Author Topic: "N. Korea claims nuke"  (Read 2903 times)

Offline straffo

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2002, 01:53:16 PM »
I bet that my uncle who luckily escaped warsaw was brainwashed by those capitalistic American pigs ...

Offline Boroda

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2002, 01:53:19 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Yes, it was forcefully invaded.  And don't give me that crap about being invited.

I know some Czech families that were in Prague during the Prague spring you twisted little commie.

Go revise history somewhere else.

we are talking about 1945.

unfortunately we couldn't afford Czechoslovakia joining nato in 1968, with B-52s circling our borders ready to drop 5 megaton presents.

Offline Boroda

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2002, 02:00:38 PM »
SW, still no answers. Hard to find facts? :D Or they dont comply with your distorted version of history?

JFYI: GDR was formed almost 2 months after Western allies declared Western Germany. We simply answered your agressive politics.

I kindly beg you to use the definition of occupation stated in international legislation.

As for brainwashing - remember the stream of roadkill in western press that was followed by agression agaunst souverign Yugoslavia in 1999.

Offline SOB

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2002, 02:05:06 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
Following this style of discussion I should call you a brainwashed idiot and offer you to keep drinking your pissy-cola.

Oooh, pissy-cola, I've never heard of that.  Is it cherry flavored cola?  I do so love cherry flavored cola!

Sorry Boroda, I gave up on having any adult discussion with you a while ago, as you've been hopelessly brainwashed into thinking the USSR was something it wasn't.  Communist Clown, your act is predictable but still amusing.  Please continue...


-edit-  and before ya spew it, don't think I have any grand illusion about the nobility of the United States and some of the things we have done in our short history.
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Saurdaukar

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2002, 02:14:58 PM »

I was rasied in the United States.  Here they taught us that you red bastards were simply evil and we, the white light at the end of the tunnel, were the only thing stopping you from world domination.

You were raised in the former CCCP.  There you were taught that us capitalist bastards were simply evil and you, the red light at the end of the tunnel, were the only thing stopping us from world domination.

That about sum it up?

Offline Kieran

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2002, 02:18:23 PM »
we are talking about 1945.

unfortunately we couldn't afford Czechoslovakia joining nato in 1968, with B-52s circling our borders ready to drop 5 megaton presents.

So which was it.... did your country forcefully invade Czechoslovakia or didn't it? You first said it didn't happen, now you say it did. I may have the mentality of a 3-year-old, but that one was pretty easy to spot.

In 1945 America occupied parts of Germany: true. And, as did Britain and France, helped rebuild the country, then turned autonomy back over to Germans. Of course you don't have to take my word for it, ask the Germans. I know our history books aren't to be trusted.

Then of course we could talk about Japan... after the 2nd atomic bomb, Japan tried to sue for peace by going through Russian channels. Big mistake- the Russians promptly declared war and invaded. Only the swift acceptance of unconditional surrender by the Americans and British kept the Russians from swallowing up a lot of the Japanese Islands. And like Germany, once the country was rebuilt it was handed back over to the Japanese people, and autonomy restored. Again, ask the Japanese, don't trust American history books.

Our hands may not be clean all over the world, but you can't even compare the America of 1945 to the despotic leadership of Stalinist Russia.

Offline Nash

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2002, 02:26:11 PM »
It does raise an interesting question....

What do you think if in 1950-1960, Canada's population decided to go hardcore Communist with the full support of the USSR and everything that goes allong with it (read: nukes and Russian military)?

Would the U.S. have let this happen or would they have invaded Canada to preempt this? If the US invaded, how would this be different than the USSR creating a buffer zone of it's own?

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2002, 02:33:32 PM »
You want answers? toejam, I thought you were just spouting Communist slogans like you've been doing since you started posting here...

"You American pigs are brainwashed and propogandized"

If I ain't listening, how could I have been brainwashed and/or propogandized?

If I didn't pay attention in school (btw, believe it or not... history books pay more attention to the space race than that "cold war") how could I have been indoctrined as you say I am?

Problem with you Boroda, is that anyone who has a viewpoint that opposes Mother Communist Russia's, then that person has been brainwashed and propogandized.

As for your government question... the US never forcefully imposed it's will or it's policies on any nation, liberated, occupied, or otherwise.

Nor did we keep our hands in their business for 30+ years...

If all of those nations were willfully Russia's, and indeed not forcefully invaded and occupied... why did they become independent with the fall of the Soviet Union?

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2002, 02:34:24 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
It does raise an interesting question....

What do you think if in 1950-1960, Canada's population decided to go hardcore Communist with the full support of the USSR and everything that goes allong with it (read: nukes and Russian military)?

Would the U.S. have let this happen or would they have invaded Canada to preempt this? If the US invaded, how would this be different than the USSR creating a buffer zone of it's own?

Did we invade Cuba?

Offline straffo

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2002, 02:52:26 PM »
from a technical/juridical stand point you are perhaps right Boroda

but from a ethical point you are compleltly wrong ...

to make my point clearer : the Nazi use the exact same trick to defend their act why do you rely on such a disgusting technique ?

I'm the first to say that french are far from perfect and made lot of error in the past and will likely do some in the future ...

What can't you say something like : we screwed ?

For exemple do you seriouly thaink that the chechen are the only guilty of the current situation in chechenia ?

Having studied a bit the Algerian war I see exact  same propaganda used by both side of the chechen war but almost 30 year later . ...

Offline Thrawn

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2002, 02:59:59 PM »
Nash, I think the US would have invaded in a second.

SWulfe, Canada is a tad bigger then Cuba.

Soviets could have used Canada as a lauching point for broad invasion into hte US.

Oh yeah, the US would have invaded.

Hell, I woulda.

Offline swoopy

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2002, 03:08:50 PM »
Oh those Berliners were delighted with their concrete '8th Wonder of the Modern World'. lol!

And when they were machine gunned trying to climb over said 'Monument to the Humanity of the USSR', the Soviets were protecting them from the decadence of the West?

shreck me, Boroda. Some of the stuff you've quoted in this thread is straight out of the party 'Top Ten Arguments for why the Party is Great' handbook of 1956.

Come on, take off the blinkers, man!

- Dowding

Offline Kieran

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2002, 03:22:34 PM »
It's like talking to a 3 year old... I quit.

One question: when did Texas and Italy join the United States?

Go buy yourself a map.

I am f$%king tired of people who say things like "Yugoslavia is a former Soviet republic" or "CzSSR means Czechoslovakian Soviet Socialist Republic".

Lessee... Texas applied for statehood in the mid 1800's. That's right, applied. Don't worry, there are plenty of records in the statehouse.

Oh? You mean, how did Texas become separate from Mexico? Mexico couldn't get enough settlers to go to Texas, so they offered free land to Anglos from the north. Soon there were more Anglos than they were comfortable with, and the Mexicans tried to wrest control of the situation. The first thing they tried to do was take away guns (are you listening, Beetle?). Big mistake. Texans rebelled, you have an independent country which then applied for statehood. Texas history in a nutshell.

Italy... what on earth are you talking about? Do you mean during WWII? Well, yeah... Italy had declared war on the US and its allies. You bet we hit the beach and "liberated" Italy. How long did the US stay in Italy after the war? I don't know what revisionist history book you are reading, but the US hasn't been in Italy for decades- what, 1946? 1947?

Offline Nash

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2002, 03:28:36 PM »
With the potential for Russian bombers about a 20 minute flight north of NYC and Washington, yeah, it's a pretty safe bet the US would not have allowed it to happen.

So... can we blame the USSR for not wanting their enemies right on their doorstep? It was a Cold War, afterall.

I think it's probably pretty easy to sit and judge this USSR's handling of the situation if you've had the luxury of not having had to deal with the strategic realities they had.

Offline swoopy

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"N. Korea claims nuke"
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2002, 03:38:18 PM »
Sure, Nash, but the US formed alliances with other nations in a league of self defence against Communist expansion. Without NATO, France, the UK would be communist. Against the will of the population.

We always wanted democracy. How many Hungarians, Eastern Germans, Yugoslavs etc could say the same about communism?