rolleyes:

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2002, 06:48:39 PM »
Yes, but you have to get it burning first.:D

The Zekes in here dont seem to as fragile as they're made out to be in articles I've read.

BTW, have I missed a post from the "Allied Whine Mafia" lately?
just curious, seems like somebodys a little peeved with the Allies.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2002, 07:44:16 PM »
Wotan, I wont' say anything harsh since Skuzzy doesn't want us to make personal attacks, but I think your directing your feelings in the wrong direction.

"What I complain about is not that the rifle calibre and small mg are under modelled but that folks who fly allied planes fire and kill with ease at ranges that are far from real. Thats a built in gameplay concession for the allies. "

This comment is so blindly one-sided that I'll let it speak for itself.  This sort of comment only damages your credibilitym since it suggests a sinister motive where there is none.

On a different note~

Just in case you forgot (since you seem to have forgot), we the players don't choose CT setups.  So if there's a CT setup that's unbalanced in favor of the Allies (like a retarded subbing of a P51B for a P51A), then that's the STAFFERS fault.  Not "us allies", so perhaps you should have taken this up with your former fellow staffers instead of complaining about US...your players.  You of all people certainly had the ability to get things done, yet you'd rather sit and complain about the people who can't control it!  That accomplishes NOTHING.

BTW, in various CT setups I've flown for Axis more often than I have for Allied, so including me in "you Allies" is hardly accurate.   Besides, WW2 ended nearly 60 years ago and I am neither "allied" nor "axis"....I am a guy sitting in front of a computer.  In the CT I don't much care about which side is which.....I don't have any loyalty to imaginary countries in a computer game.  I really don't give a rat's arse who is pretending to be "allied" or "axis".   I think you take your imaginary service to "der fatherland" a bit too seriously--there is no reason to carry this persona outside of the online environment of AH.  

Calm down and think it over Wotan.  I've got nothing against you personally (in fact I think you're a good flier in AH and respect you as such), but this "blame game" really accomplishes nothing, and your anger is directed at the wrong people.

Oh, how did Jochen develop his JAVA charts?   since they don't match the HTC charts in some cases, did he test every airplane individually?   It'd be nice to know.


Offline brady

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« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2002, 09:37:18 PM »
J_A_B, you just called me a retard! now thats seams like a personal remark:)

  I am prety shure the Claud faught the P40 on a few ocashions, I am also shure that in the SW Pacifiv that the Primary apponent of the P40E was the A6M3, I was refering to the bigger picture in general, I know that Claudes did in fact fight in China and that the Burma map is a generalised background for that theater as well, so the gunpackage on that Zero is pretymuch bang on.

 Wotans frustration with the modeling of the 50cal and it's effect in the game is well founded imo, it extends to all kinds of thing's effective range vs aircraft armor defeating abailityes are widely exagerated, this is not so much a statement of a preceavied bias as a matter of fact. While I would be hard presed to beleave any of these are conciuos efforts by HTC their is a list as long as my arm of outa wack things that when looked at on the whole seam to point to what could be lossely termed and Allied(US) Bias.

 eskimo, is right, I have a ton of time in the MA in the Zero, over 300 kills on some tours in it, once it starts burning u nead to ditch asap, u dont have long to live.

 J_A_B I am sory you find fault with sabres choice for this set up I personaly think it well balanced given the tools we have to work with, apparently no matter of convincing no matter how well presented will convince you otherwise, that is your right m8t, hopefully you will find the next one more enjoyable, Buzz has an intersting one cooking maybe the Hellcat vs the Tony will be more to your liking.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2002, 10:56:37 PM »
Don't take this stuff too seriously Brady, this entire conversation will be meaningless a week from now  :)

No YOU aren't retarded, but you made a bad decision.  Hey, it happens.   Remember way back when they used Typhoons as beaufighters in Afrika Corps?  THAT was a bad idea heh heh.  

Oh, and as for's not the claim of some bugs/problems favoring the Allied planeset that I take exception's his suggestion that HTC made it that way as a deliberate effort against the Axis planeset.


Offline brady

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« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2002, 12:45:22 AM »
Well J_A_B, I am happy that you cleared up the fact that you think it was a bad deshion for the record I do not:), I do screw the pouch perodicaly though, the Freee F4U-4 in my kuriels rerun in the summer was not one of my brighter moments.:)

 I try and take all this very seriously, it is my job to build good set up's and I try and pay attention to that, I also try and be objective to all sources of input and give the proper weight to who and what are relavent.

Offline Sakai

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« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2002, 10:57:00 AM »
The Axis fighter set is woefully overmatched this set-up.

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2002, 11:47:28 AM »
Originally posted by Sakai
The Axis fighter set is woefully overmatched this set-up.


This is Sakai's well-known sarcasm.

I hope.

It's interesting to see how art follows life.  Regardless of whatever the stats may imply, one on one the P40B has been dogmeat.  So what happens?  The allies learn to fly together, and as a team the P40s do pretty well.

The Zeke v. Hurricane match seems fairly even, Zeke on top because of its climb, of course.  But until they model those open cockpit Japanese planes, I can't see any scenario in which the P40B will be competitive.

- oldman

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2002, 12:05:46 PM »
Jab please dont make up stuff and dont try to "read between the lines". No where did I say HT modeled any plane wrong or even any ballistics.

I have made plenty of posts about what I think of the planeset and the ballistic modelling. Do a search and read that for direct answers. I am not going to bother with quoting and re typing questions that are already answered.

Dont make stuff up to prove a point.

Oh, and as for's not the claim of some bugs/problems favoring the Allied planeset that I take exception's his suggestion that HTC made it that way as a deliberate effort against the Axis planeset.

I never said any of that.

Regardless of whether or not the ballistic model is correct the fact is that hispanos and 50 cals hit and kill at ranges beyond what was "normal" is rl.

Save your time posting the few anecdotal pilot stories about miracle kills at d800. They are about as credible as jugs bouncing bullets into the underside of a tank and killing it.

What I said was with 50 cals and hispanos, even the newest of the new guys, can spray and pray and kills. This is in effect a "built in gameplay advantage". Gameplay meaning that in the context of the game with range and ammo counters its relatively easy to zero in longer range shots. Any speculation you make beyond that is on you.

Dont tell me that the kill range for 50s and hispanos is not an advantage.

For a few to cry foul over the inclusion of the a6m2 in this set up or suggest that its unfair and that the allies need to p40e as an equalizer to the a6m2 is bogus. Especially when the allies in a lot of these setups enjoyed an even greater advantage with the subs it recieved. Even with those subs in some cases the allies cried for more.

BTW, in various CT setups I've flown for Axis more often than I have for Allied, so including me in "you Allies" is hardly accurate. Besides, WW2 ended nearly 60 years ago and I am neither "allied" nor "axis"....I am a guy sitting in front of a computer. In the CT I don't much care about which side is which.....I don't have any loyalty to imaginary countries in a computer game. I really don't give a rat's arse who is pretending to be "allied" or "axis". I think you take your imaginary service to "der fatherland" a bit too seriously--there is no reason to carry this persona outside of the online environment of AH.

All this is in your head. Again dont make stuff up. When I speak of allies and axis its into the context of this game. Any confusion you have about that is on you. All I fly is axis planes in Aces High. There are guys who only Allied planes in Aces High. You fly more allied planes then anything. You can include or exclude yourself in either as you wish.

In the context of Aces High its an obvious way to destinguish between two types of players based on planeset. Any advantage the axis side in regards to planeset substitutions in this ct set up is minor. Its far less then what the allied side has had in previous set ups.

The 20mm on the a6m2 while deadly in close is off set by the range of the 50 cal planes. Any performance advantage gained by the a6m2 is tempered by the fact the p40b is faster below 20k, its handling at high speed and its dive ability.

This set up is as balanced as any other.

Anything that you read into to this reply other then what is typed is on you.

As for your "temptation" to get "personal" if you read my replies they are clearly on the subject matter. If you take offense to being labeled an "axis" or "allied" player then simply exclude yourself. You can do that on your front end while being

a guy sitting in front of a computer

If any thing I typed doesnt apply to you, then dont apply it.

your imaginary service to "der fatherland" a bit too seriously--there is no reason to carry this persona outside of the online environment of AH.

If I were apply this statement to myself I may be inclined to believe you are making a veiled attempt to call me a Nazi. But since nothing in that quote is correct or could "apply" to me I have no reason to take offence.

Offline Sabre

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« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2002, 12:10:10 PM »
Everyone, take a moment to contemplate the fact that there are so many people on boths sides of this debate, then contemplate further the difficult task of deciding what to put in and what to leave out of a CT set up like this.  I do more than my share of PTO/CBI set ups, but even in late war ETO set ups the task is never simple and straight forward, and there are always cries of bias/unfairness/unhistorical/unbalanced/"e-all of the above."  Please just's a game, and no set up is going to please everyone.

We (the CT staff) discussed this set up.  Originally I considered putting the P-40E in, but our conscensus was that it would dominate the A6M2.  "Well, add the Ki-61," someone suggested.  "But that would unbalance it in favor of the IJN," it was pointed out, "and it's not historical." "Well, neither is the A6M," was the rejoinder.

In the end, I decided that the firepower on the Allied side would be balanced by the A6M's superior performance in other areas.  I wished to preserve something of the historical balance of the time and theater (working within the limited planeset), while not completely overburdening one side or the other.  K/D ratio's seem to indicate that the IJ are holding their own.  Arena numbers on the other hand have been rather lower than I expected (as Buzz's little poll indicated this was a popular set up).  Would adding the P-40E change that?  Probably not, as it would simply reduce the number of people flying IJ.  My opinion only of course.

I've flown both sides in this set up, and felt not terribly over-matched from a technological stand point.  Indeed, I've had some great fights.  Fortunately for those who find the planeset less than to their tastes, it only lasts for a week.

CT-Staff (and needing a vacation)
"The urge to save humanity almost always masks a desire to rule it."

Offline Sakai

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« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2002, 01:42:05 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
This is Sakai's well-known sarcasm.

Yes, it is, we aren't that overmatched.  Basically the Axis is hampered by me flying for them.  

In one on ones I have done quite well, usually getting killed through sloppiness.  The biggest issue has been face shooting and 3 on 1s.  The zeke does not face fight well, it is so poorly armored.  I think the greatest allied advantage is the capacity to handle well in dives.  They can dive away out of any fight.  The compressing, "Fat stick" phenom is problematic for Herr Rising Sun.  

But in one on ones, the P-40s and Hurris generally fold.

I do think range, rate of fire, and lethality is an issue only because the zeke's are so poorly armored.  I usually bore in for the fight regardless, but I think if a man chose his fights judiciously, you'd have your fair share of wins flying the zeke-a-matic.

I also wish the zeke had some more cannon ammo, all my kills have required too much of my lethality.  I can't imagine trying to kill TBMs in one.

Trying to talk the whole squad into coming up Tuesday, say 6-14 of us?  Hope to get us in there on a regular basis, on some night.

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2002, 03:20:48 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
The p40b was in burma we dont have a claud so we the zeke is a sub. Just like in tunisia where theres no early 51 or jug or p38 and the allies get late war subs.

Some historical background. There were no Claudes (A5M) deployed in Burma or China at the time the AVG was flying. Moreover, the AVG was not flying the P-40B either. Their aircraft was a hybrid, a cross between the Tomahawk IIA and the Tomahawk IIB, Some were later fitted with custom built Allisons (hand-built spares) that made about 20% more power than the standard engines used in all of the Curtiss H-81 series. The extra power resulted in many failures of the fragile planetary reduction gear. This was fixed with the P-40D/Kittyhawk Mk.I aircraft.

In Burma, the AVG faced the IJAAF, who were largely equiped with the Ki-27 Nate, but were re-equiping with the Ki-43. No Zeros were deployed to the theater either, although pre-production A6Ms were tested against the Chinese. In terms of speed and firepower, the Tomahawk badly outclassed the Ki-43, and was vastly superior to the obsolete Ki-27. All the AVG had to do was avoid turning fights, and there was little the Japanese fighters could do with them. Eventually, the AVG began to receive P-40Es as replacements, ferried in from the middle east.

AVG aircraft had no provision for external bombs or fuel tanks. This is because their aircraft, taken from a British contract for Tomahawk IIBs, were manufactured using left over fuel tanks and fuel system plumbing from the Tomahawk IIA/P-40B production runs. As a result, Curtiss designated these aircraft as H-81A3.  (H-81A2 being the standard Tomahawk IIB).

My regards,

« Last Edit: November 11, 2002, 04:30:20 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2002, 10:43:25 AM »
wow surprised I missed this axis sleeper whine post.  I cant believe someone could find something to whine about in this setup, but there it is!

A6M2 has 165 Kills of P-40B
P-40B has 142 Kills of A6M2

Hurricane Mk I has 123 Kills of A6M2
A6M2 has 164 Kills of Hurricane Mk I


now what could that mean about the guys complaining about allied planes in this setup?

Offline mauser

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« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2002, 11:03:26 AM »
I have flown both sides this setup, and the last time this setup came up also.  As long as you try to avoid flying to your aircraft's weakness you'll do fine on either side.  Hints for allies:  try to match alt of incoming zekes, but more importantly dive a bit to gain speed so that you are doing around 300 mph at the merge.  This gives you room to escape or do slashing attacks (take a shot - it might pay off, but don't linger too long).  Having buds around is essential.  Hint for axis:  You are faster than the hurricane and climb better than the P40.  On the merge, avoid the inevitable guns pass (I would do the same in the P40 in some situations.. so no HO this or HO that arguement here), and climb for reverse.  Maintain your E and you'll find the P40's below you... pick one, make a pass and get back up b/c the others will be attempting to get a few holes in you (doesn't take much).  You can fly less conservatively (yank the stick around) when buds are around.  

It would be interesting to try Ki-27 vs P40's.  As for the Ki-43, I can only get 3 kills before running out of cannon.  After that the armament is the same, albiet in a faster package.  
