Author Topic: New trend in AH  (Read 296 times)

Offline popeye

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New trend in AH
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2002, 10:05:06 AM »
Heh.  I remember back in AWDOS, we used to prep fields on the Atoll, and escort the "enemy" goon in for a capture, just to even the playing field, and make better fights.

Them were the days....

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Fariz

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New trend in AH
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2002, 11:59:54 AM »
Originally posted by AtmkRstr
Server Dies.

New Map.

In fact, next time I get bored with the pizza I'll do that. Cheers.

In fact, if you will crash server by purpose, you will be kicked out of AH by HTC in matter of hours.

I do not like Pizza map strongly, but what I do when I see it I help bishops to win fast, so we get some other maps.


Offline Mw007

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New trend in AH
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2002, 02:32:41 PM »
I, myself being a ex-AWer, hardly experienced the down to 1 base capture and never-ending field vulch. I believe each country had 3 non killable bases, therefore giving options on which base to up. Also, with non killable bases, come non killable structures. Yes you could still straffe the ack, but your VH would not be able to be destroyed which if a huge vulchfest were to rear its beautif--err ugly head, you have defenses. I wouldnt want to try to vulch a field w/ a massload of GV's covering the runway, giving the opportunity for scramble fiters a chance to up.

Thats where the multiple fields as well as other countries come into play. Knowing that you cant capture the base will lead to some diversion to the other country that has bases left, in turn relieving the pressure of the country that is down to the uncapturable bases.

Only time there would be a reset is if the "weakend" country did not reclaim a base w/in a period of time...

Offline Grizzly

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New trend in AH
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2002, 03:35:13 PM »
Originally posted by brady
If all you want to do is furball in fighters then the no base capture thing might be good for you, however there are many other mission types it opens up, using Jabo's, bombers and GV's all become viable means with which to KILL and have fun with base capture. Base capture provides the imputious to fight, it as a vital component to the MA and to AH as the internet.

Well, I agree with you, Brady. Base capture is a valid objective and does provide something to fight over. But I don't recommend eliminating base capture, just not have it the main focus for the entire arena.

A person, very knowledgable in massive online game play, suggested that an advantage it had over offline games was it allowed the players to define the game, while offline games must include an objective and the means to achieve it. The former provides as much variety as the imagination can conceive, while the latter has a much narrow, static scope that players soon grow weary of. Jonathan "BB" Baron knows his stuff and HiTech is most familiar with this.

There are many alternatives to base capture. Some are:

Killing bases so they are unuseable for a half hour or so will provide pupose but affect game play for only a limited time.

A number of neutral bases, which none of the three countries own, that can only be captured by any country.

A limited number of bases that can be captured, distributed in several areas of the map, so that capture of some bases won't impact game play in other areas.

Allowing base capture as we now have but not awarding a win if a country grabs them all. The arena will reset when the number of bases available decrease to a set level.

Some have used Air Warrior as an example. I hesitate to do so knowing many here do not appreciate it. Certainly it was a different game managed by different people, but there may be some value for us there.

They felt that there must be no win-loss built into their game, rather this should be provided by the players. (They provided the game environment, and the players provided the game.)

They felt the players should gather in groups of like interests to enjoy the type of game play they preferred. Base capture would be one type, but it would not need to negatively impact the entire arena. Many types of game play could co-exist in a single arena to suite the many tastes of the players without isolating them. Players could easily move between these as they wished.

They felt that deprecation of the bases  would lead to unhappy customers. Players logging in for a night of enjoyable game play would be disappointed to find most of their bases lost or unuseable.

They tried many variations of arena design, including one similar to AH but without the reward for arena wide porkage. When they did allow base capture of the entire arena, they ran into problems much like we see here. So they backed off and made a number of bases non-capturable. I think nostalgia mostly favors the days of base killing with only neutral bases capturable.

Food for thought...

Offline BUG_EAF322

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New trend in AH
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2002, 03:44:33 PM »
I like the pizza map
side switchers are rutabagas
other maps are to small (unreal)

Offline GPreddy

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New trend in AH
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2002, 11:25:06 PM »
too bad if you dont like the bigger map the smaller ones make your pile of dweebs reset the map too damn fast
when the numbers are near a balance any map can be hard to reset so suffer you cry babies
I like pizza map and dont want to see the server reset everytime it comes around
skuzzy should lose his reset rights because he is misusing it

Offline anton

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« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2002, 02:45:07 PM »
Well its another new map but same ole chicken toejam tactics. The side with the best odds of resetting map swells in numbers while the other 2 battle it out to see who gets reset.  Sad but true.

 It was suggested that maybe this isnt the game for me. This may in fact be true. It seems that even though I am relatively young I have many of the  "old school" values like charatcre & honor, which as of late have been rare in the MA.  So if in fact the game continues to progress in a  sideswitchin  gangbangin landgrabbin no need or time for ACM manner,  then yes, count me out.

Offline brendo

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New trend in AH
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2002, 04:17:16 PM »
Hi Anton,

You last comment gave me a chuckle, as it reminded me of myself.

I like to fly online flight sims in a 'gentlemens' manner... and enjoy the simulated air combat for the fun of the fight and manouvours.

Some people want to explode every con and shoot chutes.

I get more fun putting on an airshow for a bailed pilot :cool:

But im sorry, over the last 4 years I have found that online players like me are outnumbered 20-1.

Just learn to live with it or else you will get bored.